The Best Maps For Survivors in Dead By Daylight - Nerd Lodge
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The Best Maps For Survivors in Dead By Daylight

Ever since Dead By Daylight saw the light of day in 2016, a huge rift has been brewing between Killer mains and Survivor Mains. Killers say the game favors survivors much more, who also say the game favors killers way more. Regardless of which of the two is right, there is one thing that neither can deny: the map is a major factor in who will have the advantage in the trial.

With that said, in this article, we will see some of the best maps for survivors in Dead By Daylight and which maps favor the survivors. So that the next time you play them, you can take full advantage. And why not perhaps, use an offering to go to that map.

Raccoon City Police Station

The Best Maps For Survivors in Dead By Daylight - Raccoon City Police Station

This map is a survivor’s paradise and at the same time, every killer’s nightmare. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve seen a killer leave the game when another survivor uses the offering to go to this map. But, why is it so good for the survivors?

The first reason is the simplest: the map is huge. Although it is not the biggest map in the game, it has two floors, which undoubtedly makes it even bigger than the biggest map. To make it worse, these two floors are a maze. Unless you’re a Resident Evil fan, it’s very easy to get lost on this map, and even if you are, you’re likely to get a little lost. Also, getting from one floor to another is very complicated. Possibly the killer will hear you fixing a generator from the floor below, and by the time he reaches your position, you will be gone. 

On the other hand, the survivors also have very safe pallets and vaults. The hatch can appear anywhere on the map, so you can escape before the killer finds you. Also, you can use the Boom Totems to the maximum, since they cover both floors and it will be very difficult for the killer to find them since they don’t know which floor they are on. 

Finally, as a survivor, you can even softlock the killer. With a certain build, the survivors can go to the bookstore and get knocked down on top of everything. If there is no hook nearby, the killer will never be able to hook him and the survivor will be able to do it again and again without punishment. The best map for survivors, but for the wrong reasons.

Badham Preschool

Badham Preschool

Another map that favors survivors for the wrong reasons. Raccoon City Police Station may be new, but Badham was consistently a nightmare for killers since it was released several years ago.

One of the first reasons that make this map so good for survivors is the number of buildings they have. Not only do these buildings have very secure pallets and vaults, but they are in close proximity to each other. This allows survivors to connect them and go from one place to another at high speed, making it impossible for killers to stop them. This includes The Killer Shack, which will often be found next to a safe pallet that the survivor can take advantage of.

Although the maps in Badham’s realm are very small, they are full of obstacles. This is a great benefit for the survivors since in order for the killers to catch up with you, they have to make a lot of turns or travel a long distance just to advance a few meters.

One of the places where survivors can get the most out is the two-story houses. On the bottom floor, the house has four open windows. The survivors can loop the killer for minutes, and the only defense the killer has is a breakable wall that will shorten the survivors’ escape. And this is only in the easiest house. In the more difficult one called “House of Pain”, the survivors can easily loop both on the first and second floor. No doubt the killer will have a hard time on this map.

Finally, the main building also favors the survivors a lot. In it, we will find a god pallet that will break with any chase. If the killer manages to catch the survivor, it depends exclusively on whether there is a basement. If they are on the floor below and there is none, they will have nowhere to hang the survivor.

Mother’s Dwelling (Red Forest)

best maps for survivors in Dead By Daylight -Mother's Dwelling (Red Forest)

Objectively the biggest map in the game. Although there are large maps that are well balanced, this is not the case. The generators are far apart from each other, so the killers will not be able to control them. This makes it so that if the survivors split up to make them, there will be nothing the killers can do to apply pressure.

The only thing that can go wrong for the survivors is if they are left in a situation where the last three generators are too close together, but this can be avoided very easily. The map is so huge that if two survivors decide not to split up and the killer is on the other side of the map, he will not be able to prevent them from completing that generator.

To make it even better for the survivors, The Killer Shack is located at one end of the map, and all the structures we will find in Mother’s Dwelling are very safe. The distribution of pallets and vaults is also particularly good for survivors, and as it is an old map, there are no breakable walls to help the killers. This is also a very good map for Balance Landing users, as one of the generators always appears at the top of the main structure. The killer will waste a lot of time climbing up and when he succeeds, he won’t be able to do anything to reach the survivor.

Speaking of the main structure, this is one of the strongest in the game for the survivors. The pallets around it are just a complement to a large number of windows and the potential loop in each one. The windows are also on the second floor and even to get to the generator we mentioned earlier, the killer can easily get lost.

Also, The Basement is likely to appear in this main structure, and that’s another problem. Despite the fact that there is always only one entrance, survivors can access it from all sides, be it from the left, from the right, or even from above. Overall, there are no killers favoring this map, which is great for survivors.

Final Thoughts

These were the best maps for survivors in Dead By Daylight. Normally we would include Haddonfield, but the map was recently reworked and is now fairer. What do you think of our choices? Do you feel that advantage when playing on these maps? Let us know in the comments!

Maps For Survivors

If you’re looking for more guides, we also made one for Nemesis here:

Or you can also check out our guide to The Nightmare here: