Killers in Dead by Daylight are known for being expensive to level with blood points. Because of this many people have wondered what is the best killer to farm blood points with in Dead by Daylight?
Wanna know the best bloodpoint farming perks for survivors?
While the choice of a killer is important, you must always remember that there are good killer perks that can help you farm BPs way faster as well. This guide is going to teach you what the best killer to farm blood points in Dead by Daylight is, and the best perks to use to farm blood points as a killer.
(This has been updated)
Table of Contents
Best Killer to Farm Bloodpoints in Dead by Daylight

The best killer to farm blood points within Dead by Daylight has to be the Doctor because the Doctor has such an easy way of maxing out his deviousness and also because he can find the survivors quickly with his power.
Let me explain. The Doctor has a power called Carter’s Spark. This power allows the Doctor to shock survivors and slowly drive them mad, each tier of madness (up to three) is reached by shocking survivors or having them in the Doctor’s terror radius.
Getting survivors up to tier 3 in madness gives a bunch of points and if you get every survivor into tier 3 you will likely be close to maxing out your deviousness.
Besides the deviousness category, the Doctor can also find survivors quicker than other killers because survivors scream randomly once afflicted by madness. This means that you will end up in more chases, increasing hunter-category blood points.
The one downside to the Doctor is that he is a rather weak killer against experienced survivors, meaning you likely won’t be maxing out your sacrifice category.
Other than that, The Doctor is the undisputed champion of blood point farming in Dead by Daylight.
Best Killer Perks for Bloodpoints DBD
Without a doubt, the best killer perk for bloodpoints is Barbecue and Chilli, a Leatherface teachable perk (here are the best teachables in DBD). This perk gives you a 25% bonus bloodpoints for every stack of the perk you have. You gain BBQ stacks by hooking survivors and can get a maximum of 4 stacks (100% bloodpoints).
Of all the bloodpoint perks that killers have only Barbecue and Chilli can increase the max amount of BP you can get at the end of a match. What I mean by this is that Barbecue and Chilli can give you double bloodpoints even in maxed out categories whereas a perk like Beasts of Prey will only help you max out the categories bloodpoints.
If that sounded confusing let me use an example. Let’s say you had 6k points in the Hunter category and you had Barbecue and Chilli. In this case, you would get 12k bloodpoints for max stacks (100% more BP) but for this example’s sake let us say you only got 2 stacks of BBQ and you get 9k bloodpoints (50% BP).
If instead, you used Beasts of Prey, which gives 50% (the same as 2 stacks of BBQ), you would only get 8k BP.
Why is this? Well, the max bloodpoints you can get in any category is 8k; nothing you do can increase this number. Once you have 8k you no longer receive any extra BPs for actions in that category.
So, Beasts of Prey can only help you get to the 8k, but Barbecue can double the 8k and turn it into 16k BP because all BBQ does is double total bloodpoints, it doesn’t affect the categories.
This goes for any category killer perk, Distressing and Thrill of the Hunt included.
Basically, always run BBQ as it will double your bloodpoints but only run the category perks if you feel you can’t reach the max on them naturally. For this reason, I listed Bubba as the best killer for beginners in DBD.
In my opinion, you should always run perks that help you kill the survivors and ignore any fluff perks that may or may not give you more BPs, which leads me to my next point.
Bring Perks to Kill Survivors
Perks that kill survivors or put pressure on survivors are going to be the best perks for bloodpoint farming in DBD.
Survivors may not like it but perks like Ruin, Corrupt Intervention, No One Escapes Death, and more meta perks are all tools most killers need to farm bloodpoints effectively. Gen-rushing survivors cost themselves extra bloodpoints and the killer as there is far less time to acquire points in every category.
Although I don’t run this build normally (because I would hate to play against it), here is my recommendation.
- Ruin
- Barbecue and Chilli
- Sloppy Butcher
- Nurse’s Calling or Thanatophobia
My reasoning for each perk is simple, slow down the game and find survivors as quickly as possible to apply pressure to them while making sure they can’t do objectives unharassed.
Ruin is a hex perk that will slow the game down immensely. It has been nerfed since I made this build (so it isn’t quite as good) but it will still slow the game down. I still recommend it.
Barbecue and Chilli give you extra BP at the end of the game and reveal the auras of survivors after you hook a survivor.
Sloppy butcher gives survivors the Mangled and Haemorrhage effect. The healing speed of a survivor effected by Mangled is -20% so they heal far slower than normal. This makes Self-Care take a super long time.
Nurse’s Calling will reveal the aura of healing survivors within a certain range, allowing you to apply pressure on them and prevent the healing. Thanatophobia slows down the survivor’s healing and repairing speed which punishes survivors who don’t heal up when injured.
If you want a non-ruin bloodpoint farming build for killers, keep reading.
Non-Ruin Build for Killers
Some people either don’t have Ruin or don’t like running it. I understand; I usually won’t run Ruin because it is super annoying to play against. Here is a really good alternative to Ruin builds.
- Pop Goes the Weasel
- Barbecue and Chilli
- Whispers
- Corrupt Intervention
This build still aims to slow down the game but does it in a less obnoxious way and as a small bonus can’t be countered like Ruin can (by being cleansed).
Pop Goes the Weasel regresses a generator by 25% when you kick it after hooking a survivor. Goes great with Barbecue.
You should know what BBQ does by now. This perk will help you find which generator has the most progress after hooking a survivor and will help you max out the potential of Pop.
Whispers will just tell you if survivors are near you.
Corrupt Intervention blocks off the generators the furthest away from you when you first spawn for 120 seconds. This will give you enough time to pressure survivors and hopefully get a BBQ stack or two before a generator gets popped.
So that is the best killer for farming bloodpoints in Dead by Daylight and the best perks for farming bloodpoints in DBD. Hopefully, this will help you reach the cap of one million bloodpoints in DBD.