V Rising is a popular game among gamers because of its huge world map and tons of activities that you can do. These activities include building your castle, collecting resources, beating the bosses of different levels, and many more. But of course, to deal with higher-level enemies you are going to need more resources. The resources help you in building your castle and crafting tons of different items.
Seeds are one of the important materials in V Rising. With these, you can grow various types of plants right at your place. But, the problem is seeds are not available at all places. You will either need to buy them from merchants or collect them from plants that are grown on the sides of the road.
In this guide, we are going to discuss how to get more seeds in V Rising. And also use them to farm different plants. It’s a much better idea to farm plants at your castle rather than visiting distant places again and again.
Ways to Obtain More Seeds

In V Rising, there are a few different ways through which you can obtain seeds. The first one is to buy them from a merchant and the second one is to collect them from plants when you farm them.
Another method involves beating higher-level enemies. Especially, the ones that roam in Farbane Woods. They have higher chances of dropping some seeds. Additionally, you can obtain a few different types of seeds by destroying crates and barrels.
However, the best way is to purchase from a merchant. This is because it’s not obvious that you will get seeds from plants every time. And there is no limit to purchasing seeds from a merchant. You can buy as many seeds as you can. You only need to have enough Silver Coins with you.
Now, let’s see where you can meet the merchants. We have three merchants in V Rising. All three are located in different areas. Here is the list:
- Ottar the Merchant: Located at a fixed location in Silverlight Hills.
- Berk the Travelling Trader: Randomly roams on the roads of Dunley Farmlands.
- Gavyn the Shady Dealer: Can be found roaming on the roads of Farbane Woods.
Before visiting any of the dealers, make sure you have transformed into a human. Otherwise, they won’t deal with you and might attack.
Types of Seeds in V Rising

Now that you have got their location, let’s talk about the seeds that you can get from these merchants. Each of the merchants offers different types of seeds. And yes, each type has a different price that can be paid in Silver Coins.
Here is the list of seeds:
- Highland Lotus Seeds: Can be purchased from Ottar the Merchant for 200 Silver Coins.
- Ghost Shroom Spores: Available at Ottar the Merchant’s store for 200 Silver Coins.
- Blood Rose Seed: Can be purchased from Gavyn the Shady Dealer for 15 Silver Coins.
- Fire Blossom Seed: Can be purchased from Gavyn the Shady Dealer for 15 Silver Coins.
- Snow Flower Seed: Can be purchased from Gavyn the Shady Dealer for 15 Silver Coins.
- Mourning Lily Seed: Can be purchased from Gavyn the Shady Dealer for 15 Silver Coins.
- Hell’s Clarion Spores: Can be purchased from Gavyn the Shady Dealer for 15 Silver Coins.
- Sunflower Seed: Can be purchased from Berk the Traveling Trader for 45 Silver Coins.
Some of the seeds cannot be purchased from the merchants such as Cotton. They can only be obtained either by beating a boss or by looting from crates and barrels.
The best way to see which boss can drop seeds is using the Blood Altar. By interacting with it you can check out the details of the boss which includes the drops and the structures that can be unlocked by defeating him.
How to Plant Seeds

Now that you have obtained seeds, the next thing you will need to do is plant them in your garden. For this, you should have already built a garden. If not, then you are going to need one.
First, you will need to unlock the Garden Floor structure by beating a Level 34 Boss Polora the Feywalker. Next up, you can now build Garden Floor in your castle in the dirt and grassy area.
Once you have built the floor, just place the seeds on the floor and wait for them to grow into plants. As soon as they are grown you can simply slash them with a weapon to harvest.
Most of the seeds do not need to be replanted, they will grow again once you have harvested them. However, some of the seeds are required to be planted again once you have harvested their grown plant.
This is most of the information regarding how to get more seeds in V Rising. We have covered the methods that you can follow to obtain even more seeds. However, the best way is to deal with merchants. But for this, you will need to have enough Silver Coins with you.
Hopefully, this guide would have helped you in you solving your query regarding the seeds.