In V Rising, base building and structural development are key components of growth and the location may have a big impact on how quickly and successfully players can grow their stronghold. The function takes precedence over form in the harsh world of vampires.
Because explorers must deliberately locate their residence close to important resources and landmarks. Vampires are advised to build their castle bases in one of these many locations in V Rising, trying to both avoid other players in PVP and also get the best resources there are.
In this guide we will go over the best base locations in V Rising and why you should put your castle in these locations.
Updated for Gloomrot!
Table of Contents
Why the Base’s Location in V Rising Is Vital

In the game, establishing the ideal base location in V Rising aids you in the early-game, mid-game, and late-game progressions. As was previously said, establishing a base in the middle of Vardoran is helpful since you’re reliant on good blood for sustenance, on high-quality materials to thrive, and on powerful bosses to get new abilities.
Many resources, such as Whetstone, stone, copper, wood, and other fundamental components, will be helpful to you on your adventure through V Rising’s early game. This changes in the middle of the game when you can no longer level up your gear score with those materials and need to create some of the greatest weapons, armor, rings, and other items in the game.
Now, you might just pop up your castle in a nice place that could look great. That’s amazing if that is what you want. But, a lot of players will raid the bases all over the map, no matter where you hide. So, the most important thing is to set up the base location in V Rising close to resources. If the resources around the base are good, the rest will come.
With Gloomrot, you can now build multilevel bases! Meaning that you no longer have to expand out as far (and risk being found by other players). You can now build up!
Farbane Woods Best Base Locations

We are going to start this with some advice: Don’t set up your base location in V rising in Farbane Woods!
The only reason someone might start their conquest from Farbane Woods would be that they have just started the game. Not even in PvE would this location be preferable to the others. Still, if you insist on setting up your stronghold in this flimsy starting area, here are your best choices:
# | Base Location | Pros & Minuses | Description |
1 | North-west Farbane Woods | +Extremely close to the Dunley Farmlands and the Iron Mine+Relatively easy to defend -Not many other resources surrounding the area-Its three levels can make it a bit harder to construct | There is a fantastic three-tier raised platform in west Farbane that is just begging for a regal castle. It is located between the Bandit Armory and the Gleaming Meadows. Due to its close proximity to the Dunley Farmlands and, in particular, the Haunted Iron Mine, it is at a perfect location for the transition from early to mid-game. |
2 | Northern Farbane Woods | +Good spot early-game for resources+Close to the Dunley Farmlands -Can be attacked from two different sides-One ramp to the castle will be closer to the center than the other, making it an easy target | The advantage of constructing in the middle of the Farbane Woods is that you may easily go in either direction to obtain supplies and building materials. This location gives you quick access to Bones and Grave Dust because it is directly close to the Forgotten Cemetery. As you get towards the middle of the game and begin your hunt for Iron and other higher-tier minerals, you are also quite close to one of the roads leading up to the Dunley Farmlands. |
3 | North-east Farbane Woods | +Enormous building space+Close to the Dunley Farmlands and the Hallowed Mountains+Close to the region’s Waygate+Can build amazing things in PvE -Very hard to defend-A target to anyone passing through the area-Far from most resources | Due to the fact that you will be building on plains rather than steep terrain, this location might not be the greatest choice for PvP servers. But the Farbane Woods is the ideal location for building a large, majestic castle. The Dunley Farmlands and the Hallowed Mountains are two more areas that are nearby. The Mountains are still an incomplete area, but the developers want to add a lot to it over time, so you’ll be glad you chose to live so near to this foreboding late-game biome. |
If anything wasn’t clear, the locations are clearly shown in the image above.
Dunley Farmlands Best Base Locations

The Cursed Forest, where you may mine iron, and Silverlight Hills, where you can easily locate silver, are both equally distant from this central position, making it the greatest place to set up your base. In the Dunley Farmlands, which are indicated on the accompanying map, there are a few important locations to keep an eye out for.
# | Base Location | Pros & Minuses | Description |
1 | North Dunley Farmlands | +Mid-game resource spots all around+Cursed Forest is easily accessible+Good foundation for a defensible base -A bit further from the mine and the village than the other bases-Very far from silver resources | There are a few comparable elevated platforms scattered across the Dunley Farmlands’ center, but the best one is this area of land that faces further to the northeast. It provides a respectable but not enormous room for construction, which appeals to builders who like to do much with little. Additionally, it is bordered by locations like the Bastion of Dunley and the Church of the Damned, both of which may be raided for resources like Grave Dust, Whetstone, Sulphur Ore, and others. Additionally, the region of the Cursed Forest in the far north is easily accessible on horseback. |
2 | Central Dunley Farmlands | +Same pros as the last one+Very close to a Waygate -Very far from silver | A remote hilltop base in the middle of the map is indicated by the “2” marker on the left. Because there are only two modest entries, this location is rather safe. Two stone veins on the first level of the hill may be mined for resources, and there are stables, fishing holes, several farms and settlements nearby, as well as a waygate. |
3 | East Dunley Farmlands | +Same pros as the other two minus the defensiveness+A lot of space for the main castle -Ramps are close, which makes it hard to defend-Almost no space for the second level of the castle-No silver in sight | Because it is on the top level of a hill, the “3” on the map to the right is likewise quite secure. The top of the hill is fairly roomy at this location, so you may eventually construct a huge castle. A large settlement is to the north, a militia camp to the west, and an abandoned farm to the south that is loaded with plunder and scarecrows. |
Silverlight Hills Best Base Locations

