Golden armor is one of the best armor in the game for fighting demons. You’ll take a fraction of the damage you would usually take, and it can never break. Towards the end of Sons of the Forest, you’ll face these enemies more frequently.
In this article, I will show you the new location for the Golden Armor in Sons of the Forest. One of the updates after the game’s release moved the location of the armor to a cave.
The previous location was the bunker, where you’d also find a katana. However, this is no longer the case. Some people thought the game might be bugged, but it was updated!
Golden Armor Location Sons of the Forest

The Golden Armor in Sons of the Forest can be found in a cave towards the middle of the map. Right next to the snowy mountain and a nearby lake.
To get the Golden Armor, you will need a rebreather, so make sure to pick that up before going into this cave.
There are also (allegedly) multiple cave locations for the Golden Armor. Apparently, some players have reported going into nearby caves and finding Golden Armor in those caves as well. I’m not sure if this means the armor is now randomly spawned in one of these caves or spawns in multiple.
At the very least, this is the cave where I’ve found it every time.
What does the Golden Armor Do?
The Golden Armor reduces the damage of demons significantly. To the point where even large groups of demons attacking at once won’t be a problem.
That being said, against normal enemies like cannibals, the armor does absolutely nothing. You’re much better off using a different piece of armor.