V Rising is, at its core, a game about gathering resources to acquire stronger structures and equipment. Players must first master numerous recipes before they may use these resources and get more powerful. These can be found in a variety of places across the globe or as direct rewards for defeating V Blood bosses.
Keely the Frost Archer is one of these rewarding enemies since she teaches users a greater array of mechanics than the other early game bosses. That is why we will show you in this guide Keely the Frost Archer’s exact location, how to beat her, and what you will get in return!
Updated for the Gloomrot update!
Keely the Frost Archer Location

Keely the Frost Archer is waiting in the Bandit Trapper Camp, on the eastern side of Farbane Woods.
As the name implies, this camp is teeming with Bandits, and the Trappers’ snare ability can leave you vulnerable to several attacks and direct sunlight. The Trapper Camp can be located somewhat to the west of a Waygate. If you are not sure what that is, it is a special teleporting mechanism that allows vampires to rapidly go to another location.
There is no particular entry to the camp to approach Keely, and players will have to clear out the Bandits to get to her. These standard Bandits should not pose a big threat to gamers at this point in the game. If you fight Keely during the day, a decent area to fight her is near the enormous tent, which can give vampires a wall to hide behind and some shade. She does, however, have a penchant for rushing inside the tent, and battling her in such a small location is not recommended because you will have less room to evade her skills. That is why we recommend attacking at night.
If you still can’t find her, use the Blood Altar and hit the Track Blood button. Begin hunting her, since now there are blood trails on your screen that will take you to her. To obtain the Blood Altar, players must first finish The Hunt, which unlocks the Blood Altar Blueprint once completed. To make this Blood Altar, one will need 180 stones and 10 blood essence.
Keely the Frost Archer Rewards

These are the rewards you will get by defeating Keely the Frost Archer:
- Frost Bat – Throw an ice missile forward, which will damage and delay foes with its explosion
- Tannery – A crafting structure that processes important items
- Traveler’s Wrap and Canteen recipes – Healing items that can be crafted
The Tannery structure recipe is crucial since it allows gamers to transform their Animal Hides into Leather. Leather is necessary for a vast variety of recipes, including improved Armor. Therefore, this is a must-have for power growth.
Frost Bat is also pretty good for quick players, since it inflicts Chill on hit enemies. If one can hit the Chilled enemies while they are under the effect, they will Freeze and paralyze. This is extremely useful against hordes of mobs if melee is your preference.
The Canteen provides health for tamed horses and the Traveler’s Wrap is equivalent to a small health potion in other games. It also gives the vampire slight sun resistance.
Tips for Beating Keely the Frost Archer
V Rising gamers should be approximately level 20 with gear suited for that level before they begin this battle. It is not very hard but an under-leveled vampire can easily find death, if not prepared.
Below you will find all of her skills:
Frost Barrage | Shoots dozens of arrows that land on the player’s head. If hit, it inflicts Frozen on the vampire |
Frost Arrows | Shoots three frost arrows in a cone area |
Invisibility | Turns invisible. Can still be seen as a mirage |
Keely the Frost Archer will use three major attacks against you. Her first and most powerful strike is an aerial barrage of frost arrows that will inflict Frozen if hit. They splash over the ground for a few seconds and can be avoided by sprinting away.
Her second ranged ability is a ranged spell that sends three Frost Arrows in a cone toward the player. They’ll spread out from her, making it harder to dodge to the side when they’re close enough. However, she has a long animation before firing her arrows, so if you’re close enough, you may simply move to the side or back to avoid being shot.
Keely’s third power is to vanish and flee. She can be barely visible as a mirage, and any effects inflicted on her earlier will still be apparent. She will use either her Frost Arrows or Frost Barrage after ending her invisibility. Try to keep up with her as she runs so you can avoid any ability she chooses to employ.
The overall approach is to stay near to the V Blood, circle her to dodge the Frost Arrows, and flee if she utilizes her Frost Barrage. Any weapon will suffice, and a complete set of Boneguard Armor will provide ample protection in this fight.
How to Use the Tannery

Probably the best thing you could get in the early game, the Tannery is essential for new vampires. You have to build it now that the schematic is in your possession. Get 8 Planks (from the Sawmill) and 160 Animal Hide (from killing any species in the world) to complete the construction. Keep in mind that Animal Hide will be the foundation for all of the leatherworking, so get more than you think is needed right now.
After you’ve finished building the Tannery, start working on the Leather. To do so, go to the structure and install the Animal Hide there. The Tannery will transform sixteen Animal Hides into a single sheet of Leather instantly, allowing one to deposit their Hides before continuing on their expedition.
That’s all there is to it when it comes to using the Tannery. You’ll be able to update the Castle Heart as well as construct new armor to take on more difficult tasks if you get access to the resource.
Keely the Frost Archer is a fun boss to defeat in the early stages of the game. The Tannery structure as a reward makes it worth your time. Even though the fight can be a bit hard for the uninitiated, using this guide will surely get you through it in a few tries. Since she is a relatively easy boss to beat, don’t think too much about special equipment or skills to use. Just go with your usual and you’ll be alright.
If you want more V Rising content, also check out how to get through other hard V Bloods, like the Grayson the Armourer.