Want to unlock teachables in Dead by Daylight? Maybe you just want to reach the bloodpoint cap. Either way, I am going to show you the best way to get bloodpoints as a survivor in this best bloodpoint farming build for survivors’ guide.
Table of Contents
Best Perks for Farming in Dead by Daylight
Without a doubt the best perks on survivors in Dead by Daylight for farming are We’re Gonna Live Forever and Self-Care.
Why We’re Gonna Live Forever and Self-Care? Well, We’re Gonna Live Forever can double your bloodpoints and Self-Care gives you a chance to get bloodpoints you might otherwise not be able to get.
Let me explain.
We’re Gonna Live Forever gives you a stackable bonus to all bloodpoints after you either take a hit for a survivor or safely unhook another survivor. You get one stack for either of those actions up to a maximum of 4 stacks for 100% bloodpoints.
Self-Care allows you to heal yourself, albeit at 50% the speed.
I know what you’re thinking, “the first one makes sense, but why self-care? That doesn’t give you bloodpoints?” Actually, my friend, it does. Healing yourself (or others) gives you points in the survival category.
Now, normally, this category is super hard to get bloodpoints in. This is because you have to either heal someone else, wiggle (which means you got down), struggle (which means you’re on your last hook), or escape (which is hard to do consistently). In the case of the latter, you get a massive amount, 5,000 I believe. However, escaping can’t be counted on unless you run a super good build or try to use the hatch, which I’ll talk about later, but let’s focus on Self-Care.
So, that all being said, Self-Care allows you to heal yourself, which gives you survival points. I think it is around five hundred per heal. A fair amount.
Those are my explanations for the best perks to farm bloodpoints. I’m sure you are wondering why I left out some of the other perks, like No One Left Behind. Simple, the other perks suck.
Which leads me to my next point.
Certain Perks Suck, Try to Win Instead

Basically the title. Don’t use crappy perks like No One Left Behind or you will end up losing more points than you would ever gain from it. I mean, think of the situation it puts you in.
Let’s say you finally get the gates open and someone got hooked or you try to take a hit etc. At this point, there is a lot at play and the killer has the advantage more often than not. All they have to do is stall and you will die during the end game collapse. Plus, most killers will camp if the other survivors open the gate but don’t leave, and it really isn’t their fault either. What else would the survivors be doing but trying to save the hooked guy?
Also, what happens if your plan fails? Instead of saving the hooked player, you end up dead too.
Not only do you not get the extra points, but you don’t get the 5000 escape points for leaving, which hurts to even type out. Especially considering you can double the 5000 with your We’re Gonna Live Forever.
You can probably see my point by now. Good perks that help you survive are worth way more than crappy bloodpoint farming perks that don’t benefit you during the match.
Whatever you are doing right now, trade out bad perks and put on more meta perks like Adrenaline or Sprint Burst. Dead hard is really good, in my opinion.
Dead Hard and We’re Gonna Live forever are both David perks which make it easier for those of you without teachables.
Now, let me show you what I believe is a really good perk setup for bloodpoint farming in Dead by Daylight.
Best Survivor Perk Build for Bloodpoints
- We’re Gonna Live Forever
- Self-Care
- Dead Hard
- Spine Chill
Why these perks? Easy. We’re Gonna Live Forever is the best perk by far for bloodpoints on survivors. Self-Care helps you survive and gives you points. Dead Hard helps survive against the killer and can come in clutch when used correctly. Finally, Spine Chill can help you figure out if a killer is looking at you, which is super good especially against stealth killers like Ghost Face who can sneak up on you in an instant.
Alternative Perks for Objective Players:
- Prove Thyself
- Bond
- Empathy
- Spine Chill
This perk build for survivors is only if you plan on gen-rushing or prefer to just do generators.
Don’t put We’re Gonna Live Forever in this build thinking you can double the number of points you will get. You can either save people or do objectives, it is hard to do both and will cause you to lose efficiency.
What if I Don’t Have (Insert Perk Here)?

I don’t have a lot of teachables unlocked, and I didn’t get self-care from the bloodweb yet. This is my build for Bill.
If you don’t have all of the perks listed above, here is what I suggest. Start with David King.
David has We’re Gonna Live Forever (god perk) AND Dead Hard (another god perk). Spine Chill is available for anyone, just gotta get lucky in the blood web.
Try to get Spine Chill when you can but here are a few perk suggestions to fill the gaps if you can’t find some good ones.
- Kindred – Reveals auras of survivors when you are on the hook. This is getting buffed so that everyone gets the bonus regardless of who is on the hook as long as one person is using it. (PTB Patch Notes)
- Resilence – Increases the speed of healing, sabotaging, looting chests, and repairing while injured.
- We’ll Make It – Speeds up healing allies after you unhook them. Good synergy with We’re Gonna Live Forever.
- Small Game – Auditory alert when looking in the direction of a trap or totems. Really good against ruin and totems give you more bloodpoints (1000 for dull, 1500 for active).
Those are my recommendations if you have no teachables available. If you do have teachables available this changes things a bit. My personal recommendations based on teachables are:
- Borrowed Time
- Unbreakable
Meg (Any of her perks lets be honest).
- Lithe
- Deliverance (If you unhook someone gives you a free unhook when you get hooked. Insane combo with We’re Gonna Live Forever and you get 1500 points from an unhook).
- Breakdown (if used with Deliverance)
- Aftercare
- Head-on
- Decisive Strike (prevents tunneling)
- Balanced Landing (getting nerfed sadly)
- Urban Evasion
- Iron Will (silences grunts)
- Fixated
If it wasn’t listed above, you probably shouldn’t put it on.
Guaranteeing a Win
Farming bloodpoints by unhooking or performing a heal is nice, but the greatest amount of points comes from escaping the game.
Note: Here is the breakdown of the points you get if you ONLY escaped from the hatch.
- 2000 from opening hatch
- 2000 from escaping through the hatch
- 5000 from escaping
- 1500 if you were the obsession
- Total = 9000 (10500)
But how do we win the game? Obviously by completing generators and leaving through the door right? Well, there is another way.
The way I am talking about is of course, by escaping through the hatch.
I have written a guide that covers everything you need to know about the hatch but let me explain how to more or less GUARANTEE to escape through the hatch.
First, don’t use maps unless you can help it. Keys are always superior to maps because maps only tell you where the hatch is but can’t open it.
The best way to escape is to bring a key and open the hatch with it as soon as possible.
Now, there are rules for when the hatch is “revealed” or visible. Basically, if you aren’t the last survivor alive, you have to complete generators equal to the number of survivors plus one. Four survivors, five gens. Three survivors, four gens. Two survivors, three gens. And if there is only one survivor it doesn’t matter, the hatch will be opened.
Keep this in mind when trying to escape through the hatch. You will have to do something during the match other than hiding in a corner, and of course, this is preferable as being active in the game gives the most points.
Do generators while you can (use Spine Chill to make sure you aren’t getting snuck up on) and avoid getting into chases. You can use Prove Thyself in this scenario because you want to get gens done quick but can also go for some saves (since you don’t need all the gens done).
Best Bloodpoint Actions in Dead by Daylight
Here are all of the bloodpoint actions from most to least.
- Survived – 5000
- Late Rescue – 2000
- Hatch Open – 2000
- Hatch Escape – 2000
- Hook Escape – 1500
- Hook Rescue – 1000 + 500 if it is safe
- Obsession Escape (If you’re obsession) – 1500
- Open Gate During EGC – 1500
- Trap Rescue – 1000
- Killer Stun (Pallet) – 1000
And those are the top bloodpoint actions in Dead by Daylight. Obviously, there are more, however, these are the actions that give the most bloodpoints and therefore are the ones you are trying to get.
So that is my guide for farming bloodpoints in Dead by Daylight as a survivor. Got any questions? Please leave them in the comments.