With 27 killers currently available for use in Dead By Daylight, it’s only natural that everyone will choose their favorite according to their play style. When we think of the terrifying horror icons that Behaviour Interactive’s game houses, some of the most aggressive killers come to mind. But not all of them are unstoppable killing machines, others will take a much more stealthy approach and attack you when you least expect it.
This guide is dedicated to the best Ghostface build in DBD and how to play Ghostface properly. Ghostface is the most intelligent and strategic killer in the game. The only killer from whom you must not only hide from him, but he must hide from you. And if you don’t find him in time, you are about to get the scare of your life.
Table of Contents
Night Shroud

Ghostface’s power is Night Shroud. This ability allows him to enter stealth mode, which causes his terror radius and cone of vision to disappear completely. While in stealth mode, GhostFace can stalk his victims. If he does so long enough, they will be marked for a limited time and go into the exposed mode, so Ghostface can put them in the Dying State in one hit. The only way for survivors to take him out of stealth mode is to stare at his position for a certain amount of time. This will reveal him and put Night Shroud on Cooldown for a few seconds.
To go along with this ability, GhostFace can also crouch and lean out from the edges of the map. Not only is the latter a great technique for survivors not to be able to detect you, but this killer will mark his targets even faster if he stalks while leaning out from a corner. The latest rework it received further improves its ability to catch survivors who are alone. With these changes, marked survivors cannot reveal him, so if Ghostface decides to chase him, the victim will have to escape from this killer without being able to hear his terror radio.
Tips for using The Ghostface
Ghostface is a killer with normal speed, so chases with him should be easy. At the beginning of the game, quickly search for survivors and try to mark them 99%. If you mark them too early, they will receive a notification that they are exposed and will run away. If you approach them in stealth mode and get 100% within a few centimeters, you will surely take them down without any problems.
Focus on only one survivor at a time and if you are taken out of stealth mode, try not to hit the survivors you haven’t finished marking, as this will reset their stalking meter. Using Night Shroud in the middle of a chase is also very viable, as it gives you many possibilities to make mind games and you can gather the charge you are missing to catch that elusive survivor. And last but not least, remember the most important Ghostface tip: always stalk when leaning from a corner!
Best Ghostface Build
Here are some of the best perks for Ghostface and the current meta build for Ghostface:
Corrupt Intervention (The Plague)

An almost mandatory pick for all killers. Ghostface benefits a lot from this perk since at the beginning of the game he must generate a lot of pressure by marking survivors and playing as carefully as possible. This means that Ghostface can have a very slow start if detected quickly, but luckily, Corrupt Intervention will prevent those generators from being repaired too quickly.
Lethal Pursuer (The Nemesis)

Another almost mandatory pick in Ghostface. As mentioned before, his early game can be a bit weak, since this killer needs to find survivors as fast as possible. This perk solves all his problems since from the beginning of the game it reveals where the survivors are, where they are going and which generator will start repairing them.
Pop Goes the Weasel (The Clown)

There is not much science with Pop Goes the Weasel. As with Corrupt Intervention, this perk will help Ghostface stay in the game. Survivors tend to return to the same generator they were working on before you took them down. This will give you time to take them down over and over again and make that generator never get finished.
Nurse Calling (The Nurse)

This perk is not recommended for many killers, as there are more useful detection perks than it. This is not the case with GhostFace, since he must constantly receive information about where the survivors are. Those seconds where they are healing are essential for him, as he can take them down before they finish healing. If you think you won’t make it in time, you can track the healing survivors and as soon as they finish healing, mark them and take them down again.
Worst Perks for The Ghostface
Beast of Prey (The Huntress)
This perk is very bad for Ghostface. First of all, you don’t need its effect, since Ghostface can disappear from his terror radius on his own. Also, this effect is activated by being in a chase for a long time. Allowing a chase to go on too long is the last thing you should do with this killer, as his entire playstyle is based on taking down survivors as fast as you can.
Enduring (The Hillbilly)
Getting hit by pallets is certainly not ideal in Ghostface. With the tips we gave you, the survivors shouldn’t even have time to reach the pallet. If they still do, they can use a strategy similar to Myers’: let them throw the pallet but don’t let them hit you, take advantage of that moment to stalk your victim and take him down in one hit. If you do it right, he won’t be able to reveal you and you will be able to continue without terror radius for the rest of the chase.
Monitor and Abuse (The Doctor)
Another perk that won’t do GhostFace much good. Whenever he plans an attack, GhostFace should be in stealth mode, so he can’t really make use of Monitor and Abuse’s terror radius reduction.
Infectious Fright (The Plague):
This Perk doesn’t fit the absolute with Ghostface’s style. This is not a killer that rampantly chases survivors and after taking one down, can focus on another. When you take down a survivor and there is another one nearby, ignore him and hang up on the one you took down, your targets should always be distracted survivors who are working on generators.
Best Add-ons Build for Ghostface
Ghost Face caught on Tape:
This add-on gives Ghostface the ability to regain his power as soon as he takes down a survivor. This is sensational for this killer since after taking down a survivor, he can immediately go and look for another victim.
Outdoor security camera:
In itself is not the best add-on, since the fact of knowing where all the survivors are as soon as you take down someone is not very useful for GhostFace, since he needs his power to attack other survivors. This changes if you also have the previous add-on, as the combination of these two infinitely increases the chasing potential of Ghostface.

This was our guide to learning how to use the stealthy GhostFace! We hope you found the best Ghostface build in DBD enlightening.
If you want to see more guides, we also made a guide for The Cenobite here:
Or you can also check out our guide to The Nemesis here: