The Blind Maiden in Elden Ring, also known as Lightseeker Hyetta in the game, is a very strange NPC. True to her name, she is a blind woman who seeks light — more precisely, the guidance of the distant light — by eating Shabriri Grapes.
She believes that when she reaches the distant light, she shall become a Finger Maiden. Finger Maidens are known for serving the Two Fingers and for also helping the Tarnished. It should be noted that she is constantly traveling and that if you choose to, you can fight her. This would make her questline impossible to complete. But the upside is that you get a quick reward of three Frenzyflame Stones.
Table of Contents
Spawning Lightseeker Hyetta / Blind Maiden
How Hyetta came to be is also quite fascinating. Players meet an NPC named Irina shortly after crossing the Bridge of Sacrifice. Irina essentially tells you how her home, Castle Morne, has been taken over by beasts who were previously her father’s servants. She asks you to deliver a letter to her father Edgar. And upon beating the Boss at Castle Morne, you get to speak to Edgar again.
Following this, Edgar goes to meet his daughter Irina where she stands, but he will, unfortunately, find her dead. The Blind Maiden in Elden Ring now appears close to the Lake-Facing Cliffs Site of Grace in the south of Luirnia after exiting Stormveil Castle.
Shabriri Grapes Required to Continue Questline

The Shabriri Grape is an essential Key Item in the game. That is needed by the Blind Maiden in Elden Ring. In order for you to continue her questline and meet her in various other locations. It looks like a shriveled grape that’s soft in the middle.
The first grape is located in Stormveil Castle, more specifically down a flight of stairs and below a ladder after passing Godrick’s Throne Room. You’ll get it by interacting with a ghost right before exiting into the region of Liurnia.
The second grape is situated inside a cellar that attacks in the Purified Ruins in the East Liurnia region. The third grape can be found after defeating Irina’s father, Edgar the Revenger, at his shack located in West Liurnia.
The final grape is known as the Fingerprint Grape and is quite different. It can be found by looting the Boss Festering Fingerprint Vyke. He can be found in the Church of Inhibition which comes after passing the Frenzied Flame Village in Liurnia.
Where to Find Lightseeker Hyetta, The Blind Maiden

Finding Hyetta is an intricate process, to begin with. She will constantly be on the move throughout the game, so finding her means traveling to locations far and wide.
The Blind Maiden in Elden Ring can initially be found close to the Site of Grace in the Lake-Facing Cliffs of the Southern section of Liurnia after exiting Stormveil Castle. For this to happen, you must have delivered the letter from the NPC Irina to her father, Edgar. Once meeting her, you need to converse with her until she talks about the item Shabriri Grapes, which she wants just one of. After this, you will receive the gesture “As you wish.”
The second location where you will meet her is in the Purified Ruins, which lies approximately to the west of the lake’s shore. Following this, the third location where you will run into her is in the northern section of the Gate Town Bridge Site of Grace in the region of Liurnia.
Here, you’ll find out that the grapes she has been eating are actually disgusting and that she has been consuming them without realizing the fact that they result in her retching in pain.
The first of the final two locations to meet Hyetta is in Bellum Church, which lies in Northern Liurnia to the west of the Church of Inhibition. In this location, you’ll hand over the final grape, the Fingerprint Grape. The final location for an encounter with her is underneath the Royal Capital Leyndell. In order to reach this area, you must carefully make it through the Subterranean Shunning Grounds.
After this ordeal lies the powerful boss Mohg the Omen; beating this boss is very difficult, but after you’ve done so, there will be a false wall at the very end of the arena. This leads to a vertical maze populated with several frenzied corpses. You must head down until you arrive at the Frenzied Flame Proscription Site of Grace.
Now the player must remove their armor to open the odd-looking locked door ahead and interact with The Three Fingers. Only after this can you meet Hyetta again. When speaking with the Blind Maiden this time, you must touch her with the Frenzied Flame to make her your new permanent Finger Maiden.
Sadly this only lasts for a few moments, as she dies to make you Maidenless again. However, she will leave behind a Frenzyflame Stone and the Frenzied Flame Seal, which makes Frenzied Flame incantations more powerful.
Frequently Asked Question
This section focuses on questions related to Lightseeker Hyetta or the Blind Maiden in Elden Ring
Is the Blind Maiden Questline Mandatory to Finish the Game?
This questline is important as it is one of the main endings of the game, and it is known as the Frenzied Flame Ending. What happens is you inherit the mantle and take up the title of Lord of Chaos, where you are tasked with burning the world to unite everyone for all their mistakes.
Are Hyetta and Irina the same individual?
A common thought that may arise is that both the Blind Maiden in Elden Ring and Irina could be the same person as they look and sound the same and are both blind. That being said, Irina’s corpse doesn’t fade when she dies — which cements the fact that she really is dead.
However, this could also mean something else as Hyetta’s questline has elements of a character that is Living but also Dead with the help of an Outer God and an entity called The Frenzied Flame and also The Three Fingers.