is notorious for its game titles that push all players to their limits. For instance, the Dark Souls series and Bloodborne are so difficult to complete that their players are known as veterans. Similarly, their latest title, the Elden Ring, combines the difficulty of Souls with the open-world genre to make it even more appealing. The game also includes a number of impossible bosses that you can’t defeat without any help. Fortunately, Elden Ring offers several summonable NPCs and Spirits that can help you in various quests.
However, these spirits are usually not strong enough to get you through the game. So, you must upgrade them at different stages when progressing through the campaign. The question is, how to upgrade summons in Elden Ring? Well, this article provides a complete guide on how to acquire and upgrade the summons.
First, make sure that you have unlocked the Torrent Mount, as it is a must-have for acquiring other summons.
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How to get a Torrent in Elden Ring?

Elden Ring offers such a huge world that is impossible to explore without a mount. Don’t worry! has got your back by offering you a trustworthy and summonable horse. The Torren mount is the first summon that you get early in the campaign.
To acquire Torrent, meet with Melina on your way to the Stormveil Castle. During the conversation, Melina will give you the Spectral Steed Whistle. After that, you can summon Torrent wherever you want, except for a few exceptions. Furthermore, it is worth noting that you can’t upgrade the Torrent, i.e., it stays the same throughout the game.
Now that you have the Torrent, you can progress further to acquire other summon spirits. However, the players must first get a special item known as the Spirit Calling Bell.
How to get the Spirit Calling Bell?

First, travel to the Church of Elleh Site of Grace and find an NPC, Renna. Speak with her, and she will ask you if you can summon a horse. Respond with yes, and she will ask if you would like the spirit calling bell along with the lone wolf ashes. At this point, you have received your first summon spirit, and now you are on your way to unlock and upgrade more of them.
There are a few things that you should keep in mind when using the summon spirits. First, you don’t need to equip the bell to summon the spirits but keep it in your inventory. Secondly, summoning a spirit costs Focus Points or FP, and you can only use one spirit at a time. Lastly, you can only summon a spirit near rebirth monuments. The glowing tablet indicates that you are in the range of a monument and can summon a spirit.
How to Upgrade Summons in Elden Ring?
To upgrade summons you need to set Roderika as your merchant for spirits. This requires you to complete Roderika’s questline. From that point, the process of upgrades or tuning is the same for all upgrades. Here’s the complete step by step guide to upgrading the summons in Elden Ring:
Speak with Roderika

Roderika is perhaps one of the most important NPCs in the game. She is responsible for offering tuning services for your summonable spirits. You can find Roderika at the Stormhill Shack Site of Grace in Limgrave. The site is located off the main road when visiting Stormveil Castle. However, she doesn’t give off the next summons on the first attempt.
After talking with Roderika and exhausting her dialogues a few times, she will finally offer you the spirit of Jellyfish ashes and sitting sideways gesture. Afterward, she will request you to find the Chrysalid’s Memento for her. This is a compulsory item for progressing with the tuning services.
Find the Chrysalid’s Memento

Chrysalid’s Memento is a special item that doesn’t spawn randomly in the game. So, you must first defeat Margit the Fell Omen and rest on the Rampart tower. It is important to activate the elevator next to the tower to find the Memento. Enter the elevator and take it all the way down. Go straight into the dining hall, and defeat the multi-armed enemy. Go right into a room where you will find a dead body pit.
However, if you didn’t activate the elevator, there’s another way. Exit north from the Rampart tower till you find the summoning pool. Stand at the edge of the wall next to the pool and jump down onto the next roof. After landing, turn around, enter the door, and go left till you reach the wooden stairs. Go through the hall, take a right and follow the path till you reach a platform above the dead body pit.
At this site, you will find several dead bodies under a hanging carcass of a Stone Digger Troll. You can find the Chrysalid’s Memento lying on the ground. However, beware of the dead dogs as they can cause some serious damage. Take the Memento back to Roderika, and she will teleport to the hub area in Roundtable Hold.
Master Blacksmith Hewg

