Elden Ring is a game full of secrets that can surprise you no matter how many times you play it. For instance, despite being out there for over a year, players are still discovering new secrets. In this regard, the cosmetic changes that you can unlock are streamlining all over the Internet.
Did you notice that your character’s eyes have changed color all of a sudden? Well, you are not alone, as countless players have reported similar encounters.
So, why are your eyes red in Elden Ring? Well, this article provides the most reliable explanation and the best way to revert these changes.
How To Get Red Eyes in Elden Ring?
To get red eyes in Elden Ring, you need to become a Knight of Blood by completing tasks for Varre.
Eye color alterations can tell a great deal about your character’s abilities. For instance, shining red eyes mean that you are following the bloody finger and have become a knight of Mohg. To get red eyes, you must first head to the Rose Church.
You can easily find this location by going southwest on your Torrent across the lake in Liurnia of the Lakes. Next, you must find and speak with White Mask Varre, who will give you The Festering Bloody Fingers if you choose the first option.

After getting this item, you must invade three worlds in the Elden Ring Online mode. Alternatively, you can also complete this quest by invading Magnus the Beast Claw near the Bridge of Iniquity in the Altus Plateau. After completing this objective, return to Varre to become the Knight of Blood.
However, you still won’t get red eyes. For this purpose, you must complete the next task of soaking a cloth with the blood of Finger Maiden. After completing this step, return to Varre at the Rose Church to perform the Lord of Blood’s Favor and become a Pureblood Knight.
You will receive the Bloody Finger, the Pureblood Knight’s Medal, and the red eye alteration after completing this quest.
How to remove the red eyes effect?

Unlike the Frenzied Flame marking, getting marked with the Lord of Blood effect won’t change the ending of the game. So, if you are worried about getting locked out of other endings, that’s not a problem. However, if you want to keep the ability to invade other worlds unlimited times but don’t like the new eyes, there’s a quick fix.
Here’s how to remove red eyes in Elden Ring without losing the Lord of Blood effect:
Visit Fia:
The easiest way to get your original eyes back is by visiting Fia. For this, head to the Roundtable Hold and enter Fia’s room. Next, approach the mirror there and interact with it to alter your character’s appearance. Doing so will open a customization menu.
The next step is to choose the eye customization option and hover to the bottom of the list. Finally, turn off the Eye Alterations toggle to remove the Red Eye effect and get your original eyes back.
Moreover, you can return to the mirror at any time to make further changes free of cost.
Visit Rennala:
If, for some reason, you can’t find Fia’s room in Roundtable Hold, there’s another way to solve your problem. However, before you can use this method, you must defeat Rennala, the Queen of the Full Moon at Raya Lucaria Academy.
Afterward, she will respawn at the Raya Lucaria Grand Library as a friendly NPC. You can visit her at any time after collecting a Larval Tear to Respec or Rebirth your character.
Similarly, you can approach her to customize your character’s appearance. Simply head to the character customization menu and turn off the Eye Alteration option to remove your Red Eyes. Don’t worry; changing the physical appearance doesn’t count as a Rebirth, so your Larval Tears will be safe as long as you don’t change the stats.
Do Red Eyes change Elden Ring Ending?
Getting Red Eyes by completing White Mask Varre’s questline doesn’t impact the ending. So, if you are fond of invading other worlds, feel free to move around with the Lord of Blood mark. However, if you don’t like the new appearance, you can always change it by visiting Fia’s Room in Roundtable Hold or Rennala at the Grand Library.
How to remove Red Eyes in Elden Ring?
You can easily enter the character customization menu by interacting with the mirror in Fia’s Room or speaking with the friendly Rennala.
Next, enter the eyes customization option and turn off the Eye Alteration to remove Red Eyes. Moreover, you can always return to turn on the settings at any time, even during the endgame sequence.
Does the Eye Alteration toggle remove effects?
No, the Eye Alterations toggle in the customization menu is merely based on physical appearance. In other words, you will still be marked even if you get back your original eyes by turning off this option.
Elden Ring is such a detailed game that some of your actions will alter your character’s physical appearance. For example, you will get the Red Eyes mark if you choose to become the Knight of Mohg by completing White Mask Varre’s questline.
Though it doesn’t change anything in the game’s progression, some players are keen to know why the eyes turned red. Therefore, this article explains everything you need to know on this topic.