In general, ARK has six main bosses including the Dragon, Dinopithecus King, Manticore, Megapithecus, Broodmother, and Crystal Wyvern Queen. These bosses fall under the tag of Guardians in ARK. Apart from these, we have categories such as Genesis Simulation Bosses, Overseer Boss, Dungeon Bosses, and Titans.
All of these bosses are the most powerful creatures in the game. Some of these can only be found on the specific maps. So, we are gonna cover the easiest to hardest bosses from these categories.
Once you are on a level where you have tamed some of the best dinos and have the best gear then you should be going for a battle with one of these bosses. As it is a part of the game and is also a challenging and fun thing to do.
Table of Contents
ARK Bosses Easiest to Hardest
Now, let’s have a look at the bosses that are ranked from easiest to hardest. The easiest ones can be a bit easier to fight than the ones that are hardest. The hardest bosses have more attacking power and skills. You will need to come up with different strategies in order to take them down.
Although, they all are fun and tricky at the same time. Because they are entirely different from the normal creatures on the map.
1. Megapithecus

Megapithecus is the easiest boss in ARK. You don’t need any strategies for this one, simply just take a bunch of powerful tames with you that will surround it and take it down in no time. T-Rex is perfect for this battle. A few T-Rexes should do the work.
Megapithecus is a giant gorilla that can be found on the arenas of The Island, The Center, and Valguero. It’s a white gorilla that has scars on the right of its body and face. This creature has three variants Alpha, Beta, and Gamma. Alpha is the strongest of all three.
To enter the arenas, you will need to look for the Supply Crate or Obelisk. These require some tribute items to operate, this will open a portal for you that transfers you and your dinos to the arena.
2. Manticore

Manticore comes on number two on our list. This is simply because this boss is a bit more difficult to beat than Megapithecus. Manticore has wings and a Scorpion tail. Its wings allow it to fly and attack at the same time. Manticore also uses its tail to perform a Poison Sting attack.
During a battle with Manticore, you can take some aggressive and powerful dinos with you including flyers. The Flyers will play the main role in this battle as they can attack Manticore while it’s in the air. Manticore can be found on Scorched Earth, Ragnarok, and Valguero.
3. Moeder

Moeder is different from all the other bosses in ARK as it lives underwater. So, Moeder is also known as the Master of the Ocean. Battle with this boss is different in the sense that it sends the minions first in the battle and once you kill all its minions then you can stand a chance to fight with Moeder itself.
Being in the ocean you don’t have many of the techniques to try on this boss. You will need to take underwater tamed creatures with you in order to fight this beast. Eel Minions are the smaller versions of Moeder that you have to face before fighting with the actual boss.
Moeder has attacking techniques including the bite and electricity ball. This boss can be found on the Genesis Part I map.
4. Ice Titan

The Ice Titan is one of the four Titans in ARK. It’s a huge boss that has an ultimate set of attacking skills and power. Ice Titan can freeze your dinos for a short span of time. So, you will need to play carefully when it’s attacking with Ice Breath. It can damage you a lot with its other attacks such as foot stomp and tail swipe.
On a battle with Ice Titan, you can take Giganotosaurus and Snow Owl with you. Giga is a powerful dino that can help you in making a lot of damage to Ice Titan. Whereas, Snow Owl will heal your dinos. Also, Rex can be included in the team.
5. Broodmother

Broodmother is a scary giant spider that spawns on the Island. Just like the Moeder, Broodmother also sends its minions in the battle that are known as Araneo. Broodmother slows down the pace of the player which will make your movement slow. Moreover, it uses a projectile acid attack that causes high torpor damage.
The best way to deal with Broodmother is to take rideable tames with you. Broodmother can shoot webs at you if you are not on a dino, this will slow you down and make it quite difficult to fight with it. So, you should definitely take some quick moves with you.
6. Dinopithecus King

Dinopithecus King is another huge-sized gorilla that is much stronger than Megapithecus. So, Dinopithecus King has attacks similar to that of Megapithecus but it is quite more aggressive and quick. This boss during the fight calls a group of Dinopithecus for help. This makes the battle more intense.
The minions of Dinopithecus King rush towards the tames and throw feces. This slows them down for about 10 seconds. Try to take these minions down first to easily fight with the boss. Some of the best tames for this fight are Stegosaurus, Mantis, Daedon, and Therizinosaur.
7. Dragon

Dragon is the scariest and the strongest of all 6 main bosses. This one can be found in the arenas of Ragnarok and Valguero. It is twice the size of Broodmother and Megapithecus which makes it a beast creature. It can easily do tons of damage with its fire-spitting attack. Plus, it can perform powerful bite and stomp attacks.
Dragon with a huge health pool becomes difficult to knock down in a shorter time period. So, you consistently need to keep attacking it with all of your available tames. Dragon is an extremely fast and aggressive boss. Therefore, it can dodge your attacks.
8. King Titan

King Titan is the strongest of all four Titans in ARK. This is the biggest creature that you can find in the game. It’s an extremely aggressive creature with an ultimate set of attacks and power. King Titan can be accessed through the King Titan Terminal on the Extinction map.
King Titan has the highest number of attacking techniques including fireball, tail slam, charge, foot stomp, two-hand slam, swat, and charge long. You will have to be attentive during the battle with King Titan and dodge all its moves. Simply you just need to dodge all of its attacks. Otherwise, it can beat you real quick.
9. Overseer

Overseer is the second hardest boss that you can fight in the game. What makes it different from others is its minions. During the battle, it sends two different types of minions the Attack Drone and the Defense Unit. They both make it a challenging battle.
Unlike all the other creatures in the game, Overseer doesn’t have limbs or a body that looks similar to any creature. It has a diamond-shaped body that shoots beams. It has only one attack which is why it uses two different types of minions.
10. Master Controller

Finally, the strongest and the hardest boss. Master Controller is a mechanical creature that looks similar to Overseer but it is twice more powerful. And your creatures will not be enough to take this one down. Defeating a Master Controller will require the use of advanced weapons such as an Assault Rifle, TEK Rifle, Pump-Action Shotgun, and Grenade Launcher.
So, these are the easiest to hardest bosses in ARK. They are challenging but it’s fun to fight them and test your skills.
What is the Easiest Boss ARK?
The easiest ARK boss is Megapithecus with fewer attacking skills and a considerably smaller health pool as compared to other bosses. Moreover, it’s not as aggressive and quick as the other bosses. So, you can take it down with some powerful and high-level tames.
What is the Strongest ARK Boss?
Master Controller is definitely the strongest and hardest boss in ARK. It’s a mechanical diamond-shaped boss that is similar to Overseer. But its power and minions make it stand out among all the other bosses. Going into battle with only creatures by your side won’t work. You will have to take some good weapons and equipment.
There you have the list of easiest to hardest bosses in ARK. Bosses are the best things to try when you have leveled up enough. When you have the best tames and the ultimate weapons then bosses are perfect to try your skills. Give them a shot and go for the easiest one at first.