Today I am going to be showing you the best Moze grenade build out there right now. This build makes Moze as close to immortal as possible.
Through the use of the Bloodletter class mod, the deathless relic, and some good grenades (Quasar, Storm Front, etc), Moze becomes an absolute beast of a Vault Hunter. I will say, however, there are some cons to using this build that I will highlight below.
- A crazy amount of shield/shield regeneration.
- Heal like crazy from grenades (all goes to your shield).
- Loads of AOE/Splash damage.
- Always have ammo.
- One health.
- Flying enemies are hard to kill.
- It requires good gear to get going.
- What’s an Iron Bear?
Now that you know the strengths and weaknesses of this Moze build, here are the skills you need to make this build work.
Demolition Woman Tree

As you can tell from the name, Demolition Woman is integral in making the grenade Moze build work. Splosions, am I right?
Pull the Holy Pin is the ability that makes this Moze grenade build so bonkers. It adds crits to your grenade damage and can be proc’d by the child-grenades that mirvs spawn.
Means of Destruction is what makes sure Moze never runs out of grenades or ammo. Every time Moze does splash damage, which should be always, Moze has a chance to return ammo and an even smaller chance to return a grenade.
Vampyr causes grenade damage to heal Moze. This is converted to shield recharge because of our class mod so it is really good for this build. Also, the Mirv children grenades proc this, so you get even more healing.
There are some filler skills being used in this build, such as Explosive Punctuation that can be used for other things. You could easily dump some points into Why Can’t I Carry All of These Grenades if you wanted, but usually you don’t need it.
Shield of Retribution Tree

The Shield of Retribution skill tree is meant to give Moze a little more oompf for this build with a side of awesome shield buffs.
Thin Red Line is an absolute must-have for this build. This gives Moze more shield in exchange for health, but as most players know, shield is superior. Pair this with a Deathless Relic and you are looking at crazy amounts of shield.
Desperate Measures is one of the major keystones of this build. Because you are always going to be at one health, you will always have 50% extra gun damage.
Phalanx Doctrine increases your maximum shield and damage every time you kill something. While this isn’t a great skill when doing bosses, it is absolutely insane when mobbing enemies in BL3.
Much like the Demo Woman tree, this has some filler in it as well. Feel free to customize the build if you so choose, but make sure that you always have the three highlighted skills above or the build won’t work.
Class Mod

Because of how integral this class mod is to the build, this Moze grenade build is oftentimes called the Bloodletter Moze build. If you were confused about that, don’t be, they are the same thing.
As I explained above, many of Moze’s skills revolve around shields and health which is quite annoying as they don’t go together. Vampyr and Thin Red Line would suck together if not for this class mod.
The Bloodletter makes it so any healing Moze would get goes to her shields, and any health regeneration she would get also goes towards her shields.
Getting this class mod also adds some levels to her key abilities like Desperate Measures, which gives her more damage.
Deathless Relic

If the Bloodletter is the key to this build then the Deathless Relic is the spare you leave under a rock.
The Deathless relic doubles your shield but sets your health to one. Which is fine by me, who needs health anyway. Shield numba one.
Who needs keys when you have grenades. Just blow the door open with Pizza (Not so tiny tina reference).
So obviously, you have some options to choose from here. All three of these grenades are good for this build and they aren’t even the only grenades you can pick from. Storm Front and Sticky Quasars are Borderlands fan-favorite grenades for good reason.
Preferably, you want a grenade that can spawn mini-grenades because they can proc all of Moze’s most important abilities, like Vampyr and Pull the Holy Pin.
Here are some good Moze grenades to look at:

Considering this is a Moze grenade build and not a Moze gun build, this section is obviously gonna get less love than others, however, it is important to be carrying the right heat with this build.
The Flakker is an obvious front runner because it deals splash damage. For those of you who didn’t read this entire guide (stop skimming) splash damage gives Moze a chance to gain ammo/grenades and this specific Moze build buffs explosion damage.
Honorable mentions:
So that is how the entire guide on how to create a grenade tossing badass Moze for Borderlands 3.