Obtaining and completing different resources is one of the things that make playing Stardew Valley more exciting and fun. However, not all of the resources are readily available. It is true that foraging, mining, and fishing are the easiest ways to gather resources. But to tell you, playing Stardew Valley is more than that.
There are several items in the game that needs to be crafted before you finally have them. One of them is caviar in Stardew Valley which is an artisan good that comes with a lot of uses. According to the definition, it is considered to be a luxurious delicacy. Having said that, it must be well-liked by most of the villagers.
Most of the time, players confuse caviar with a roe. But to clear any confusion, roe is a freshly laid fish egg, while caviar is a cured one.
The process of procuring caviar can seem very difficult, just like any other artisan good – lots of preparation and waiting. But in actuality, acquiring these artisan goods will greatly benefit you in the long run.
Since caviar is mentioned to be a cured roe, you must first have a fish pond on your farm where your fish can live. From building a fish pond to getting caviar, we’ll tell you everything about it in this guide.
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How to Construct a Fish Pond
Before you can proceed with growing fish for you to harvest roe, make sure that you first have your own fish pond on your farm. Constructing this is actually quite simple. You just have to collect 200 stones, 5 seaweeds, and 5 green algae. Plus 5,000 gold for the build cost.
Once you have completed all the needed materials, just visit Robin in her Carpenter’s Shop from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Walk next to Robin’s desk and interact with her. Select the Construction menu, then look for the fish pond. After that, select the area where you would want to place it. After that, you will just have to wait for three days for Robin to finish building it before you can transfer your fish there.
Fish Type Requirement

It is true that you can put any type of fish you want in your fish pond. However, if you want to obtain caviar, you will be needing a specific type of fish. In this case, you will be needing a sturgeon.
A sturgeon is an ancient fish prominent in the mountain lake. This type of fish is remarkably easier to catch during summer and winter but can be seen in any weather. If you want to catch a sturgeon, make sure that you cast your fishing rod further than usual. The reason behind this is that sturgeons dwell in the deeper part of the lakes.
In spite of the fact that sturgeons can be seen and caught in any weather, rainy days are not the best time to go fishing. However, you can still go against the tides and use a rain totem.
As soon as you obtain at least one sturgeon, you can already transfer it to your fish pond. Over time, it will reproduce on its own. However, your pond can only accommodate a specific number of fish from the start.
To increase the capacity of your sturgeon pond, you have to give one diamond to make it available for three sturgeons. Then it will require you one jelly, two maple syrup, or 1 pickle to make it ready for five sturgeons. To make room for seven sturgeons, you will need to provide three omni geodes. Lastly, to make it enough for 10 sturgeons, you need to have one nautilus shell.
Doing these to increase the capacity of your sturgeon pond makes it easier and faster for you to collect sturgeon roe, and produce more caviar.
How to Get Caviar from a Sturgeon
Caviar, as mentioned before, is just cured sturgeon roe. After you collect and transfer the sturgeon to your fish pond, all you have to do is wait for them to lay eggs. That way, they will be producing roe.

You will know if a sturgeon roe is available to be harvested from the pond. There will be an indication beside the specific pond of your sturgeon with an icon of roe. Once you see this, you can harvest the roe. The next step is turning it into caviar.
To do that, you will be needing a preserves jar. It is a type of artisan tool that can be crafted once you reach the farming skill level 4. While the needed materials in crafting this are 50 wood, 40 stones, and 8 coal.
When you already have your preserves jar, click the sturgeon roe and place it in the preserves jar. It will take four Stardew Valley days in order for it to successfully become caviar.
Uses of Caviar
Caviar in Stardew Valley cannot be made randomly and then used for nothing. This delicacy actually has a lot to offer aside from its high value and quality. When you craft and store large amounts of caviar in your storage, you will actually benefit from it during the game’s progression.
Here are some of the uses of caviar in Stardew Valley.
Regeneration Effects
Just like any other Stardew Valley goods, caviar can also be consumed by the player. Upon consumption, the player will replenish 175 energy and 78 health.
Since artisan goods are usually hard to craft, it is just reasonable for them to have a high value once sold. For caviar, selling it will cost 500 gold. But if you picked the artisan profession, it will give a +40% boost on its price making it 700 gold.
Being a luxurious delicacy, villagers definitely like this as a gift. These are the people who like caviar: Abigail, Alex, Caroline, Clint, Demetrius, the Dwarf, Elliott, Emily, Evelyn, George, Gus, Haley, Harvey, Jodi, Kent, Krobus, Leah, Leo, Lewis, Linus, Marnie, Maru, Pam, Penny, Pierre, Robin, Sam, Sandy, Shane, Willy, and the Wizard.
However, there are also other people here who hate receiving caviar. These people are Jas, Sebastian, and Vincent.