BTD6 remains one of the most active gaming communities even after several years after its release. A few months ago, the Beast Handler power was rolled out in an update. Players instantly fell in love with the addition as it helped in solving some of the hardest levels with the toughest Bloons in the game. You can gain aquatic, Jurassic, or Air beasts by taking any of the 3 paths.
So, naturally, players fell in love with the Beast Handler best path, i.e., the Megalodon. The only problem is that Ninjakiwi has recently nerfed this Beast by up to 85%, making you rethink your choices. So, after constant debate on the Reddit community, here are the new rankings for the Beast Handler paths in BTD6.
Table of Contents
How to unlock Beast Handler in BTD6?
By now, almost everyone may have figured out how to unlock Beast Handlers in BTD6. However, if you are new to the game, it may seem a bit confusing. So, to unlock Beast Handlers, you should look for the Monke with glasses and a pink explorer hat in the main menu. Talk to this Monke to start the Epic Quest Beast. It is a 3-part quest, and you will unlock the ability to purchase and upgrade Beast Handlers by gaining XP after completing this quest.
What do Beast Handlers do?

Beast Handlers are special Monkes that act as your utility or support towers. Each Handler can control a specific type of Beast, depending on the path you take. Now, you can merge multiple beasts of the same kind to increase their power and even transform them into a new beast upgrade. However, it would be best to know that you can only merge beasts of the same type, and Alchemists and other support Monkes don’t have any effect on your Beast Handlers. Fortunately, you can still improvise by purchasing various upgrades for your Beasts.
All Beast Handler Paths:

Now that you have some idea about Beast Handlers, the next step is to learn about how they can aid you in the game. To get started, you can choose from 3 different paths for your Beast Handlers. These paths are Aquatic, Jurassic, and Botanic (Airborne). Each path has its pros and cons, and after the recent Nerf, the competition between these paths seems to be increasing. Here’s all you need to know about Beast Handler paths:
Path 1:
The first path is the aquatic one. When you choose this path, you will unlock the power to deploy marine beasts. However, the only drawback of this path is that it only works on maps with water or if you have potable lakes. Moreover, you can’t always rely on your portal lakes as they often get blocked by trees, bazaars, and whatnot. In any case, here are all the tiers of the first path:
- Piranha: Command a small but feisty little fish to leap from the water at the Bloons. (Unlock at 250XP, Cost: $135 / $160 / $175 / $190)
- Barracuda: The Barracuda slaps Bloons backwards and pops multiple layers with their razor-sharp teeth. (Unlock at 500XP, Cost: $745 / $875 / $945 / $1,050)
- Great White: The Great White will crush Bloons, including Lead Bloons, in its jaws. At max Beast Power, the Great White can drag down MOABs. (Unlock at 1,000XP, Cost: $2,505 / $2,950 / $3,185 / $3,540)
- Orca: The mighty Orca’s huge mouth can grab and drag all but the very largest Bloons into the depths. At max Beast Power, the Orca can drag down ZOMGs. (Unlock at 4,250XP, Cost: $13,600 / $16,000 / $17,280 / $19,200)
- Megalodon: Requires 3 additional Orca Handlers to control. A truly colossal shark with a taste for Bloon. (Unlock at 100,000XP, Cost: $46,750 / $55,000 / $59,400 / $66,000)
Path 2:
The second path for your Beast Handler is the Terrestrial or the Jurassic path. On this path, you can summon various Dinosaurs to pop some of the toughest Bloons in the game. Secondly, you can place them on all levels, even on the small islands of the water levels. However, the only drawback of this path is that they aren’t as strong as the Megalodon, and they can’t see Camo Bloons.
- Microraptor: A small Dinosaur with sharp claws, piercing damage, and fast attacks. However, it has a small range and can’t take down tougher Bloons. (Unlock at 250XP, Cost: $165 / $195 / $210 / $235)
- Adasaurus: Has all the previous abilities along with sharp claws to destroy Frozen and Lead Bloons and higher range. (Unlock at 500XP, Cost: $805 / $945 / $1,020 / $1,135)
- Velociraptor: A deadly Velociraptor with even sharper attacks, higher Beast Power, longer range, and +25% increased damage to stunned Bloons. (Unlock at 1,000XP, Cost: $2,210 / $2,600 / $2,810 / $3,120)
- Tyrannosaurus Rex: The T-Rex has the ability to Stomp, Chew, and stun all Bloons, including DDT and ZOMG. Moreover, it also gets better range, and all Bloons in its range get 150 damage. (Unlock at 5,000XP, Cost: $8,075 / $9,500 / $10,260 / $11,400)
- Giganotosaurus: Requires 3 additional Tyrannosaurus Handlers to control. The biggest and most fierce dinosaur of them all. This Beast can insta-kill almost every Bloon, including the MOABs. (Unlock at 90,000XP, Cost: $59,500 / $70,000 / $75,600 / $84,000)
Path 3:
The third path brings the Botanic or Airborne Beasts. These beasts are not as strong as Land or Water ones, but they can carry the Bloons to specified spots, have a higher range, piercing damage, and have the ability to see Camo Bloons. So, if you are looking for some support towers, you will find them extremely reliable. However, they aren’t much effective against tough Bloons.
- Gyrfalcon: A small bird that Scratches, Bloons, and carries them to the specified spots. However, they can’t carry MOAB and Lead Bloons. (Unlock at 250XP, Cost: $155 / $180 / $195 / $215)
- Horned Owl: Large birds with a keen eye for Camo Bloons and strong enough to fly off with Ceramic Bloons. (Unlock at 500XP, Cost: $780 / $915 / $990 / $1,100)
- Golden Eagle: A large Golden Eagle with huge talons to grab multiple Bloons in one go. Moreover, it can also grab MOABs and deal piercing damage. (Unlock at 1,000XP, Cost: $2,550 / $3,000 / $3,240 / $3,600)
- Giant Condor: Giant Condors are even stronger than Eagles. They have huge talons to carry multiple Bloons, including DDts and MOABs. (Unlock at 5,500XP, Cost: $6,800 / $8,000 / $8,640 / $9,600)
- Pouākai: Pouākai are the largest Beasts of their kind. They have huge talons to carry almost every type of Bloon, including BADs and Bosses. (Unlock at 110,000XP, Cost: $25,500 / $30,000 / $32,400 / $36,000)
What is the Beast Handler best path in BTD6?

Megalodon was the biggest, baddest Beast in the game until it got nerfed in the recent update. So, now players have started to question their strategies. In my opinion, the Beast Handler system has become balanced after the Nerf, as now, each path gets an equal chance. So, choosing the Beast Handler best path really depends on your battle strategies.
For example, if you are a fan of large beasts with sharp claws and powerful jaws, you should go for the Jurassic path. Usually, these beasts are strong enough to take you to level 150. However, you may need to make some changes after that point on. For example, the Jurassic beasts can’t detect Camo Bloons, so you may have to purchase that upgrade. Similarly, you should also consider upgrading the Stomp Ability.
On the contrary, if your defense strategy is good on its own and you only need some extra help. In this case, you should go for the Botanic (Airborne) path. These birds will carry all Bloons to your towers or even force them to make a second run. Furthermore, they can detect Camo Bloons so that you can focus on other powerups.
The Megalodon Beast Handler powerup was recently nerfed in the new BTD6 update. Although it was a good act to add some balance between different paths, still, players consider it to be pretty devastating. As a result, many players are forced to shift to alternate beasts. So, what is the Beast Handler best path in the new BTD6? This article explains it all!