Defeating the bosses and getting a complete hold of the ARK world is every player’s dream. If you are planning to do that, then you are at the right place. This is the Rockwell Boss Guide in which you are gonna get every single detail about this boss.
There are many other bosses in ARK, but you must go through them individually. Rockwell can be found in Rockwell Arena, which is located on the Aberration map. Now, there are several restrictions to entering the arena, such as the player level and the limit of creatures that can be moved into the arena.
Keep reading to know more about Rockwell as this will get interesting when you enter the arena. The real fun starts when you enter the arena with your group of powerful dinos.
Table of Contents
ARK Rockwell Boss Guide

Each one of the ARK bosses has unique attacking abilities. Moreover, you need to come up with different strategies for each one of them. The same goes for the Rockwell. The strategies that you used for other bosses might not work here.
So, strategy plays a vital role in the battle. Additionally, the right dinos are important for every fight.
Entering the Arena
This is the first step of your boss battle. On each map, you can find an Obelisk or Supply Crate that teleports you to the arena. But, to use these, you must have a Tribute Item. With this item, you can interact with the Supply Crate or Obelisk and choose the variation of the boss.
Each variation of boss requires a different Tribute Item in a different amount. The more difficult variation of the boss requires more Tribute Items. Here is the full list of Tribute Items.
- Artifact of the Depths
- Artifact of the Shadows
- Artifact of the Stalker
- Basilisk Scale
- Nameless Venom
- Reaper Pheromone Gland
- Rock Drake Feather
- Alpha Basilisk Fang
- Alpha Karkinos Claw
- Alpha Reaper King Barb
These are all the items that can be used as Tribute Items for Rockwell boss. These items cannot be used for teleportation purposes in other boss battles.
Base Stats of Rockwell
If we compare the stats of Rockwell with other bosses, then they are average. However, the Alpha variation of Rockwell has the highest stats in its all three variations. If you choose to fight with the Alpha variant then this could be a bit difficult due to its high stats which means it can do more damage and it has a bigger health bar.
Here are the stats for the Alpha variant of Rockwell.
- Health: 115000
- Stamina: 400
- Oxygen: 2000
- Food: 2600
- Weight: 3000
- Movement Speed: 100%
- Torpidity: 350
The stats are Rockwell are not as high as the other bosses have, but it can be pretty difficult to defeat, mainly because of its attacking techniques and abilities.
Attacking Techniques
Rockwell has a unique body mechanism. It has long tentacles attached to its body that it uses for attacking and defense purposes. Now, you need to keep a good distance from this boss as it can attack players and dinos at distance with its tentacles.
Moreover, whenever you attack it with your dinos or weapons, it will make a shield with its tentacles that stops all the damage. The tentacles are also used for a shock/dismount attack which is used after a short delay.
You will need to wait for it to recharge its attack. In the meantime, you can attack Rockwell with your dinos and weapons. Another thing you can do is destroy each of its tentacles, one at a time. This will make it a lot easier for you to deal with it. Without its tentacles, Rockwell won’t be able to attack or defend itself.
Rockwell’s major weakness is its heart. This becomes visible when you destroy its tentacles. Once the heart is visible, you can attack on it to give extra damage. Damaging its heart will result in Rockwell losing its health more quickly.
Another weakness is its inability to move around the arena. Rockwell is locked to one position; it attacks from there with its tentacles. So, it’s another advantage for you to dodge its attack, and it won’t run after you.
Items Dropped by Rockwell
Rockwell is an Aberration boss, so it drops items that are specifically for the Aberration map. These items are skins, trophies, and flags. We know Rockwell has three variations; each variation drops a bit different items. Here is the list of items.
- Cute Dino Helmet Skin
- Otter Mask Skin
- Chili Helmet Skin
- Scary Skull Helmet Skin
- Rockwell Flag
- Rockwell Trophy
These skins are actually for the helmets, which are part of your armor set. Whereas the flag and trophy can be placed at your base as decorative items. They also indicate that you have defeated the Rockwell boss.
Moreover, some new items will also get unlocked when you defeat Rockwell. These include armor sets and other useful stuff. Here is all of it.
- Gamma Aberrant Implant
- TEK Leggings
- TEK Trough
- TEK Gauntlets
- TEK Replicator
- TEK Generator
- TEK Sleeping Pod
- TEK Rifle
- TEK Boots
- TEK Dedicated Storage
- TEK Railgun
- TEK Chestpiece
- Cloning Chamber
This list has not all of the items. There are a few more that you will see once you defeat each variation of Rockwell.
What Dino to Bring for Rockwell Boss

The Rockwell arena is located on the Aberration map. So, you can only take dinos that are available on Aberration. Unfortunately, we don’t have Rex here but we do have other powerful alternatives for it.
Aberration Megalosaurus
Megalosaurus is almost similar to a Rex in terms of its aggressiveness and attacking skills. The main attack of Megalosaurus is Bite attack which has a base damage rating of 94 points. Some other attacks include Howl, Grab, and Shake Prey.
Megalosaurus, with its aggressiveness and all of these attacks, is a perfect fit for any boss battle. As you are in Aberration, then you can catch the Aberration variation of Megalosaurus.
Reaper King
Reaper is a Fantasy Creature in ARK. Not just that but it is also a carnivore which means you can expect it to be dangerous and aggressive. This unique creature is also one of the best dinos for boss battles. It has a few unique attacks that are rare in ARK creatures.
Reaper King can perform attacks such as Bite, Acid Sharpnel, Spin, Taunt, and Jump. Moreover, it has high stats which is the main reason it deals high damage.
Now that we have discussed some great fighters, it’s time to add a dino to help us recover the damage. Daeodon is the best health recovery you can have in any battle, especially in intense battles such as boss fights.
Daeodon, with its Group Healing attack, can easily heal all of the dinos on your team. It has two other healing attacks as well, including Passive Healing and Short Attack Healing.
Now, I would suggest you make a team of dinos that consists of all three dinos that we have discussed above. All of these together will make a strong and undefeatable group.
What Items to Bring to Rockwell Boss Fight

Now, this boss fight does not limit you to the dinos, but you can also bring in your weapons and other useful stuff such as healing items, food, and throwables. If you really wanna use the weapons in this arena, then you should probably go for the Pump-Action Shotgun.
Another thing you can do is take Medical Brews with you. Although, this is not going to be needed as you are taking Daeodon in the battle. But backups aren’t the bad things.
How Do You Beat Rockwell Solo in ARK?
Rockwell can be easily defeated in solo mode if you have made a group of dinos that we have discussed above. Moreover, you must follow the strategy and avoid its tentacle attacks.
Only then can you defeat Rockwell in solo. The strategy includes destroying its tentacles one at a time so that it won’t be able to attack and defend itself.
Does the Rockwell Boss Drop Element?
No, the Rockwell doesn’t drop Element. However, it drops other items, such as skins, trophies, and flags. If you are looking to get some Element then you should probably go for any other boss, such as Manticore.
This can get you tons of Element in just a single fight. But, the maximum number of elements can be achieved when you fight with the Alpha variant.
So, that’s everything for the Rockwell Boss Guide. The Rockwell Arena is located on Aberration. The teleportation to this arena can be accessed using a Tribute Item on a Supply Crate or Obelisk. Now, for the battle, you can take a group of dinos such as Aberration Megalosaurus, King Reaper, and Daeodon.
I hope you have found this guide helpful in the way you were looking for.