Starfield may seem like an ordinary space exploration / alien shooter game with some taste of gravity mechanics. However, as you progress through the main story quests, you will eventually discover Starborn Powers, the main star of the show. These powers are pretty much based on the same formula as Dragonborn Shouts in Skyrim. However, you will quickly notice that some of the best powers can dramatically alter your gameplay experience.
You will unlock the first power during a Constellation mission. Once you learn this mechanism, you can unlock 24 unique Starfield powers by solving various temple puzzles. While most of these powers may feel useless to all play styles, some of them will definitely enhance your exploration, combat, and resource-gathering abilities. Therefore, this article provides the top 10 best powers in Starfield and how they can help you conquer outer space.
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Top 10 Best Powers in Starfield:
Starfield powers can definitely bring your game to a whole other level. For instance, if you get powers like Anti-Gravity and Particle Beam early on in the game, even the toughest foes will have to think twice before confronting you. On the contrary, if you spend your precious gameplay hours unlocking lower-tier powers, you will get nothing but frustration in return.
So, here are the top 10 Starfield powers, their effect, location, and how they can improve your gameplay experience:
Anti-Gravity Field: Best Powers for Versatility

Anti-Gravity is the first Starborn power that you receive after completing the “Into the Unknown” quest. With this power, you can disable the gravitational force around a small area for a few seconds. During this period, all enemies and movable objects will start flying and bounce like balloons.
Moreover, this power won’t have any effect on the player. So, you can use it to dislodge the ambushers and kill them with your best weapons. Similarly, if you are being pursued by bounty hunters or law agents, you can use this power to evade the attackers. The Anti-Gravity power becomes available after solving the Ring puzzle in Temple Eta.
Supernova: Best Powers for Last Stand

Most of us know Supernova as a colossal explosion caused by a dying star. This burst of light and energy is so immense that it can wipe out everything within its radius. So, the Starfield power named after such massive destruction has to fill some huge shoes.
Fortunately, this power lives up to the Supernova name. Basically, as soon as you trigger this power, a massive explosion will emerge and wipe out all lifeforms in a small area. However, it is an expensive power, so make sure to use it as your last stand in battles. You can acquire the Supernova power by completing Temple Xi.
Parallel Self: The Dr. Strange Powers

Parallel Self is a pretty self-explanatory Starfield Power. Do you remember how Dr. Strange summoned several versions of Spiderman from parallel universes? Well, this power works in the exact same way. Whenever you trigger this power, an exact image of your character will come to your aid from a different dimension.
This image will have a separate health bar and the same traits and abilities as your character. However, the summoned companion won’t stay for long, so make sure to use this power only when you are surrounded by enemies. You can acquire the Parallel Self power by completing the “World’s Apart” quest and clearing Temple Sigma.
Particle Beam: Best Power for Attacks

The best way to define Particle Beam is to look at Devil Jin from the Tekken series. Alternatively, you can also consider the beam cannon attached to the best starships for reference. The Particle Beam Starfield power launches a laser beam that destroys all foes standing in its path.
However, there are two restrictions to this power. Firstly, the laser beam will only travel a short distance (you can improve it by upgrading the power). Secondly, the Particle Beam will always travel in a straight line. Lastly, even though this power costs 45 points, it can make you invincible against some of the hardest bosses in Starfield. You can acquire this power by solving Temple Omega after the “Revelation” quest.
Phased Time:The Coolest Starfield Powers

Starfield ensures to make you feel like a true superhero with its exceptional powers. For example, if you are a fan of The Flash, you will fall for the Phased Time. With this power, you can slow down the Time around you while maintaining your original speed. Moreover, the polished visuals during this short duration are way too cool to explain in words.
The only drawback is that Phased Time is the last Starfield power that you acquire after the “Revelation” quest. So, you won’t get many opportunities to show off your newly gained power. The good news is that you can retain it for your NG+ mode. Imagine how cool it’d look with your Starborn Suit and Starborn Guardian. You can unlock Phased Time by completing the puzzle in Temple Mu.
Reactive Shield:Best Powers for Defense

As the name suggests, Reactive Shield protects you from enemy attacks for a short duration. This Starfield power generates a shield of divine light around the player for a short period. You will find it quite useful when you need to regain HP during a major combat. The question is, why Reactive? Why not just Shield?
What makes this shield “Reactive” is that it can deflect incoming projectiles back at the enemies. So, you can expect to kill quite a few weaker foes while you stop to take a breath. In short, with just a few upgrades, this power alone is enough to make you the Superman of Starfield. You can unlock the Reactive Shield by solving Temple Tau after the “Further into the Unknown” quest.
Creator’s Peace: Best Power for Retreat

Aggression isn’t always the right answer to every conflict, especially when you are playing Starfield. Sometimes, you can just use a superpower to make short-term peace with your foes and run away before they return to their senses. With the Creator’s Peace, your enemies will abandon their weapons and walk away without saying anything, basically abandoning the fight.
The Creator’s Peace may not deal massive damage or protect you from incoming missiles, but it can come in handy in certain scenarios. Moreover, you can also use it to gain the upper hand in the battles, but the fight will continue once you launch an offensive. You can acquire this power from Temple Nu after completing the “All That Money Can Buy” quest.
Eternal Harvest + Elemental Pull: Best Powers for Resources

Eternal Harvest and Elemental Pull are two different powers, but they are utterly useless without the other. It’s a combination like Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley (More on Hogwarts Legacy). For instance, the Eternal Harvest instantly replenishes all nearby exhausted sources so that you don’t have to look elsewhere from the Outposts. Speaking of resources, here’s how to get Adhesives and Polymers in Starfield.
Similarly, the Elemental Pull replaces your Laser Cutter so that you can gather resources with better efficiency. So, you should either avoid both these powers if you aren’t into crafting or get them ASAP if you like them. You can acquire Eternal Harvest from Temple Lambda after “Entangled” and Elemental Pull from Temple Psi after “Unearthed” quests, respectively.
Gravity Wave: Starfield’s Fus Ro Dah

Do you miss the iconic “Fus Ro Dah” shout from Skyrim? Well, you won’t feel that way after unlocking the Gravity Wave in Starfield. This power basically generates a conical gravitational current that staggers all enemies and incapacitates them for a while.
This Starfield power becomes more and more powerful as you continue upgrading it. However, it’s mostly suitable for group encounters, and you won’t use it as much after you unlock better gear. You can acquire the Gravity Wave power from Temple Beta after completing the “Power from Beyond” quest.
Precognition: Best Power for Strategies

No one likes failed Persuasion Checks, failed strategies, and aggression from their favorite companions. So, what if you get the chance to get a glimpse of the near future before planning your next move? Well, worry not, as the Precognition power offers just what you need. With this power, you can bend space-time and get a glimpse of the near future.
You can use this ability to see your enemy’s next move or the companion’s reaction to a dialogue option. In short, you can easily become the God of Time by bending it to your liking. The Precognition Power is unlocked from Temple iota after completing the “Power from Beyond” quest.
Starfield Powers can dramatically alter your gameplay experience. You can use these powers to gain damage boosts, add an extra layer of defense, bend the space-time, or even control the planet’s gravity. However, unlocking each power takes a whole lot of Time, and some of them may prove to be worthless for most players. Therefore, this article discusses the top 10 best powers in Starfield, their functions, and how to acquire them.