Making progress in the vampiric world can be hard if you are somehow unable to collect the required resources. As you make progress and level up you will see that things are getting tough and even the required items are difficult to obtain. But, this is an essential part of the game. You have to overcome all the difficulties and collect the items as early as possible.
With that being said, here we are going to discuss how to get Ghost Crystals in V Rising. This is going to be an important material if you are looking to craft Spectral Dust. However, it is a late-game material meaning that you will not need it in the early stages.
Ghost Crystals can be found in chests and are dropped by other creatures as well but they are not enough in the quantity. You will have to search for them in a lot of places if you are not planning to mine them. So, I would suggest you farm them from a mine where you can obtain Ghost Crystals in huge quantities.
Ghost Crystal Location in V Rising
It’s not that difficult to find and start mining Ghost Crystals once you know the exact location of it. So, for your ease here is the location, you can visit the Cursed Forest region of the V Rising map. Here, you can find many different veins of Ghost Crystals.
There are a few small spots around the Cursed Forest that are known as Lurker Dwellings. Each of these spots is filled with Crystal Veins that can give you a lot of Ghost Crystals for sure. All of these spots are close enough to each other. So, it’s an advantage for you when you set off to collect Ghost Crystals. After looting one spot you can visit the adjacent one for more loot and so on.
Also, when visiting the Cursed Forest, you will encounter various different creatures. You can choose to either fight them or dodge them to save your time. Now, what you gonna do is look for huge blue crystals grouped up in different sizes. Once you identify them, just hit them with a mace to mine and collect Ghost Crystals.
Take your time and collect as much as you can. Bring a good amount of Ghost Crystals back to your castle and store it. Or use them if they are currently required for crafting purposes.
Using Ghost Crystal in V Rising

Ghost Crystal in V Rising can is a vital resource for crafting Spectral Dust. However, it can also be obtained through different chests and is also dropped by various enemies. But, these are not the best ways to get Spectral Dust.
That is why you need to craft it using Ghost Crystal, this will give you access to enough amount of it. So, you need the following ingredients to craft 1x Spectral Dust:
- 40x Ghost Crystal
- 4x Gem Dust
Once you have these ingredients, put them in the Grinder and wait until the process finishes. There you have it the Spectral Dust. Follow the same process to craft more Spectral Dust.
This is everything regarding how to get Ghost Crystals in V Rising. In this guide, we have covered all the relative information that can help you in finding the exact spots where you can find Ghost Crystal veins.
Also, how you can use them to craft Spectral Dust and utilize it to build further essential items in the game. I hope this guide will help you in solving your query and also get a good experience in the game.