Many players consider Elden Ring as the perfect game for all sorts of playstyles. For instance, you can go for a melee build that focuses on speed and Strength to defeat your enemies. Similarly, you can also choose to kill your enemies from a distance through a magic-based build. The magic abilities are classified into two main categories in the game, i.e., incantations and sorcery. The sorcery builds focus on intelligence stats, whereas you need to find sacred seals in Elden Ring and utilize the Faith stats for incantations.
There are various sacred seals of varying power and requirements that you can find from different locations in the game. However, you must defeat various bosses, explore the game world, and complete quests to acquire these sacred seals. So, where to find sacred seals in Elden Ring? This article will discuss all the details in a simplified form.
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Where to Find the Best Sacred Seals in Elden Ring?
Sacred seals are like magic wands from Harry Potter. In other words, you can easily get incantations, but they are useless without a suitable sacred seal. Moreover, you can cast almost every incantation with a single seal, but the power and requirements depend on your selection of the seals. Here are all the best Sacred Seals for various character builds in Elden Ring:
1. Finger Seal

The Finger Seal is the first seal that you can get early in the game. It is suitable for those who prefer a strength-based character. Moreover, the power of this seal improves with the increase in Strength, making it a favorite for melee and ranged attacks. However, it isn’t a suitable option for Faith-based builds as it doesn’t grant any boost to the power of incantations.
How to get?
There are two ways to obtain the Finger seal early in the playthrough. Firstly, you can get it for free by choosing either the confessor or prophet class. The seal is available in the inventory, along with a basic incantation to get you started. However, if you choose any other class, you must purchase it for 800 runes from the Twin Maiden Husks in Roundtable Hound. However, Enia will only spawn after you defeat Margit, the Fell Omen.
You only need 10 Faith and 4 Strength to wield the Finger Seal. Being an entry-level seal, it only has a C-grade scaling for Faith and E-grade scaling for Strength. Moreover, you can upgrade it to S-grade Faith and D-grade Strength by using smithing stones.
2. Clawmark Seal

The Clawmark Seal is the second sacred seal that you can get in Elden Ring. However, unlike the Finger Seal, it is neither available for free nor purchasable from a merchant. Instead, you can acquire it by giving one Deathroot to Gurranq, Beast Clergyman. Moreover, it is a far better seal than Finger, especially for Strength builds and melee attacks. Furthermore, it scales better with Strength as compared to the Finger seal. So, if you are only looking for a sacred seal to help you with casting beasts while using your strength weapons, I suggest that you focus on getting the Clawmark Seal in your inventory.
How to get?
First, you must get one Deathroot by defeating Tibia Mariner in the Summonwater Village. Moreover, you can also find the Green Turtle Talisman in this area. After getting the Deathroot, visit the Roundtable Hound and talk to an NPC called D, the hunter of the dead. He will tell you the location of the teleporter that gives you access to Caelid. After reaching Caelid, visit the Bestial Sanctum in the northeast portion and find Gurranq. You can give him the Deathroot by talking to him, and he will give you the Clawmark Seal as a reward.
The Clawmark Seal requires 10 Faith and 4 Strength, just like the Finger Seal. However, it offers a D-grade scaling for both Strength and Faith. Using smithing stones, you can further scale it up to B-grade for Strength and Faith. Furthermore, it offers a 10% buff for bestial incantations like the Beast Claw.
3. Giant’s Seal

