A brand-new vampire survival game called V Rising has been sweeping the internet. In fact, it had the most sales for the week ending May 22 on Steam. According to the developer’s strategy for 2022, the game will likely receive more features and content over the coming months while it is still in Early Access. This article gives a thorough explanation of all server settings in V Rising, given by Stunlock themselves, and their significance for V Rising gamers.
After reading this, you will be able to choose whatever settings best suit your needs. If you are not sure what settings work best, we have written an article about the best server settings.
Updated for Gloomrot!
Table of Contents
Dedicated Server Settings Detailed Explanation for V Rising

- PvP → PvP game mode
- PvE → PvE game mode
- Never → Players may never deal damage to enemy castle structures
- Always → Players may always deal damage to enemy castle structures
- TimeRestricted → Players may only damage enemy castle structures during certain real-time frames
Here, users select the Siege Golem’s Health:
- VeryLow → 500
- Low → 1000
- Normal → 1500
- High → 2000
- VeryHigh → 2500
You can select when players can damage other players (Disabled in PvE):
- Always → Players can always deal damage to other players
- TimeRestricted → Players may only damage other players during certain real-time frames
Defines interactions with hostile Castle Hearts:
- CanBeDestroyedOnlyWhenDecaying → Players may only destroy enemy castle hearts when the Castle Heart is in Decay
- CanBeDestroyedByPlayers → Players may destroy enemy castle hearts using “key” items in the game
- CanBeSeizedOrDestroyedByPlayers → Players may destroy and seize control of enemy castle hearts using “key” items in the game
The amount of time players get after entering a PvP server during which they cannot be hurt by other players:
- Disabled → 0
- VeryShort → 900
- Short → 1800
- Medium → 3600
- Long → 7200
Default Value: Short
Specifies who is permitted to loot a player’s body after death:
- Anyone → Everyone can loot the body
- ClanMembers → Only Self and Clan Members may loot the body
- OnlySelf → Only Self may loot the body
Default: Anyone
Establishes whether soul shard objects are unique (one of each per server) or if a new one spawns each time a soul shard bearer is defeated:
- Unique → Soul shards are unique – only one of each type may exist at a time on the server
- Plentiful → Soul shards are plentiful – a new one is dropped every time a soul shard boss is slain
Default: Unique
If players may loot enemy stashes, containers, and crafting stations.
- true
- false
Default: TRUE
When enabled, most equipment will not be dropped upon death.
- true
- false
Default: TRUE
When enabled, some items will prevent you from using waygates.
- true
- false
Default: true
Allow players to write messages that all players on the server can read.
- true
- false
Default: true
Do NOT change this. It does not work and breaks the game at the moment.
- true
- false
Default: false
Seizing an enemy player’s castle heart requires no materials.
- true
- false
Default: false
Destroying an enemy player’s castle heart requires no materials.
- true
- false
Default: false
Inactive players are automatically killed after a set duration.
- true
- false
Default: false
Minimum timer before an inactive player is killed in seconds, based on gear level.
- 0
- 2147483647
Default: 3600
Maximum timer before an inactive player is killed in seconds, based on gear level.
Default: 604800
Currently breaks the game if changed.
Additional time before an inactive player is killed, in seconds, when standing in a castle territory.
Default: 172800
Currently the break game is changed.
The maximum gear level that the inactivity min and max timers are based on from 1 to this value:
Default: 84
Currently breaks the game if changed.
If dead disconnected players are disabled.
- true
- false
Default: true
The time for a disconnected dead player to become disabled.
Default: 60 (can’t change this setting)
Multiplies the amount of items that can be combined into a single stack.
- 0.25 up to 5
Default: 1.0
Multiplies all drop tables with this factor, granting more or less drops from kills and chests.
- 0.25 up to 5
Default: 1.0
Multiplies the amount of loot received from successful servant hunts.
- 0.25 up to 5
Default: 1.0
Multiplies the amount of materials received from harvesting resource nodes.
- 0.25 up to 5
Default: 1.0
Multiplies the amount of blood essence received from defeating enemies.
- 0.25 up to 5
Default: 1.0
Default: 25.0
Multiplies the additional respawn duration players suffer from being slain in PvP.
- 0 up to 5
Default: 1.0
The number of minimum tiles where players can place a castle heart and/or floors next to another heart.
- 1 up to 10
Default: 2
For Example, the number of players that can join a single clan. Players in a clan can rise together, share progress and build castles together.
- 1 up to 50
Default: 4
Rate for how quickly players lose blood. A higher rate results in higher blood consumption.
- 0 up to 5
Default: 1.0
Multiplies the amount of durability suffered from dealing or receiving damage.
- 0 up to 5
Default: 1.0
Affects the rate of how quickly garlic stacks when exposed.
- 0 up to 5
Default: 1.0
Multiplies the effect of the Holy element.
- 0 up to 5
Default: 1.0
Affects the damage received when carrying silver items.
- 0 up to 5
Default: 1.0
Affects the duration a player may stand in the sun before starting to take damage.
- 0 up to 5
Default: 1.0
Rate for how quickly a castle deteriorates when the Castle Heart has run out of Blood Essence.
- 0 up to 5
Default: 1.0
Rate for how quickly a castle consumes blood essence. A higher rate results in higher blood essence consumption.
- 0.1 up to 5
Default: 5
The amount of time a castle is deemed as breached when enemy players break through the outer defenses. Players may not construct new structures or walls while a castle is breached and all structures are susceptible to damage while in this state. Time is defined in seconds.