After teleporting, you can visit Roderika any time at the Roundtable Hound. Speak to her first and exhaust all the dialogues. Next, you must talk to Master Blacksmith Hewg and convince him to help Roderika. After this, it’s all running back and forth till you convince them both. Speak with Hewg, select the dialogue “About Roderika…” and exhaust the dialogue. Next, return to Roderika and tell her what Hewg said. Finally, visit the blacksmith and ask him to watch over her; this is what she wants and exhausts the dialogue.
After convincing both NPCs, rest at the table of lost grace. From this point on, Roderika will offer tuning services for your spirits. You can visit her any time at the Roundtable hound, next to the blacksmith. However, tuning or upgrading the spirits costs runes and Gloveworts, a special spirit upgrade item.
What are Gloveworts?

Gloveworts are special items that you need to upgrade the Elden Ring summons. There are two types of Gloveworts in the game, i.e., grave and ghost Gloveworts. For starters, you will only need grave Gloveworts for tuning the elemental spirits. Similarly, the ghost Gloveworts are used for upgrading the elite-grade ashes.
Generic mob upgrades that require grave Gloveworts are:
- Lone Wolf
- Warhawk
- Marionette Soldier
- Wandering Noble and many others.
Moreover, the effects of various grave Gloveworts are the same as the level, e.g.:
- Grave Gloveworts 1: Strengthen Ashes +1
- Grave Gloveworts 2: Strengthen Ashes +2
- Grave Gloveworts 3: Strengthen Ashes +3
- Grave Gloveworts 4: Strengthen Ashes +4
- Grave Gloveworts 5: Strengthen Ashes +5
- Great Grave Gloveworts: Strengthen Ashes +10
Named mob or renowned ashes upgrades that require ghost Gloveworts are:
- Ancient Dragon Knight Kristoff,
- Banished Knight Oleg and many others.
The upgrade effects of various levels of ghost Gloveworts are the same as the grave Gloveworts.
Where to find Gloveworts?
Gloveworts are very different from Smithing Stones, i.e., they don’t drop randomly from the enemies. Instead, they bloom as small white flowers near catacombs. Usually, you can find catacombs in the underground area and the dungeons. Moreover, if you want to gather, even more, the Ainsel River Well and Siofra River Well are the best places to visit.
Once you have enough Gloveworts and runes for the summon level upgrade, visit Roderick. Speak with her and choose the tuning open to upgrade your ashes strength.
Where to buy Grave Gloveworts?
Different levels of Gloveworts can be very hard to find in such a vast world. Fortunately, you can also purchase certain levels of Gloveworts by returning the bell bearings to the Twin Maiden Husk. Once returned, she will add unlimited purchasable Gloveworts to her inventory.
Why can’t I summon the spirits in Elden Ring?
Spirits and ashes are a great way to get some extra help in Elden Ring. However, there are certain restrictions that prevent you from using the spirits.
- You can only summon one spirit at a time.
- You must be close to a rebirth Monument to use the spirits. The table starts to glow whenever you are in the range of a monument.
- Summoning uses Focus Points or FP depending on the type and level of the ashes.
What is the maximum summon upgrade?
All summons hard cap at level 10. In other words, your spirit is at maximum strength after reaching ashes strength +10. Once you reach this level, it would be best to work on upgrading another summon to maximum upgrade. Moreover, it would be best to focus on the renowned spirits as they provide greater support against the bosses.
How to use summons in Elden Ring?
Once you are in the range of a rebirth monument, i.e., the tablet is glowing, and you have enough FP, you can summon a spirit. For quick results, I suggest that you add your preferred spirits to the quick-equip items. Afterward, the player will take out the summoning bell, and a spirit will spawn at the location.
How to restore Focus Points in Elden Ring?
Focus Points are required for summoning various spirits. Fortunately, you can restore the FP by resting at the site of grace. Moreover, you can also use Cerulean talismans, Starlight Shards, and Cerulean Tears to quickly restore FP without resting.
Elden Ring has some of the most difficult bosses in any game to date. So, most players can’t imagine defeating these bosses without summoning spirits and NPCs. However, the strength and damage of these summons depend on their strength. So, how to upgrade summons in Elden Ring? This article offers a step-by-step guide so that you don’t waste your time wandering in cluelessly in the game world.