V Rising’s V Blood Bosses are formidable foes that provide you with special goodies and skills such as Vampiric Powers, building blueprints, and crafting formulas. This guide will tell you everything you need to know about locating and taking down the V Blood Boss Willfred the Werewolf Chief. including Willfred’s exact location, strategies to take him down, and the prizes you may expect in return. This is one of the harder, end-game bosses, you will need this to make sure you are properly prepared!
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Willfred the Werewolf Chief Location

V Rising’s Willfred the Werewolf Chief can be found south of the Cursed Forest Waygate in Gloomgrave Village, just outside the main hall.
Willfred will be prowling from the front of the home to the rear of the smaller house in front of it. You will have to battle two opponents at once as he is usually walking along with another werewolf.
If wandering aimlessly through the bustling Gloomgrave Village is not how you want to go about doing this. Also, you may streamline your quest by using the Blood Altar. If you use the Track button on the Altar, Willfred the Werewolf Chief, the Level 64 V Blood, may be identified and pursued. The floating blood trail will make it much simpler to locate him in these distant regions of the Dunley Farmlands.
Willfred the Werewolf Chief Rewards

By defeating their natural enemy and consuming his blood, vampires will get:
- Heart Strike – Vampire Power / Ultimate Ability
- Holy Resistance Flask – Recipe
Nicely enough, players’ first experience with this power will be during this fight. Willfred will use Heart Strike a lot. To understand it better, here is how it works: you sprint ahead and attack every enemy in a straight line, causing 150 percent magic damage. Also, heal yourself over 3.5 seconds for 150 percent of your spell power.
You will also explode, doing an extra 150 percent damage to the enemy target and its surrounding allies after 3.5 seconds. The Holy Resistance Flask provides the highest level of holy resistance that a potion in the game can provide. You may think of it as an improved version of the Holy Resistance Potion you got from beating Christinia the Sun Priestess.
Tips for Beating Willfred the Werewolf Chief

Willfred the Werewolf Chief, unlike previous V Bloods, won’t appear unless it’s nighttime. So be sure to visit Gloomgrave Village after 8 pm. If you don’t, the village will just be another ordinary hamlet. To win this battle, your gear must be at least level 62. His powers are as such:
Invisibility | Cloaks himself for a moment before launching a rear-attack |
Heart Strike | Charges his enemies and heals, if he manages to hit his target |
Village Whistle | Summons 6 villagers that can heal him, if eaten |
The other residents of the village will also transform into Werewolves in addition to Willfred. To avoid unwanted conflicts, it is highly advised to equip Rat Form to go past other Werewolves in the hamlet and get to the big home in the back.
Also, you must kill him at night because if the sun rises while the battle is still raging, he will change into his human form. If you kill him while human, you won’t get any abilities or rewards.
As soon as you arrive at his location, you must quickly attack him with strong, debuff abilities, such as Chaos Volley. Over time, it will cause scorching harm to him.
You must also bring him into one of those houses behind him once he begins to attack you. Also, away from the main area. That’s because this boss resets after a certain amount of time, and it won’t reset inside the home. You may easily take out the monster after he is inside the house by dealing AoE damage and using the Chaos Volley to burn him down.
He has a headbutt attack which is visible when he buffs himself. He will then come charging at you. You may use Ward of the Damned to stop this attack. Players can easily get some cheap shots after that counter.
The conflict will include additional people, who the werewolf will attempt to consume in order to regain vitality. You want to kill the humans that he summons before he does since each one of them restores 10% of his HP. Because of this, you will need to prepare an AoE Ultimate Ability, to eliminate every human before the wolf does.
Moreover, Willfred may turn invisible for a brief period of time thanks to his werewolf powers. You should flee if he gets too close since he may rapidly land a melee assault on you that will surely sting.
An option is to use swords or axes as your weapon, but the crossbow is recommended because it deals more AoE damage and allows you to harm the enemy from a distance.
You can use the Sanguine Crossbow or the Dark Silver Crossbow to effectively deal massive damage to him. The crossbow’s capacity to fire numerous arrows will also be helpful. Any Ultimate Ability that has an AoE attack can also be used since it will help with the human mobs.
Willfred The Werewolf Chief is extremely skilled. The monster has a lot of HP and is quite swift, making him fairly challenging to destroy. This boss will become a human if you drag out your battle with him until daybreak. Fighting him once he turns human is essentially pointless since it gives no rewards. Nevertheless, your patience will serve you well against this behemoth.
You must anticipate his attacks to parry them. You’ll have more chances to attack him if you can deflect his blows. If you want more V Rising content, also check out how to get through other hard-to-beat V Bloods, like Meredith the Bright Archer.