Elden Ring is a massive open-world game in which you must find your own ways to deal with the different enemies. It all depends on your creativity and skills with a particular weapon to defeat them. To match the insane possibilities, FromSoftware Inc has also given a little freedom to your foes.
When certain characters can’t down you with a sword, they use other skills like sleep and madness to lower your guard. So, you and your character must have a sharp mind to outwit all bosses and enemies in the Lands Between. That’s where the Focus trait comes into play. But what does Focus do in Elden Ring? Read this article to learn everything about this stat and its importance.
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What does Focus do in Elden Ring?

Elden Ring’s lore and the storyline are so long that you will definitely be spending a lot of hours exploring it. So, you must master every skill and understand the complex combat system to defeat some of the hardest bosses in the game. It is important that you fully understand how to survive in the Lands Between if you dream of becoming the Elden Lord someday. In this regard, the Focus in Elden Ring is one of the key stats of the Tarnished. It is a defensive stat that makes you sharper to the point that you can outwit almost any enemy.
Some foes in the game cast a spell and attack you in such a way that it tags you with sleep or madness buff. You will no longer function as normal when buffed, and the enemies can easily kill you. Therefore, it is important that you learn to resist these attacks and many others to rise a victor in every battle. However, not all enemies attack you like that, so it doesn’t mean you must invest many character points in Focus in Elden Ring. Still, you must have at least some points in the Mind attribute to defeat such powerful enemies.
How to increase Focus?

Focus isn’t the main attribute in Elden Ring; instead, it scales with the Mind stat. When you invest a few points in Mind, your resistance against sleep and madness buff is automatically increased. There are a total of 8 attributes in the character menu; you must wisely divide the character points among them. Each stat governs a number of attributes that define your Elden Ring experience. For instance, if you want to increase your HP, you must invest in Vigor. Similarly, the Mind attribute governs your FP bar and the Focus in Elden Ring.
Secondly, you can use certain armaments and charms to boost the Focus stat. For instance, the Spiralhorn Shield increases your Focus by +50. However, the boost is only effective when you wield the shield. You can use the following items to increase your Focus and resistance against sleep + madness:
- Shield of the Guilty
- Rift Shield
- Spiralhorn Shield
- Mottled Necklace
- Clarifying Horn Charm
Similarly, a few armors can also increase your Focus by a great deal. The effect of wearables is greater than the gear, giving you the plus point of wielding other armaments. Following are the wearables that increase your Focus:
- Mushroom Legs
- Mushroom Arms gauntlets
- Greathood headpiece
- Gold Waistwrap
- Fire Prelate Greaves
- Fire Prelate Gauntlets
- Cohryn’s Robe chest piece
- Astrologer’s Trouser
How much should you invest in Mind?

While the Mind is an important attribute in Elden Ring, it doesn’t mean that you should invest all your points in it. The game requires you to manage these attributes so that you can get a fully customizable experience. Though not as important as Strength and Dexterity, the Mind is still an attribute that demands your attention.
How many points to invest in Mind depends on your character build and playing style. Usually, the best Mind level for Strength-based characters is between 35-40. However, if you prefer a magic-based character build, you should upgrade to the 50-55 level.
One thing to note is that the soft cap of Mind is at 55. Moreover, the Mind stat is a little different from others. Other attributes start high and gradually get lower with the caps. On the contrary, the Mind stat starts lower and becomes more rewarding as you near the caps. So, to get the most out of your investment in Mind, you must aim at levels 50-55. Furthermore, if you only need the Mind to raise the Focus, then I suggest that you keep the Mind at level 40 and wear Focus-enhancing armor to resist even the most powerful sleep or madness charm.
How much Focus can I get by wearing armor?
You can use many wearables to increase your Focus in Elden Ring. According to the community, wearing armor can get a maximum of +233 Focus points. You must wear the following gear to gain such enhancement:
- Head: Greathood
- Chest: Corhyn’s Robe
- Arms: Mushroom Arms or Fire Prelate Gauntlets
- Legs: One of these:
- Astrologer’s Trouser
- Fire Prelate Greaves
- Gold Waistwrap
- Mushroom Legs
Is FP the same as Focus in Elden Ring?
No, FP or Focus in Elden Ring Points and Focus are completely different attributes in Elden Ring. FP is required to cast spells, summon spirits, and incantations. It is a regeneratable attribute that you consume every time you use magic. On the other hand, Focus is a special attribute that governs your resistance against sleep and madness buff. Some enemies in the game tag you with such buffs that decrease your overall functionality. Therefore, you must have a high Focus level to resist these charms.
What does Mind skill do?
The Mind skill is one of the eight main skills in Elden Ring. It governs your FP bar and the Focus level. Moreover, you must have the required Mind level to use certain spells and use armaments. Lastly, the Mind skill boosts your focus, increasing your sanity and protecting you from sleep and madness. In short, it is an important skill that you must upgrade to at least level 30-35 to fight your enemies. Moreover, if you want maximum gain from your investment, you must upgrade the Mind stat to level 50-55 and use the Focus boosting items.
What does Focus do in Elden Ring? Focus is an important attribute that increases your resistance against sleep and madness buffs. Some enemies in Elden Ring attack you with such spells that tag you with sleeping or madness. These attacks lower your sanity and affect the overall functionality. You can increase your Focus by investing points in the Mind and Rune levels.
However, only a few enemies can attack you in such a way, so it would be useless to invest a lot of points in these stats. Moreover, you can also use different items that boost your Focus in the game. This article discusses everything that you must know about Focus in Elden Ring to become the Elden Lord.