The Starfield universe is filled with a variety of resources that you can use to craft various upgrades and mods. While you can easily purchase most of these resources or even harvest them for free, some of them still remain a mystery. In this regard, Caelumite is among the rarest resources in the game. However, you can’t complete your self-sustaining build without stocking up on this mineral.
Unfortunately, Caelumite isn’t as abundant as Polymers or other organic substances. Instead, you must leave your comfort zone and visit distant star systems to mine this rare mineral. The good news is that we have decoded the pattern to discover this rare item. Therefore, this article explains how to get Caelumite in Starfield and offers a farming guide.
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What is Caelumite?
Caelumite is an inorganic resource in Starfield. It is a rare material that you can only harvest from a few selected planets. Furthermore, the ore veins are well hidden under debris, so you must take your time with the scanner even after reaching the exact location.

Caelumite is usually used as a crafting component in spacesuit upgrades, helmets, and Gravitic Composites for your helm. In short, it is a crucial substance for crafting high-end gear and armor upgrades for your Stealth Build. Furthermore, you can also sell it to various vendors to make large sums of credit in no time.
How to Get Caelumite in Starfield?
Caelumite is somehow attached to various temples and artifacts in Starfield. You will always find this rare material in small quantities on various cave linings and near temple sites. So, if you remain vigilant, you can gather this unique material in no time.
Similarly, if you are collecting all Starfield powers, you will definitely find Caelumite around every corner. However, these ore veins are well hidden, so you must follow the Gravity Anomalies on your scanner until you find a strong signal. Here are a few ways to get Caelumite without wandering for several hours:
Find Caelumite in Artifact Sites:
As mentioned earlier, Caelumite is attracted to Starfield artifact sites. You will discover the first site during the “Into the Unknown” quest. As soon as you visit the final planet, follow the distorted signals to find the temple. Next, again open the scanner, and the signals will guide you to the artifact site.

After extracting the artifact from the debris, keep using your laser cutter to reveal a large Caelumite deposit underneath the debris. It is worth noting that Caelumite ores have a higher health than other minerals. So, keep your patience, as revealing these ores may take a couple of minutes, even with the most powerful laser cutters.
Similarly, you can keep mining while completing the “Power from Beyond” quest. In other words, you will surely find large deposits of Caelumite in the same locations where you retrieve artifacts.
Lastly, you must visit temple planets after retrieving an artifact to unlock the Starborn Powers attached to them. While you are at it, you can scan for distorted signals to get Caelumite in relatively smaller quantities.
Caelumite Near Gravitational Anomaly:
You can consider Caelumite as the Uranium of the Starfield universe. This rare material has a gravitational field that causes distortions on your scanner. So, if you bring out the scanner while exploring any Temple Planet, you will surely find its ores and small veins.

For example, during the “Power from Beyond” quest, you must visit four planets to gain their Starborn Powers. So, these planets make the perfect Caelumite farms, and you don’t need to move too far away from the main progression route.
Similarly, you can also pick Gravitational Anomalies on abandoned outposts, scavenging mines, and even near towers. So, the best way to farm this mineral is to bring out the scanner whenever you are in an empty area. If you pick signal distortions, follow the grey flag to reach the main vein.
Here are a few locations where you can find large deposits of Caelumite:
- Abandoned Mine.
- Argos Extractors Mining Outpost.
- Scavenger Burrows.
- The Empty Nest.
Finally, the easiest way to farm Caelumite without spending too much time in mining is to use the Elemental Pull Power. It is one of the best Starfield Powers to deplete several nearby ores without doing anything.
Purchase from Vendors:

You can get almost anything in Starfield as long as you have a full wallet. Fortunately, this saying remains true even for some of the rarest resources in Starfield. For instance, if you want adhesives but don’t have the time to farm, head to your favorite vendor.
The same goes for Caelumite; you can find this rare material at almost every Starfield shop. Moreover, if you want even more Caelumite after depleting the inventory, you can always wait for the vendor to restock.
Caelumite Console Command:
The last and sure way to get unlimited Caelumite for free is to use the built-in console commands in Starfield. It is the easiest way to get as many resources as you want without doing anything. However, you should reserve this method as your last resort, as it is often considered cheating.

Lastly, using any console command will permanently disable Starfield achievements for your current playthrough. Fortunately, you can use different mods to re-enable these achievements.
Firstly, bring out the console command menu by pressing the “~” key. Next, type the following command (keep the formatting as it is):
player.additem 788D6 #
Replace the “#” with the amount of Caelumite you wish to add to your inventory.
However, you should consider your current inventory space. Otherwise, you will become overburdened, making it impossible to run or even use your Boost Pack. In some cases, you will also lose your ability to fast-travel with an overweight inventory.
You can greatly benefit from Starfield’s crafting mechanics. For instance, you don’t need to spend hefty sums to purchase powerful weapon mods and spacesuit upgrades. Instead, you can use your workbench in Starfield ships to craft your own gear. However, you must collect various resources to finish your project. Caelumite is among the rarest resources that you can only find near artifact sites. Therefore, this article provides the best guide to farm Caelumite in no time.