FromSoftware never hesitates to experiment with weapon design. This is the reason why you can find many skull-cracking hammers, huge Great Swords, and razor-sharp Katanas in their games. Moreover, most of the legendary weapons get their value from either the back story or the person who wields them.
For instance, the Rivers of Blood Katana is one of the most wished-for weapons in Elden Ring. It is mainly because the Bloody Finger Okina boss wields this powerful sword and is a great katana to use for bleed builds.
In other words, having this weapon in your inventory means that you have defeated one of the strongest bosses in the game. So, where to find Rivers of Blood Katana in Elden Ring? How to defeat the monstrous boss? This article will help you out in every step of your pursuit.
Table of Contents
The Rivers of Blood Katana

The Rivers of Blood Katana is the sharpest sword forged right at the heart of the Mountaintop of the Giants. It is wielded by Bloody Finger Okina, an overpowered boss. This sword is said to be so sharp that it can even slice through the bones like a hot knife through butter. As a result, attacking your enemies with this Katana results in rapid blood loss build-up and more critical strikes.
The best description of the Rivers of Blood Katana is that it is the weapon of the Okina, the swordsman from the Land of Reeds. The weapon floored numerous men and became cursed with their souls. Okina used this sword to defeat Mohg; when he felt this sword against his flesh and blood, he proposed an offer. He turned Okina into a demon whose thirst for blood is never satisfied in return for Mohg’s life.
The Katana comes with a unique skill, the Corpse Piler. When activated, the player launches a flurry of attacks on the enemies. The blood loss build-up of these attacks is so high that it fills up the screen. In short, this skill alone is enough to take you all the way to the final boss in Elden Ring.
Where to Find Rivers of Blood Katana

The Rivers of Blood Katana is dropped from the Bloody Finger Okina in the Mountaintop of the Giants. However, the location is only available after you defeat Morgott, the Omen King. Once you defeat him at the bottom of the Erdtree, make your way to the site of Grace in the Leyndell Capital.
Go around the city till you reach the Grand Lift of Rold. However, the lift will only take you to the Mountaintop of the Giants if you use both halves of the Haligtree Secret Medallion.

After reaching the Mountaintop of the Giants, proceed to the site of Grace in the Giants’ Gravepost. After that, you must make your way to the Church of Repose to continue your quest. However, the best way to reach this place is to follow the main questline until the game finally introduces you to the Church. Otherwise, continue along the cliff on the right side till you spot the ruins of the Church of Repose at a distance. As you get closer to the Church, the game will tell you that a player is about to invade your game. The player is no one else but the Bloody Finger Okina. He is a difficult boss, so make sure you came prepared and rested at the site of Grace in the Giants’ Gravepost.
How to defeat Bloody Finger Okina in Elden Ring

Bloody Finger Okina is a stubborn boss that doesn’t stop attacking even to catch his breath. Moreover, his attacks are fast, and the Katana in his right-hand makes every shot more devastating than the last. Rumors are that he has a Crimson Flask but whether he can heal or not is for you to find out.
Okina runs towards you right from the start of the battle, just like a Samurai. Furthermore, he unleashes the Corpse Piler skill of his Katana from time to time. The problem is that the sword has more range, faster blood loss build-up, and bloody Corpse Piler when it is in his hand.
There are two ways to defeat this fierce boss; the right way and the easy way. Some players consider the easy way equivalent to cheating. So, if you are bothered by the ease of defeating the boss, I suggest that you try the right way. Defeating Okina is not different from any other boss. You just need a powerful enough weapon, fortified armor, and quick reflexes to dodge the paced attacks.

However, if you don’t want to honor this giant boss, there is an easy way as well. The battle begins at the site of Grace near the Church of Repose. Okina will rush towards you right from the very beginning. Quickly run towards the rock wall on the right side until you reach the cliff’s end.
From here, walk over the ledge on the left to the very center. Bloody Finger Okina will continue to chase you, but he won’t attack you anymore. Finally, knock him down the cliff with a few heavy attacks. Be careful not to fall down yourself, or else you may need to repeat the whole process.
After defeating Bloody Finger Okina, you get:
- Rivers of Blood Katana
- Furlcalling Finger Remedy
- 18,734 Runes
- Okina Mask
How to use the Rivers of Blood Katana

The Rivers of Blood Katana is probably one of the finest weapons in the game. You can get this sword midway into the main questline. However, it is powerful enough to take you all the way to the final boss. Here are a few of its specifications:
- Requirements:
- 20 Arcane
- 19 Dexterity
- 12 Strength
- Weapon Art: Corpse Piler
- Damage type: Slash/Pierce
- Scaling:
- Strength E
- Dexterity D
- Arcane D
- Passive: Blood loss build-up (50)
Although your speed of attack when using this Katana will be the same as any other weapon, the rate of blood loss build-up is faster than any other sword in the game. Moreover, the blood loss buff will increase rapidly at each critical strike. In other words, your enemy’s health bar will drop down massively once the blood loss bar fills up. This sole buff has the potential to down any boss in the game.
Similarly, the Corpse Piler is the unique Weapon Art of the Rivers of Blood Katana. When you activate this skill, the player rushes toward the enemy and delivers a flurry of blood-soaked slashes and slices at the enemy. This attack will kill any weakling and take away a chunk of the boss’s health bar.
Lastly, the sword scales with the number of points you put in each attribute, dealing more damage with each upgrade. Combine it with a White Mask helmet to add another 10% damage boost. All these attributes combine to form the perfect sword for PVE and PVP encounters in Elden Ring.
How to upgrade the Rivers of Blood Katana?
Upgrading or leveling up the Rivers of Blood Katana is the same as any other sword. However, you need the Somber Smithing Stones to level up this legendary sword. The process is the same as other swords, but the Somber Smithing Stones is a rather rare item in the game.
Why doesn’t the Bloody Finger Okina invade?
There is a bug in Elden Ring where if you kill the Fire Giant before visiting the Church of Repose, the Bloody Finger Okina doesn’t spawn. However, the issue was resolved in the 1.04 update patch of the game. So, if you want the Rivers of Blood Katana, either visit the Church before defeating the Fire Giant or update your game to the latest patch.
Can I dual-wield the Rivers of Blood Katana?
Yes, the Rivers of Blood Katana has wielding stats as any other Katana. So, you can dual-wield it with any other Katana of your choice. However, you only get one Rivers of Blood in the playthrough, so the best option would be to pair it with either Uchigatana or Nagakiba.
How to get two Rivers of Blood Katana in Elden Ring?
You are only allowed one Rivers of Blood Katana per playthrough of the game. However, it is possible to get a second by completing the game. After the ending, start the game as NG+1, retrace your steps to the Church of Repose, and defeat the Bloody Finger Okina to get your second Katana. After that, you can easily dual-wield two Rivers of Blood and become invincible in Elden Ring.
What is the best strategy to defeat the Bloody Finger Okina?
Okina will rush towards you right from the very beginning. Quickly run towards the rock wall on the right side till you reach the end of the cliff. From here, walk over the ledge on the left to the very center. Okina won’t attack you for some reason while you are on the ledge. So, use heavy attacks to push him down the cliff, and get your loot.
The Rivers of Blood Katana is a wicked and the most wished-for weapon in Elden Ring. Attacking your enemies with this weapon results in rapid blood loss build-up that quickly drains your enemy’s health bar. Moreover, the Corpse Piler is the unique skill of this Katana that charges a flurry of blood-soaked slashes at the enemy. So, where to find Rivers of Blood Katana in Elden Ring? It is dropped by the Bloody Finger Okina; this article explains how to get it without any trouble.