The Giant’s Seal is a relatively powerful Sacred Seal as compared to the Finger and Clawark combined. It is a great option for players who love casting fire incantations. Moreover, it is a preferable seal for the Pyromancy Build. However, most people are reluctant to use it in their playthrough as it is available quite late in the game. By that time, most players had already found a more powerful sacred seal to replace it. In any case, if you are looking for a seal that boosts the Fire Giant’s spells, I suggest that you wield this seal in every battle.
How to get?
The Giant’s seal is available, you guessed it; the Mountaintop of the Giants. However, you must first acquire both halves of the Dectus Medallion, defeat the major bosses, and use the Grand Lift of Dectus to reach the place. Once you get there, all there is left to do is to visit the snowy area and find the Giant Conquering Hero’s Grave. You can find the Giant’s Seal at the bottom of the pit.
You need 14 Faith and 4 Strength to wield the Giant’s Seal. It offers a C-grade scaling for Faith and E-grade scaling for Strength. Moreover, you can further boost the scaling to S-grade for Faith and D-grade for Strength by using smithing stones. Furthermore, this seal grants a 20% buff to the Fire Monk and Fire Giant incantations.
4. Frenzied Flame Seal

The Frenzied Flame Seal is a must-have sacred item for all the magic builds in Elden Ring. It buffs all the incantations related to the Frenzied Flame, making them even more effective for Player V Player situations. Moreover, it also boosts the madness buildup on your enemies so that you can win almost every battle in question. In short, if you are looking for a seal that helps you win over the overpowered bosses, I suggest that you get it as soon as possible.
How to get?
Acquiring the Frenzied Flame Seal is quite a complicated job. You must finish the questline for Irina, Edgar, Hyetta, and Millicent to become the Lord of Chaos. After completing the questline for Irina, you can find Hyetta at the site of Grace at Lake-Facing Cliffs. After completing all the quests and exploring the map, Hyetta will reward you with the Frenzied Flame Seal.
The Frenzied Flame Seal is the only Sacred Seal with no major wielding requirements. However, it offers a D-grade scaling for Faith and E-grade scaling for Dex, Strength, and intelligence. All these scalings make it one of the best Sacred Seals in Elden Ring for Dex-based character builds. Moreover, you can further improve the Faith scaling to B-grade and C-grade for Dex, Strength, and intelligence by using smithing stones.
5. Golden Order Seal

As mentioned before, the magic builds in Elden Ring are classified as sorcery and incantations, and most players choose one of them. However, the Golden Order Seal opens a third hybrid path that offers a boost to both classes. For example, the Night and Flame Build is a mix of incantation and sorcery and is quite powerful. So, if you are a fan of magic builds, I suggest you get the Golden Order Seal as soon as possible.
How to get?
Fortunately, the Golden Order Seal is the easiest to get in Elden Ring. In short, you don’t need to fight any deadly enemies or defeat the overpowered bosses to get it. Instead, all you need is to visit the site of Grace in Minor Erdtree Church, Leyndell Royal Capital. There you will find several corpses; search them all to get your Golden Order Seal from one of them.
The Golden Order Seal is available after you have completed a significant portion of the playthrough. So, the minimum wielding requirements won’t be a major problem for you at this point. In any case, you need 17 Faith and 17 Intelligence to wield this Sacred Seal. Moreover, it grants D-grade scaling for Faith and Intelligence, and you can further improve it to +10 scaling by using smithing stones. The Golden Order Seal gives a 10% buff to all Golden Order Incantations, including the Immutable Shield.
6. Gravel Stone Seal

The Gravel Stone Seal is a late-game item, available after spending countless hours in the game. However, the buff it adds to the Dragon Cult incantations makes this seal worth your time. This particular Sacred Seal is great for all the Zeus lovers who throw lightning everywhere they go. For instance, you can acquire one of the Dragon Cult Incantations by using the Remembrance of the Lichdragon, after defeating the boss. Overall, it is a great seal that can potentially help you throughout your gameplay.
How to get?
Getting the Gravel Stone Seal is as simple as visiting a grave or searching for a dead body. Instead, you must defeat a Knight and an archer at the Fortified Manor to drop your reward. Start at the site of Grace in the West Capital Rampart. From there, make your way to the Dragon foot to find the Knight, killing him drops the Gravel Stone Seal.
The Gravel Stone Seal requires at least 18 Faith and 4 Strength to wield it. Moreover, it initially offers a C-grade scaling for Faith and E-grade scaling for Strength. Using smithing stones, you can further improve the scaling to S-grade for Faith and D-grade for Strength. Wielding this seal has two major benefits. Firstly, it grants a 15% boost to all Dragon Cult Incantations. Secondly, it also grants a 282-spell buff at Faith level 60 and a 318-spell buff at Faith level 80.
7. Godslayer Seal

