V Rising How to Move Castle Heart - Nerd Lodge
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V Rising How to Move Castle Heart

In V Rising, the Castle Heart acts as the Blood-powered hub of each player’s fortress, supplying power to numerous Structures inside the Castle and halting the decay of its essential Foundations. Here is how you can move the big and beautiful Castle Heart in V Rising to a more strategic and efficient location.

Why You Should Move the Castle Heart

Castle Heart

While a Vampire’s Castle’s location will influence how quickly they advance on their trip, the position of the Castle Heart can also have specific implications on gameplay. For instance, having the blood well positioned in an awkward location on the PvE servers of V Rising would prevent players from strategically arranging their refining equipment and crafting workstations nearby. For PvP players, it is essential to have their Castle Heart in a carefully secured location in order to survive Raids by rival clans or stray hostile vampires.

Therefore, the owner of the Castle could at some point in time want to shift their Castle Heart to a new location or remove their base completely. Both of these circumstances impose certain conditions and demands on the vampire builder. People who have an established and extended Castle, for instance, will find it much more difficult to transfer their entire base but may have a lot of excess space to move their Castle Heart.

On the other hand, people who have a less developed Castle and a constrained quantity of room can quickly migrate to their base camp and relocate in V Rising. Moving their Castle Heart, though, could be difficult. As a result, players must be aware of how shifting a Castle Heart works in V Rising if they want to reconsider where they originally placed the blood well.

How To Move A Castle Heart In V Rising

V Rising How to Move Castle Heart - Dismantle

Before moving a Castle Heart in V Rising, players must make sure the new location is free of all environmental or structural obstacles. These barriers can be both man-made by vampires, like flooring, and natural elements, like shrubs or boulders. The place in issue must be an unoccupied, blank soil tile, to be more precise. The simple, step-by-step procedure for relocating a heart inside a base’s Boundaries in V Rising is shown here.

  1. To access the Build Menu, use the B key.
  2. Press the spacebar to remove the Castle Heart by hovering over the target tile and moving it there.
  3. Choose the heart and position it in the desired location.

As an alternative, moving the Castle Heart altogether to a different site is more difficult:

  1. Remove or disassemble each and every piece of the castle’s structure, including the boundary tiles.
  2. Take the Castle Heart apart and reassemble it somewhere else.


You just have to do that to relocate the Castle Heart. Keep in mind that the area where you are relocating the Castle Heart must be clean and devoid of everything but dirt. Clear the area and destroy everything in that location before transferring the Castle Heart. The game won’t allow you to set the Heart there if the space is not entirely clear.

You must carry out that action in order to move your Castle Heart ordinarily. But what if you attempt to move the Castle Heart and receive the message “Blocked by Border” instead? It may also be solved easily. Break the boundary block there if you encounter an alert when attempting to relocate the Castle Heart, and you will be able to install the Heart there without issue.

That is all that is required to move the Castle Heart in V Rising. Follow the method described if you have put it in an unsuitable location and want to move it.

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