Vincent The Frostbringer Location in V Rising - Nerd Lodge
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Vincent The Frostbringer Location in V Rising

Vincent the Frostbringer is an important boss in V Rising to defeat. Not only does he give you Prison Cells to capture good blood types, but Vincent also grants you the recipe for reinforced planks, a must-have when upgrading your gear. This will be where to find Vincent The Frostbringer Location in V Rising.

Vincent is a level 40 boss, so plan accordingly.

Check out some of our other guides, like where to find Polora and Quincey the Bandit King location.

Where is Vincent the Frostbringer in V Rising

Where is Vincent the Frostbringer in V Rising

Vincent the Frostbringer can be found in Dunley Farmlands. You can find him along one of the many roads in the area. I personally located Vincent in a Militia Camp right next to the entrance of Dunley Farmlands.

I recommend if you want an exact location, as Vincent does move, use the blood altar to get a more precise location of Vincent the Frostbringer.

Make sure to avoid fighting him if he is next to another boss like Christina the Sun Priestess, as they can sometimes walk around similar areas. If Christina shows up, or god forbid the other Vampire Hunter, just run and take the fight later. You won’t be able to defeat the whole group.

What are Vincent the Frostbringer Rewards

Rewards for Vincent the Frostbringer V Rising

The Rewards for Vincent the Frostbringer are:

  • Frost Barrier
  • Veil of Frost
  • Prison Cell
  • Reinforced Planks

Prison Cells are exceedingly nice for both PvP, PvE, and gathering. You can find a high-value blood type, let’s say 100% worker, and put them in a prison cell. This allows you to constantly feed on them whenever you need to go for a farming run. Obviously, this is very strong.

Reinforced Planks are also amazing. You need this to progress into Merciless tier 2 gear, so they are a must for your progression.

Some bosses can be skipped or ignored for a long time, Vincent is not one of those. You need his rewards.

How to Beat Vincent the Frostbringer

How to Beat Vincent the Frostbringer

Vincent the Frostbringer is not a hard boss as long as you have a similar gear level and he isn’t skulled. The easiest way to beat Vincent the Frostbringer is to dash through him and hit his back while he is turning. You don’t want to spend a lot of time in front of him.

Vincent has a frost-ranged attack that freezes you and once that hits, he charges and knocks you back for a decent damage combo move.

He also has a block, similar to brutes you might have fought at a lower level. You won’t be able to damage Vincent in the front while this is active.

To beat Vincent I did the following:

Spam Chaos Volley -> Dash through Vincent -> Smack his back -> Chaos Volley -> Sidestep smack -> Dash through -> repeat

Again, Vincent isn’t that hard. His mechanics are simple and easy to overcome with little effort. Just don’t get frozen and you’ll be good.


And that’s exactly where to find Vincent the Frosbringer and his relative location in V Rising. Hopefully, this helps you beat Vincent and progresses you through tier 2.

Make sure to check out our other V Rising guides!

Good luck!

  1. […] sure to check out our Vincent The Frostbringer Location in V Rising guide when you need to move to tier 2! He is incredibly […]

  2. […] sure to check out our Vincent the Frostbringer location guide, when you’re ready to go to tier […]