Each component of the game always serves a different purpose. Some crops may be used for aesthetic purposes, while some crops are used to grow the funds of the farm itself. The same goes with farm animals, there are also some that are considered as the most profitable animals in Stardew Valley.
Any farm will never be complete without the animals. By simply imagining an image of a farm, the animals will always be present along with the crops that the farmer tends every day to allow them to grow healthily. But the focus and attention of a farmer should not be limited only to the crops, but also to the animals. Similarly in playing Stardew Valley, both animals and crops also demand the same level of care and attention of the player.
Once the crops are mature and the farm animals have already produced their specific resources, the player can choose whether to use it to make another item, give it as a gift, or sell it to the shipping bin to make money. But one thing that players should remember is that different items cost differently than the other types and qualities.
That being said, we made this article to show you the top 10 most profitable animals that you can have on your farm in Stardew Valley.
It is not arguable that pigs will be included as the most profitable animals in Stardew Valley.
By having pigs on your farm, you will have a consistent supply of truffles for your farm. Once the pigs are out of the barn, the pigs will start looking and foraging for this expensive type of mushroom called truffles.
One normal-quality truffle costs 625 gold, a silver-quality one costs 781 gold, a gold-quality one has a value of 937 gold, while an iridium-quality one costs 1,250 gold. This is not yet the end of the line since these prices can still go higher.
The truffle can be turned into a truffle oil that has a base price of 1,065 gold. Additionally, by choosing the artisan profession, the truffle oil can have a 40% markup price and become 1,491 gold.
With these numbers, we can easily say that pigs are great moneymakers. In fact, each pig can forage up to three truffles a day. Simply put it, one pig can give you at least 13,125 gold in one week.
Golden Chicken
Just reading its name already gives the impression of it being expensive. However, the player can only acquire a golden chicken by attaining 100% Perfection in the game which can be monitored in the Perfection Tracker inside Qi’s Walnut Room.
Once this is achieved, a golden egg can be purchased from Marnie’s Ranch, and then placed in the incubator to hatch a golden chicken.
Like any other chicken, this type also lays eggs every day. What makes it special is that the egg is gold as well. A single golden egg costs 500 gold, a silver quality is sold for 625 gold, while a gold quality is 750 gold, and the iridium quality costs 1,000 gold.
These white and cloud-looking sheep are a good source of soft, fluffy wool. Once a happy and well-fed sheep becomes mature, it will grow a wool coat that will be harvested using the shears that can be purchased from Marnie for 1,000 gold. The wool coats are available for harvesting every three days. But when a sheep reaches 4.5 friendship hearts, the number of days will be reduced by one.
Listed below is the cost of each quality of harvested wool:
- Normal: 340 gold
- Silver: 425 gold
- Gold: 510 gold
- Iridium: 680 gold
Other than the wool itself, you can also make use of this raw material to make a cloth by using a Loom. You can sell a cloth for 470 gold. With the Rancher profession, it can increase by 20% and become 564 gold. On the other hand, the Artisan profession can make it more expensive for you at 658 gold.
Although ostrich is relatively hard to obtain in Stardew Valley, having it finally live on your farm will totally be worth your hard work.
An ostrich egg can only be found on Ginger Island by solving the Journal Scrap #10 and checking the chests in the Volcano Dungeon. Once you finally hatched an ostrich, make sure to feed it every day for seven days for it to fully mature.
When the ostrich is matured, it will produce an egg every seven days. It might sound like too much time for some but what makes it worthy of all the wait is its value.
The normal egg can be sold for 600 gold, and the silver quality is for 750 gold. Additionally, the gold quality is sold for 900 gold, and the iridium quality for 1,200 gold.
If you are bored with just the egg, you can actually opt to make a mayonnaise out of it. Due to its overwhelming size, a single egg can produce 10 mayonnaise at once.
What’s a farm without a cow? In Stardew Valley, cows are just as important as it is in real life.
