In V Rising, there is a never-ending path of adventure that never lets you get bored. There are always tons of things that you can do such as hunting down the bosses and crafting hundreds of different items. But what’s most important is having enough resources to craft anything you like easily. Grave Dust in V Rising is one of those resources. It lets you craft some serious gear for your journey in V Rising.
We are going to discuss things related to Grave Dust such as how to get it, what’s the best way to get it, and how you can craft high-grade items with it. Also, instead of finding Grave Dust in different locations, you can obtain it from your castle. So, we are going to discuss that as well.
How to Obtain Grave Dust in V Rising
The best way to obtain Grave Dust is by looting it from the corpses of Undead enemies. This method works best when you are not planning to farm it at your own castle. For this, you simply need to hunt down the undead enemies such as the Skeletons and Ghouls.
These are the best resources of Grave Dust, but you need to look for the higher-level undead enemies. Because low-level enemies have a much lower chance of dropping the Grave Dust.
The undead army usually roams around the haunted areas of the map. So, the best spots can be Desecrated Graveyard, Forgotten Cemetery, and Infested Graveyard. You can find the Skeleton army almost everywhere but these haunted locations are the best spots to look for harder enemies such as Skeleton Priests. These three spots can also get you Mourning Lily and Bones which you are going to need in crafting the Grave Dust.
You might also get spectral dust here, which is very useful for late-game gear.
They usually roam in groups, so you are going to take down the whole group and if you are lucky enough then for sure at least a few of them will drop Grave Dust.
Also, don’t forget to destroy any barrels or crates that you find in graveyards. These can also contain a bit of Grave Dust.
Farming Grave Dust

Now, let’s discuss the best way to obtain Grave Dust. Farming it at your own castle is the only best way that can let you get some food amount of Grave Dust. But, this involves unlocking recipes and beating a boss.
So, at first, you will need to build a Tomb at your castle. To unlock the blueprint of Tomb, you will need to defeat Goreswine the Ravager. He is a level 27 boss that can be found in Farbane Woods. Alternatively, you can track him down using your Blood Altar.
Once you have defeated him you will unlock the Tomb structure. Now, you need to build it using the following materials 80x Stone and 20x Bone. The tomb can be built on a floor that has no tiles.
Once you have built the Tomb, you can use 12x Mourning Lilies to rise the Ghouls. Now, you can kill them and collect their Bones and Grave Dust if they drop any. The undead army can be summoned as many times as you like.
The next thing you need to do is build the Grinder. This would help you in converting those bones that you have collected into Grave Dust.
This is the only method that you would need to craft Grave Dust as much as you want.
Uses of Grave Dust in V Rising

Grave Dust has many uses in V Rising. Especially, when you are at the end game. At this time, you can use it to craft heavy armors which can give you extra damage protection when fighting with higher-level enemies.
Also, Grave Dust can be used to craft lots of other items including consumables. Some of the magical items include Duskwatchers Ring and Gravedigger Ring.
Other uses include its requirement in building structures and building items. Generally, it would be much more useful when you are at almost the end of the game. At that time, you would need it to build higher-level items in order to finish up your game.
These are most of the details that you need regarding the Grave Dust in V Rising. With this guide, you can learn where you can find the Grave Dust and how it can be farmed right at your castle. Also, we have covered the method of building the Tomb so that you can summon the undead army and collect an unlimited amount of Bones and Grave Dust.
I hope this guide is going to help by all means in reaching the final stages of the game and crafting things with Grave Dust.