You will discover that the Silverlight Hills region of Vardoran is essentially a gold mine when you reach the end game at roughly gear score level 55 or above. It’s because you will need to rely heavily on silver coins throughout the endgame. And, you can only get silver ore from the North Silverlight Hills. As a matter of fact, this is why one of these two is the best location by far to settle down in V Rising:
# | Base Location | Pros & Minuses | Description |
1 | North-west Silverlight Hills | +Enormous building space+Only needs defending from one general area+Very close to the Sacred Silver Mine and Brighthaven -A lot of territories to handle | This is a great place to develop with all of the Silver Ore requirements in the late game. It will take some time before you are ready to start constructing here, but once you are, you will be glad of the near proximity to the vital resources stored by the Sacred Silver Mine to the east and Brighthaven to the south. The fact that this region can only truly be attacked from the east is another major selling feature for PvP. In order to assist block that chokepoint, you may build a Castle Heart on the eastern boundary. Your main base, however, should be built around a second Castle Heart in the northwest corner of that raised area. |
2 | North Silverlight Hills | +Close to the most important resources+Quite defensible+Better than most bases shown -Inferior to the previous castle location in almost every other way | While also secure and roomy, this location to the right isn’t quite as closely connected to Silverlight Hill’s greatest treasure locations. As an alternative, you can mine a variety of minerals to the east and south or jump from a cliff to the west to explore the Sacred Silver Mine’s surroundings. |
Cursed Forest Best Base Locations

As said before with the Farbane Woods, do not settle in the Cursed Forest!
And yet, I cannot stop you. This location is just too hostile for anyone to live in it, be it PvP or PvE. In fact, you will be ambushed every time you leave your home, and every day will be a struggle. So, there are only around two places vampires can put down their Castle Hearts, and both are not incredible:
# | Base Location | Pros & Minuses | Description |
1 | West Cursed Forest | +Spacious enough area of land+In an endgame area+Great late-game resources -Further from most resources than #2-Hard and dangerous region | This place is situated right next to a cave entrance, making travel not so much of a bother. The Waygate is also closer to this base than #2, but all in all, this base just works if you want to be isolated from the world. It would be much better, if free, to choose the 2nd castle location. |
2 | East Cursed Forest | +Same pros as #1+Really good for defending in PvP -Extremely dangerous | This interesting plot of land in the northeast of the Cursed Forest is the best option if you want to construct in the furthest, most isolated corner of the map An excellent late-game base site for harvesting advanced resources like Scales, Ghost Yarn, Spectral Dust, and more, the large building place near the Spider Cave and the Ancient Village features just a few natural chokepoints for simple defense against PvP attacks. |
With the new Gloomrot update, the Cursed Forest is even worse. You get a debuff that takes away your vision and your map! This can lead to you easily getting lost and losing line of sight of enemies (and other players).
If you beat the Old Wanderer you can equip a cloak that prevents this debuff. This could be good for ganking players who don’t have the cape yet, but still, the Cursed Forest just sucks to be in.
Best Base Location Gloomrot

The new area in the Gloomrot update is, Gloomrot! Here you are going to find new enemy types, new resources, and new bosses. As for bases, here are a few we think are good locations in the Gloomrot part of the map.
# | Base Location | Pros & Minuses | Description |
1 | Gloomrot North (Center) | + Right in the middle of the map + easily gank people farming resources nearby – building in the center makes you a prime target for raids | Right next to the Trancendum Laboratories is a nice place to set up a base. You have two different areas to choose from which are right in the midst of things. You can easily farm or gank from this location without having to go very far. |
2 | Gloomrot Northeast | +Out of the way #1+Really good for defending in PvP -Long walk for resource farming | This secluded section in the top right of Gloomrot is good for defending and staying hidden. Well, as hidden as a gigantic vampire castle can be. Sadly, you will have to travel quite a distance to reach anywhere important, although, other players will have to do the same to reach you. |
Even though we showcase all these incredible locations, players should still go with their gut from time to time. In fact, some of these might be taken by other vampires in PvP. So, all that matter is making sure you build the base location in V Rising up properly, with good double and triple walls.
Also, if it wasn’t clear, try to settle in the Silverlight Hills, since these locations will offer the best rewards by far. If you want more V Rising content, also check out how to get through some hard-to-beat V Bloods, like Meredith the Bright Archer.