V Rising has a variety of weapons and items that can be crafted when you reach a certain level or collect the required resources. Copper Ore is one of the early game requirements that can get you better weapons and other usable items. It can be obtained easily from all over the map and can be extracted from its ore.
There are several locations on the map where you can find it in huge quantities. In this guide, we are going to talk about how you can get Copper Ore and use it to craft some valuable items. Also, it’s an important material that you will need to upgrade your castle.
Best Location to Find Copper Ore

Copper Ore can be found all over the map in V Rising but in Farbane Woods it can be found in abundance. You will see Copper Ore, which can be identified as orange-colored rocks that has a pointed top.
Copper Ore spawns on the roadside as well as they are available to farm from the mines. The only best place to farm Copper Ore is Bandit Copper Mine. Here you can also get Copper Ingot loot which is usually crafted from Copper Ore. The mine is full of enemies and also some powerful bosses, make sure you gear up well when making your way into the Bandit Copper Mine.
As it is the early game resource the chances are you might not have a strong weapon. Copper can be mined using Reinforced Bone mace, the regular Bone Mace won’t be helpful as it does not give enough damage. To craft Reinforced Bone Mace you will need to have Workbench. It’s another early game structure so you can easily build it in your castle.
With your Reinforced Bone Mace make several hits on Copper Ore and you will eventually start collecting it in your inventory. Try to get as much Copper Ore as you can and when your inventory is full just head back to your castle and store it in chests.
Get back again to the spot and start collecting Copper Ore from a new node. It is not only required in crafting stronger weapons but also used in many other crafting recipes of different items.
Using Copper Ore in V Rising

Copper Ore becomes usable once you have converted it into Copper Ingots using Furnace. The Furnace can be crafted using 480x Stone and 60x Copper Ore. It will smelt Copper Ore into Copper Ingots. What you will need here is 20x Copper Ore to obtain 1x Copper Ingot.
Having enough amount of Copper Ingot by your side can help you in crafting much better equipment and weapons. These are essential to make progress in the game. Currently, you may be in the early stages but soon you will need to fight with powerful bosses to unlock new recipes and structures. And for this, you are going to need better and advanced weapons.
With that being said, we wrap up this guide. This covers all the important points related to Copper Ore in V Rising. It’s an early game resource but it is an essential item that you need to make progress. This can be a game-changing resource for you.
If you are struggling to beat the initial bosses of the game then I would recommend you to mine Copper Ore and use it to craft powerful weapons and other castle upgrades.
Hopefully, this guide will help you in getting your hands on Copper Ore.