Elden Ring is famous for having powerful bosses that you can find throughout the map, such as Starscourge Radahn. Compared to the other enemies that you’ll find wandering around in the Lands Between, bosses are extremely powerful and are not easy to take down. You might even fail to land a single hit on a boss during the first few tries. As for Rennala, she is another powerful boss that you need to defeat in order to progress through the story. And today, where to find Rennala in Elden Ring.
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Where To Find Rennala in Elden Ring
Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon, can be found in the Raya Lucaria Academy. The entrance of this academy is blocked, and you will need the Academy Glintstone Key to unlock it. Otherwise, you won’t be able to enter it.
How To Access The Raya Lucaria Academy
The Raya Lucaria Academy can be found in the Lucaria of the Lakes. And it is a place you should visit after beating Godrick. Its exact location can be seen in the image below. However, this is one of those places which you can’t enter without using a key. And, for this one, you’ll need the Academy Glintstone Key.

To get your hands on the Academy Glintstone Key in Elden Ring, you will need to visit the Glintstone Dragon Smarag. The location of this dragon is marked in the image below. But, you don’t have to fight it if you’re not in the mood. You can go ahead and use Torrent to quickly grab the key from its behind and run away. Or, if you’re looking for some fun, earn yourself the key by defeating Glintstone Dragon Smarag.

How To Defeat Rennala
After you have successfully managed to acquire the key, go back to the academy to open the gates. The recommended level for Rennala is 40, but you can go ahead and fight her at any level if you think you’re ready for her.
Once you’re done ensuring that you’re well equipped for the fight and have one of the best armors equipped, make your way inside the Raya Lucaria Academy to face Rennala. An important thing to keep in mind is that Magic has little to no effect on Rennala. So make sure you’re not going inside with a pure Magic build. Instead, a Bleed build will be more suitable for this fight.
Phase 1
Just like all the other bosses in the game, Rennala also has two phases. The first phase is pretty easy to defeat, as Rennala isn’t much active during it. As soon as you enter the fighting area, you’ll see that she is in the air surrounded by some of her students. Your goal here is to keep hitting students which have a golden glowing aura.

After you hit a couple of them, Rennala will fall to the ground and you can then rush towards her to attack her. She will then go back in the air after some time, after which you’ll need to repeat the entire process again. Keep on doing this until the first phase has ended. However, make sure to do everything quickly, as Rennala will start using spells against you during the first phase if you are slow.
Phase 2
The second phase is when things will get serious. Rennala will transport you somewhere else, where you will need to fight her one more time. During this phase, she will use a plethora of spells against you. While they are easy to doge, make sure to not get hit by any of them, as they can drain a lot of your health quickly.

Your strategy during the second phase is to use a powerful Spirit Ash, such as the Lone Wolf. The Lone Wolf Spirt Ash can summon three wolves who will assist you during the fight. Whenever Rennala shifts her attention towards the wolves, you need to go and land powerful attacks on her as quickly as you can.
Throughout the fight, you need to keep on dodging her spells while constantly attacking her whenever you get the chance. The wolves will keep her busy most of the time, and they will ever stagger some of her spells.
This was where to find Rennala in Elden Ring. As you can see, the boss fight isn’t that difficult compared to other bosses, but you will still need to be extremely careful during it. After you’re done beating this boss, make sure to check out where to go next after beating Rennala in Elden Ring.