Finding the best ship for your intergalactic voyages is a crucial element of the Starfield formula. However, most of the ships that you get for free or purchase from different vendors aren’t that great. So, players have their eyes peeled for some of the strongest ships, like Renegade III and Starborn Guardian VI. However, the only problem is that such ships are rarely available at your local ship technicians.
For example, Renegade III is the most-priced ship in Starfield. It has a huge cargo capacity, a large fuel tank, powerful ship weapons, and even a massive reactor. So, it is probably the best or one of the best ships in the game. If you are also searching for this ship without any luck, this article will help you out. Here, we will discuss how to buy Renegade III or even get it for free.
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How to Buy Renegade III?
Renegade III is a premium ship that only becomes available after you reach a certain character level and fulfill other requirements. Furthermore, even after you have all the stats, you can only purchase it from a randomly generated inventory.

In other words, your chances of finding this massive starship are pretty slim unless you dedicate several hours to it. Fortunately, the exclusive ship stats and powerful weapon systems make it worthy of such efforts.
Now, if you are like millions of players, you have probably already been looking for it on your own. The only problem is that the vendor’s available inventory is randomly generated after a 24-hour timer. Furthermore, going back and forth between your home planet and the vendor’s location can be a bit irritating.
So, here are a few ways to increase your chances of buying the Renegade III battleship.
Save Scumming:
The most effective way to increase your chances is the save scumming method. According to Reddit, the vendor inventory is randomly generated and gets restocked after 24 hours (planet time). Secondly, the inventory is also different every time you enter a new planet’s orbit. So, this method makes use of this mechanism in a very effective way. However, it will only work if:
- You are on character level 100 or above.
- Maximum piloting level, i.e., 4.
- Have enough credits to buy the ship.
- You haven’t landed on the planet before.
Once you fulfill all these steps, the next step is to fly your ship close to the planet’s orbit. Renegade is usually spotted in either Neon or Paradiso vendors’ shops. So, you should focus your attention on these planets only.
Next, save the game while you are near the orbit and land on the planet. After that, Visit the technician shop and look for the desired ship. If you haven’t seen Renegade III yet, don’t worry you are not alone.
Finally, load the game and re-enter the planet to replenish the vendor’s supply stash. However, this method won’t work if you have previously visited the planet. It is because the supply stash for each vendor is randomly generated as soon as you visit the planet and will remain the same for 24 hours.
Time Reset Method:
This second method is suitable for players who have previously visited Neon and Paradiso. It utilizes the inventory reset after 24 in-game hours mechanism. However, time runs differently on each planet in Starfield. So, you must either rest on the same planet and wait for the restocking, or you can use this UC time concept for your benefit.

All you need to do is to visit the vendors on both Neon and Paradiso. If you don’t find the ship despite fulfilling all the requirements, don’t worry; we got your back. Simply fast travel to Venus as 1 hour on Venus is equal to 1/24 hours. Next, head to your bunker and sleep for 24 hours. Finally, return to both planets and re-visit all the vendors.
It might take a few attempts, so don’t lose your focus and repeat this process until you find Renegade III. It is also worth noting that you will start seeing Tier II and III ships after you reach beyond level 100. So, make sure to get maximum piloting level and character levels before trying this method.
Outpost Method:
For this method, you must set up your outpost on any planet but with enough space. Next, construct a large ship landing pad and check the available ships. Again, you must be on character level 100 with level 4 in piloting to spawn Tier-3 ships.

After the construction is complete, check the ship pad for available ships. If you don’t find Renegade III in the inventory, destroy the pad. Finally, rebuild the large ship landing pad and again look for Renegade III.
It might take quite a few attempts to access this rare ship, but your chances are guaranteed. So, don’t give up hope and keep repeating the process until you can purchase the best ship in Starfield.
Console Command Method: Renegade III for Free

The final method doesn’t require any waiting or save scumming. However, it does disable your Starfield achievements, but you can re-enable them with mods. Secondly, some players consider it cheating, but it isn’t that controversial as long as you use these commands with responsibility.
Firstly, if you are having trouble leveling up, you can easily change it to the desired level. Simply open the console menu by pressing ~ and type:
Player.setlevel 100 (Hit enter to execute this command)
This console command will change your character level to 100, unlocking higher-tier ships at the vendors.
Alternatively, if you just want to gain a free ship, you can directly spawn it with the PlaceAtme command. However, these items will disappear as soon as you reload the game. So, you must repeat these steps every time you load your saved file. Open the command console menu by pressing ~ and type the following commands:
Player.placeatme 00038D664 (spawns Renegade III)
However, this ship will be inaccessible for now. So, aim at the ship’s door and again bring up the console menu. Right-click on the door to detect its ID and type Unlock to enter the ship.
Make sure to spawn the ship while standing on high ground. Otherwise, it will spawn partially submerged in the ground. Secondly, this ship will disappear after you reload the game. Finally, you must pay some fee credits to safely travel through space.
Starfield features a massive game world comprising planets and star systems. However, you will encounter other battleships and scavengers on your voyages. So, you must find the best ship to safely travel and transport your precious cargo. In this regard, Renegade III is among the most powerful ships in the game. However, it isn’t as easily available as Abyss Trekker. Therefore, this article explains how to buy Renegade III or even get it for free.