- 1 up to 1800
Default: 420
The amount of time where players are blocked from building structures or walls while being under attack. A castle is deemed under attack whenever enemy players manage to deal damage to any wall or door using explosives or siege golems.
- 1 up to 1800
Default: 60
Shows a system message in the chat when a Siege Golem is being summoned.
- true
- false
Default: true
Show Siege Golems on the big map.
- true
- false
Default: true
Multiplies the amount of materials required to build structures.
- 0 up to 10
Default: 1.0
Multiplies the cost of crafting items.
- 0 up to 10
Default: 1.0
The rate for crafting items and equipment in crafting stations, a higher rate results in more rapid crafting (not refinement stations).
- 0.1 up to 10
Default: 1.0
Unused Modifier for Research.
- 0.1 up to 10
Default: 1.0
Multiplies the cost of refining items.
- 0.1 up to 10
Default: 1.0
Rate for how quickly materials are refined. A higher rate results in quicker refinement.
- 0.1 up to 10
Default: 1.0
Unused Modifier for Research.
- 0.1 up to 10
Default: 1.0
The material reimbursement players receive from dismantling a structure.
- 0 up to 1
Default: 0.75
Rate for how quickly humans turn into servants. A higher rate results in faster conversion.
- 0.1 up to 20
Default: 1.0
Modifies the cost for repairing an item.
- 0 up to 10
Default: 1.0
The amount of durability loss that equipment suffers upon death when defeated in PvP. Players are deemed as in PvP for a duration after dealing damage to another player or receiving damage from another player.
- 0 up to 1.0
Default: 0.25
Durability loss suffered upon death is dropped as materials. This value defines the amount of materials that are either lost or dropped. A value of 0 results in all materials being lost while a value of 1 results in all materials being dropped.
- 0 up to 1.0
The duration of an ingame day in seconds.
- 60 up to 86400
Default: 1080
The starting hour of the ingame day.
- 0 up to 25
Default: 9
The starting minute of the ingame day.
- 0 up to 60
Default: 0
The end hour of the ingame day.
- 0 up to 24
Default: 17
The end minute of the ingame day
- 0 up to 24
Default: 9
The minimum frequency of how often a blood moon may occur.
- 1 up to 255
Default: 10
The maximum frequency of how often a blood moon may occur.
- 1 up to 255
Default: 18
The amount of additional movement speed in percentages that a player gains during blood moon.
- 0.1 up to 1
Default: 0.2
Time Zone
Time Zone used for various other settings.
- Local
- StartHour → The real time starting hour for activating Player vs Player PvP during standard weekdays.
- StartMinute → The real time starting minute for activating Player vs Player PvP during standard weekdays.
- EndHour → The real time ending hour for deactivating Player vs Player PvP during standard weekdays.
- EndMinute → The real time end minute for deactivating Player vs Player PvP during weekdays.
24 hour clock format 1-24
Same format as weekday settings.
Same format as VsPlayer settings
Same format as VsPlayer settings
MaxHealthModifier (Vampire)
Multiplies the maximum amount of health for Vampire.
- 0.1 up to 5
Default: 1.0
MaxEnergyModifier (Vampire)
Unused modifier.
- 0.1 up to 5
Default: 1.0
PhysicalPowerModifier (Vampire)
Multiplies players’ physical power. This value affects the amount of damage players deal using weapon attacks and weapon skills.
- 0.1 up to 5
Default: 1.0
SpellPowerModifier (Vampire)
Multiplies players’ spell power. This value affects the amount of damage and healing players deal using spells.
- 0.1 up to 5
Default: 1.0
ResourcePowerModifier (Vampire)
Multiplies the amount of damage players deal to resource objects.
- 0.1 up to 5
Default: 1.0
SiegePowerModifier (Vampire)
Unused modifier.
- 0.1 up to 5
Default: 1.0
DamageReceivedModifier (Vampire)
Multiplies any damage received.
- 0.1 up to 5
Default: 1.0
TickPeriod (Castle)
How often the castle decay damage should tick.
Default: 5
DamageResistance (Castle)
Default: 0
SafetyBoxLimit (Castle)
The number of vampire lockboxes players may build in a single castle.
- 0 up to 20
Default: 1
TombLimit (Castle)
The number of tombs players may build in a single castle
- 1 up to 20
Default: 12
VerminNestLimit (Castle)
The number of vermin nests players may build in a single castle.
- 1 up to 20
Default: 4
CastleLimit (Castle)
The number of castle hearts a single player is allowed to construct
- 1 up to 5
Default: 2
- Level → The level granting these bonuses. Should not be altered. Unknown behavior
- FloorLimit → Defines the number of borders and castle floors that players may build in each castle.
- 9 up to 250
- Default: Level 1 → 30, Level 2 → 80, Level 3 → 150, Level 4 → 250
- ServantLimit → The number of servant coffins players may build in a single castle.
- 1 up to 20
- Default: Level 1 → 3, Level 2 → 5, Level 3 → 7, Level 4 → 9
Finally, V Rising servers come in a variety of sizes, designs, and configurations. The game’s creator, Stunlock Games, has collaborated with GPORTAL to offer official servers, and you can also rent private servers from them. Also, there are more than 60 distinct server settings in V Rising you may play with while building up your own server, whether it’s for usage by yourself or with friends. It’s helpful to know what each one does before setting up your game.
If you want more compelling V Rising content, also check out:How to Get Unsullied Hearts in V Rising | V Rising: How to Pick the Best Base Location | Morian the Stormwing Matriarch Location in V Rising