The reason for the cow being on the top list is because of the easy way of earning through it. All you have to do is collect milk from them each day. If your cow is happy and has a high friendship level, you can get large milk from them. To maximize the gold, turn their milk into cheese. Mind you, a large milk can guarantee a gold quality cheese.
But if you want to focus on making a profit out of their milk, making friends with them is the best strategy. For large milk, the following are the values of each quality:
- Normal: 190 gold
- Silver: 237 gold
- Gold: 285 gold
- Iridium: 380 gold
Goats are closely similar to cows—the only product you can get from them is milk. Compared to cows, goat milk is produced every other day and it costs less than cow milk. But what makes it on the list is because of the goat cheese.
The goat cheese can be sold for 400 gold, 500 gold in silver quality, 600 gold in gold quality, and 800 gold if it’s in iridium quality. Upon choosing the right profession, the values can still go higher than the base price.
Rancher profession:
- Normal: 480 gold
- Silver: 600 gold
- Gold: 720 gold
- Iridium: 960 gold
Artisan profession
- Normal: 560 gold
- Silver: 700 gold
- Gold: 840 gold
- Iridium: 1,120 gold
Chickens are almost in the same rank as the goats. Although they do not give much of a profit to the farm, it is a good source of steady funds, especially during the early days of the game.
In fact, chickens can be considered one of the most stable coop animals. Just make sure that they are well-fed every day and the source of an egg every day shall be granted. So, even if the eggs do not cost much, having a lot of chicken inside your coop can actually provide you with enough gold. Plus, you can also make mayonnaise out of the eggs which also cost differently depending on the quality.
But one thing you have to take note of is that only the white, brown, and blue chickens are included in this section. Void and golden chickens are different stories.
Rabbit is another source of wool in Stardew Valley. Every four days, a mature rabbit will produce wool that has the same value as the wool collected from a sheep. At this point, you might ask why it is included when there is already a wool provider on the list. The only answer to that is its chance of dropping a Rabbit’s Foot.
In order to get a chance of obtaining a Rabbit’ Foot, you have to increase the friendship level with the rabbit up to the maximum. When this happens, the rabbit will have a chance of dropping a Rabbit’s Foot instead of wool. This makes a good profit since this item is a rather rare one.
Here is the list of how much you can sell a Rabbit’s Foot:
- Normal: 565 gold
- Silver: 706 gold
- Gold: 847 gold
- Iridium: 1,130 gold
A duck is another type of animal that can give you an egg every two days. You just have to make sure that it is well-fed for five days and wait for it until it fully matures.
A normal duck egg can be sold for 95 gold, a silver one is for 118 gold, while the gold quality can be sold for 142 gold. Lastly, the iridium quality is available for 190 gold. Aside from duck eggs, the player can also harvest Duck Feathers when the duck reaches the maximum friendship level.
Here is how much you can sell the duck feathers:
- Normal: 250 gold
- Silver: 312 gold
- Gold: 375 gold
- Iridium: 500 gold
This duck produce encounter does not end here. You can also turn its egg into Duck Mayonnaise which costs 375 gold. With a Rancher profession, it can be sold for 450 gold, hile the Artisan profession lets you sell it for 525 gold.
Dinosaurs made it to the list, not because of its difficulty to obtain but because of what it can give you after a long journey to find and hatch it.
Just like chickens, dinosaurs also live inside the coop. When an animal lives under a coop, its main product should be egg which is the same for the dinosaur.
When you have a mature dinosaur, it will produce a Dinosaur egg in seven days. The selling price of a normal dinosaur egg is 350 gold, the silver for 437 gold, a gold quality for 525 gold, and the iridium for 700 gold.
Similarly to other eggs, you can also turn this into a mayonnaise called the Dinosaur Mayonnaise which can be old for 800 gold. If you have chosen the Rancher profession, it increases to 960 gold. With the Artisan profession, you can sell it for 1,120 gold.
To summarize everything, everything can cost higher by choosing the right profession for you. You can read about this topic in these articles about Farming skills: Rancher vs Tiller and Artisan vs Agriculturist.