In Elden Ring, Bleed damage is one of the most popular types of damage you can deal. Nobody loves more than seeing, after a few good hits, the life of their enemy takes a nosedive thanks to bleed build up. This is why Arcane is such a great stat and why so many people love maining it.
However, everyone thinks that they need double bleed katanas to properly use their Arcane skill, which is a myth! You can also use a great staff that can compare to greats such as the Carian Regal Scepter and Lusat’s Glintstone Staff. Now, you just need to find it. So, here is the exact location of the Albinauric Staff in Elden Ring.
Albinauric Staff

Let’s start off with the Albinauric Staff’s requirements, to see just how quick you can start using this juggernaut:
- 8 Strength
- 10 Intelligence
- 12 Arcane
That’s almost what you can have at the start of a normal Elden Ring playthrough. So, it’s really easy to get and use. Let’s now see how it scales at +0:
- Strength → E
- Intelligence → D
- Arcane → C
Pretty good for a starting staff. Luckily, this is not one of those unique weapons that only uses Somber Smithing Stones, which allows it to get to +25 really easily. At that point, you will get an S rating for Arcane and B for Intelligence. If you get both stats up to level 80, this staff can get almost as powerful as the best staffs in the game.
This is very impressive considering this is an Arcane-based staff, that you can use from the start of the game. Using the weapon from the early game can also help you in getting used to using it and growing along with the armament.
Though the weapon has no passive effects listed, it actually increases the bleed build up from Aberrant sorceries. The spells you can use to profit from this advantage are Briars of Punishment and Briars of Sin. This does bring a new problem to the table, and that is that you will require at least 24 Faith to use Briars of Sin.
Of course, if you are willing to invest some points, you can become the reincarnation of Mohg, Lord of Blood, and you can splatter blood left and right like a maniac. With a good melee bleed weapon you can get that build up in seconds and one to two shot most enemies.
The beauty of the staff is that you don’t even have to necessarily upgrade your Intelligence past 10 since you will still get a huge bonus just from Arcane and you can still cast a basic spell such as Glintstone Pebble.
Albinauric Staff Location in Elden Ring

We did say that you can use the Albinauric Staff in Elden Ring in the beginning of the game. However, to get the staff, you have to get to a really far location. To get the staff, you need to travel to the Volcano Manor, north of Liurnia.
Once you are there, you will need to find the Guest Hall Site of Grace. Unfortunately, it could take a while for you to reach this Site of Grace. So, either come prepared for a fight or run between many enemies.
From the bonfire, turn left, then turn left once again, and ascend the steps to the next level. Take the ladder to your left and climb the roof after exiting the building. Go south to the back of the roof, then leap from the west side onto a ledge. There is an Omenkiller within a chamber. That is also where you will find the Albinauric Staff in Elden Ring along with the Albinauric Mask on top of that.
After the long journey to the Volcano Manor, you finally got your hands on the Albinauric Staff in Elden Ring you were longing for. You will now have the ability to not only slash people into bits with your Arcane abilities. But, you will also throw blood left and right and get that bleed bonus on all your enemies. You can clearly see why Arcane is such a popular build stat. Especially now that you can also do crazy magic like Mohg, Lord of Blood.
Now that you know the location of and got the best Arcane staff in Elden Ring, the Albinauric Staff, the Lands Between experience is not even close to done. If you want more compelling Elden Ring content, also check out: Where to Find Swarm of Flies Elden Ring | (Complete) List of Walking Mausoleum Locations in Elden Ring | How to Upgrade Summons in Elden Ring