There are many powerful spells in Elden Ring, however, Burn O Flame is one of the best Faith incantations players can get their hands on, if they can find its location. It is one of the best spells in terms of raw power and ability to melt the bosses of the Lands Between.
Well, if you want to become an extremely overpowered fire-wielder in Elden Ring, here is the exact location of the Burn O Flame in Elden Ring spell and how to use it best to defeat your enemies in both PvE and PvP.
How Does Burn, O Flame! Work?

The Burn O Flame Faith spell is one of the best in Elden Ring and can destroy enemies, big and small, with its really powerful damage output. Users of this spell can create a ring of flame around themselves. When several pillars strike a huge enemy, damage can be incredibly high, but even a single pillar causes a considerable amount of damage.
If you can afford the high FP cost, this spell offers a highly helpful crowd-control option because it starts up quite quickly while uncharged. Since Patch 1.07, the cost of FP has decreased from 30 to 26 and the time it takes to make a flame pillar has decreased.
If you can slip one off or charge it during an opening, this spell deals a ton of damage. It’s bad against fire-resistant objects, but since there aren’t many of those, you won’t have to worry about that. You can destroy Malenia with this.
Still needs expertise to cast, especially when timing it during her more aggressive second phase. Cast Swarm of Flies to entice her in, and then Burn O Flame in Elden Ring right away! Every time, she’ll fall for it.
Burn, O Flame! Location

To get the incredible Burn O Flame Faith incantation, players will have to trade the Remembrance of the Fire Giant for the spell with Enia at the Roundtable Hold. The remembrance is obtained as a reward for defeating the Fire Giant at Flame Peak, Mountaintops of The Giants.
The Fire Giant, the final surviving member of the Giant War, is a large humanoid with a face on its chest that may be found in the Giant Mountaintops. One of the few groups that Queen Marika went to battle with was the Fire Giants, who followed the One-Eyed/Fell God.
It is thought that Marika killed their deity and cursed the last of the Fire Giants to guard the forge for all time because the Golden Order was afraid of the “flame of devastation” that may burn down the Erdtree located within their forge.
Players must overcome this adversary in order to go to the Forge of the Giants. It is not an optional fight. If you’re having trouble with this battle, equipping and ingesting Equipment and Items that increase your Fire resistance will be helpful. The Fire Giant does a lot of Fire Damage. Even though defeating this boss is going to be hard, the Burn O Flame is going to be worth it.
And now you got your hands on the powerful Burn O Flame in Elden Ring Faith spell for your character. There is no better incantation in the game to use if you want to feel part of the fire giant tribe and destroy everything that doesn’t resist flame damage.
With the help of this spell you can easily take down some of the most powerful bosses and demigods in Elden Ring. With a well-placed shot of Burn O Flame, even the strongest bosses, such as Malenia, can fall to their knees.
Now that you know the location of and got the Burn, O Flame incantation in Elden Ring, the Lands Between experience is not even close to done. If you want more compelling Elden Ring content, also check out: Elden Ring: Liurnia of the Lakes Walkthrough | (Complete) List of Walking Mausoleum Locations in Elden Ring | Elden Ring: How to Unlock All Endings