As the name suggests, the Godslayer Seal truly makes you a god of all Incantations. This Sacred Seal improves the Strength of all Incantations regardless of your level. Overall, if you are a true magic build lover, I suggest that you add this seal to your inventory.
How to get?
The Godslayer Seal is among the first few seals that you can get early on in the playthrough. However, it still requires you to defeat the first major boss, Margit, the Fell Omen. After defeating him, visit the Stormveil Castle and rest at the site of Grace in Rampart Tower. Next, climb the lift that takes you to a lower portion of the castle. Continue running till you exit the great hall into a courtyard. There you will find stairs that lead you underground into a room filled with rats. You will find an Imp statue after crossing the rats; use a Stonesword Key to unlock the room and acquire the Godslayer Seal.
Although the seal is available early in the game, still, you must complete half the game before you can actually wield it. The main reason is that it requires 4 Strength and 27 Faith. The Godslayer Seal offers C-grade scaling for Strength and E-grade scaling for Faith initially. However, you can improve it to D-grade for Strength and S-grade for Faith by using smithing stones. Furthermore, the Godslayer Seal grants a 10% buff to all Godskin Apostle Incantations.
8. Erdtree Seal

The Erdtree Seal is perhaps the most useful of Sacred Seals in Elden Ring for Faith-based character builds. It grants the greatest damage to all your incantations rather than to a specific niche. So, if you want to become a master of Incantations, the Erdtree Seal is a must-have for your inventory. However, being a universal seal, it doesn’t add any additional buff to your Incantations.
How to get?
The Erdtree Seal is located at the Volcano Manor. However, you must first complete the initial task for Rya’s questline. After completion of the task, you can visit her at the Grand Lift of Dectus, where she will teleport you to the Volcano Manor. After reaching the Manor, rest at the site of Grace in Prison Town Church. Next, follow the stone path that leads you to the town. Search all the prison cells to find a dead body with the Erdtree Seal.
The Erdtree Seal is specially crafted for the purely Faith character builds. You must have at least 40 Faith to wield this Sacred Seal. Moreover, it offers a C-grade scaling for Faith that you can improve to S-grade by using smithing stones. Furthermore, the seal grants a 353 buff to all Incantations, making it one of the most rewarding Sacred Seals in Elden Ring.
What is a Sacred Seal in Elden Ring?
A Sacred Seal in Elden Ring is the same as a wand in Harry Potter. You can acquire various incantations in the game, but they all are useless without a seal in your inventory. Moreover, different Sacred Seals reward you differently by adding buffs to a specific niche or all the spells.
Which Sacred Seal is the best in Elden Ring?
Each Sacred Seal comes with its pros and cons for different character builds. In my opinion, you must use the Frenzied Flame Seal for fire incantations, Gravel Stone Seal for general purposes, and the Erdtree Seal if you have a pure Faith build. Moreover, you can also use the Godslayer Seal if you want to feel like Zeus in Elden Ring.
How to buy Sacred Seals in Elden Ring?
Almost all Sacred Seals in Elden Ring are free, but you must retrieve them from various locations in the game. Moreover, seals like the Frenzied Flame and Clawmark Seal are rewarded for completing various quests. The Finger Seal is the only Sacred Seal that you can purchase for 800 runes from Enia in Roundtable Hound.
The Sacred Seals in Elden Ring are the same as the wands in Harry Potter. In other words, your incantations are useless without a suitable seal in your inventory. Moreover, some Sacred Seals even grant special buffs and powers to your spells. So, where to find Sacred Seals in Elden Ring? This article covers the top 8 Best seals to use in the game.