Aside from crops, what else could you get from your farm? Grasses! Believe it or not, these grasses can be of good use in Stardew Valley, not just some random useless grass.
In Stardew Valley, grasses are not considered as something that competes with the crop’s nutrients. These are not removed and left to dry for them to be hay.
Hay is an essential item in your farming life in Stardew Valley because of its use in growing and caring for your farm animals, especially during specific seasons. However, some players are confused about how to get hay in Stardew Valley. At the end of this article, you will be able to understand everything you need to know in getting hay for your animals.
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How to Get Hay in Stardew Valley?

The first thing you have to do in getting hay is to equip your scythe. This will be used in harvesting hay from your farm. You can get your own scythe at the end of the twisting and perilous path, in the hands of a grim reaper statue. If you still do not have your scythe, you won’t be able to harvest hay on your own.
To get the hay, look for fully-grown grass and equip your scythe. Once you use your scythe on that grass, it will immediately turn into hay. Remember that the quality of your scythe won’t affect harvesting hay – any quality can be used to harvest hay.
Aside from a scythe, the next thing you should have on your farm is a silo. This is where you will store all your harvested hay in Stardew Valley for future use.

Silo is one of the first buildings that you must have on your farm. Each silo can store up to 240 hay. After harvesting hay, there is a 50% chance that 1 hay is added directly to the silo. However, if you have a golden scythe, the chances increase from 50% to 75%.
To build a silo, you need to go to Robin’s Carpenter Shop when she is scheduled at work. Once you see Robin, talk to her at her desk. Select farm buildings and look for the silo. The materials needed in order to build a silo are 100 stone, 10 clay, 5 copper bars, and 100 gold. One silo takes two Stardew Valley days in order to be completely built.
In terms of withdrawing hays from the silo, you will need to use a hay hopper. A hay hopper is placed inside a barn or a coop. All hay hoppers are connected from all the silos. Having said that, you can get hay from any of your silos as long as you are using the hay hopper.
Uses of Hay in Stardew Valley

The primary use of hay is to serve as food for your poultry and barn animals. On regular days, the animals leave their coop or barn to graze grasses on your farm. However, in some seasons, animals prefer to stay indoors and not graze grasses. These times are the perfect chances to use your hay.
Since your animals won’t go outside if it is raining or during winter, hay is used to feed them inside their respective shelters. Simply access the hay hopper and you will be able to feed your animals.
On the other hand, upgrading your coop and barn to the maximum level will give you a much easier time. These building upgrades have an auto-feed system so you won’t have to religiously check if your animals are hungry. All you have to do is monitor the number of hay in your silo by interacting with the silo. If ever the silo ran out of stock and the animals have nothing to eat, do not worry for they will not die. Instead, your animals will be upset with you which causes them to stop reproducing their respective products. Aside from this, it also affects your friendship with the animals.
How to Increase Hay Supply

Now that you already know the importance of hay as a farmer in Stardew Valley, you must be thinking of other ways to increase your supply of hay. We got you!
Here are the ways in getting hay in Stardew Valley.
Let the Grasses Grow
This is the conventional way of earning hay on your farm. All you have to do is wait until the grasses are fully grown, and as stated above, use the scythe to harvest them as hay.
Buy Hay from Marnie
If you think waiting for the grasses to grow is a bit too tiring and slow, you can opt to directly buy from Marnie.
You can go to Marnie’s Ranch by walking to the Cindersap Forest. You can access her ranch on Wednesdays to Sundays, from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Walk inside her shop and interact with her through the counter. Select Supplies Shop, and click the hay. You can buy each piece for 50 gold.
Directly purchasing hay from Marnie is a good stunt if you are in desperate need of hay, or if you just don’t want to harvest hay on your own.
Planting Wheat
Aside from growing grasses, you can also plant wheat as a crop and harvest it using a scythe. Once harvested, it gives a 40% chance of dropping hay.