Elden Ring Flamberge Location - Nerd Lodge
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Elden Ring Flamberge Location

All FromSoftware.inc games are notorious for their near-impossible enemies. Elden Ring takes this legacy one step ahead with its beautiful dungeons, mysterious ruins, mystical castles, and of course, the ever-challenging foes.

So, it is no surprise that every player wants to create the deadliest character build for a swift playthrough. In this regard, the bleeding builds are among the most powerful styles in the game. When you infuse an opponent with a bleeding effect, his health bar drains gradually with respect to time. 

The more critical strikes you hit, the higher will be the damage output. However, you must prepare your character from the very beginning to attain and maintain such a high-quality build. The Flamberge in Elden Ring is one of the best early-game weapons that you can get to defeat some of the hardest bosses in the game.

This goal leads to the very topic of this guide, what is the Elden Ring Flamberge location? If you are also looking for this awesome sword, like many other players, I suggest that you follow this guide:

Why choose the Flamberge Greatsword?

The Flamberge in Elden Ring belongs to the family of Greatswords that inflict your opponent with bleeding build-up. Originally, this sword belonged to the great witch hunter, Jerren of the Redmane Castle. This castle is the only barrier that keeps the Scarlet Rot at bay, away from the people.

For this contribution, Jerren is very popular among the folks, and his sword becomes the symbol of protection for the inhabitants. Unlike other unique Greatswords in Elden Ring, the Flamberge doesn’t have a Weapon Art. However, you can infuse it with any Ash of War from your inventory. 

Being an early-game weapon, the minimum stat requirements of the sword are pretty low. In fact, you can easily wield it without any upgradation if you start with a Strength class. Furthermore, this sword’s physical damage output is significantly higher compared to other non-Legendary swords.

For this reason, the Flamberge Greatsword is often at the top of every bleeding build weapon arsenal list. So, if you are also looking for a powerful early-game weapon for the Strength class, I suggest you get this sword as soon as possible.

Elden Ring Flamberge Location

Elden Ring Flamberge Location

The Flamberge in Elden Ring belongs to Jerren of the Redmane Castle, and that is exactly where you can find it. Jerren is a renowned warrior of his time who slew many witches. Fortunately, you don’t need to fight him to acquire this sword. However, your timing is extremely important in determining the ease of getting it.

The Flamberge Greatsword is only available near the time of the annual festival. There are two ways to get it: either get the sword before the General Radahn-slaying festival, hosted by Jerren, hasn’t started, or get it after defeating the Starscourge Radahn

In any case, you must first unlock Caelid and travel to Redmane Castle to get this sword. It means you must defeat the first few bosses of the game before reaching anywhere near the sword. Once you are in the area, make sure that you don’t talk to anyone and travel directly to the castle to get the sword without starting the festival.

How to get the Flamberge Greatsword

Elden Ring Flamberge

The next question that arises is how you can get the Flamberge Greatsword? The answer is very simple either visit the palace before the General Radahn-slaying festival has begun or come after defeating the Starscourge Radahn. In both options, the sword’s location remains the same. So, your choice won’t really affect how to get the sword, but the quest may become more challenging. Here’s how to get the Flamberge Greatsword in Elden Ring:

Start in Caelid and head to the Impassable Great Bridge Site of Grace. Summon the Torrent and ride across the bridge towards the Redmane Castle. If you came before facing the Starscourge Radahn, the castle’s gate would be closed. However, you can directly enter the castle from the main gate after defeating the boss.

In case the gate is closed, turn right and head straight past the small dragons while following the natural path. You will reach a ladder at the end of your path and climb it to the very top to reach the castle’s outer walls. Head eastwards while skirting the wall or to your right till you find a hole or opening. Avoid the stairs and drop directly from the hole to land on the marquee.

Jump down from the tent and kill the dog creature in your way. Immediately turn right after defeating the dog and enter through the door on your right side. If you see a staircase inside the door, then you are in the correct room: otherwise, turn back and try the other door. Head down the stairs and deal with the enemy either by sneaking, running, or killing him. You will find a lion beast in the next section, i.e., outside the stairs room. 

Turn right and head to the southeast till you reach the barricades. From here, you must again go to the top, where the flame thrower enemies will be waiting for you. Killing these enemies will only waste your time, so avoid them and head right toward the staircase. Go up using the stairs till you find a ladder inside the room. Next, you must climb up the ladder, where you will be welcomed by the pumpkin head. Again, you have two options: either kill the pumpkin head or sneak past him to take the Flamberge Greatsword. 

How to avoid triggering the General Radahn-slaying festival

avoid triggering the General Radahn

As mentioned earlier, you can enter the Redmane Castle either by defeating the boss or by avoiding the festival. The only way to trigger the festival is by resting at any Site of Grace on the Altus Plateau. Alternatively, you can avoid the festival by taking the Coward’s Path in northern Liurnia. Next, you must climb up the Ruin-Strewn Precipice and fight the Magma Wyrm boss before reaching the castle’s outskirts. If you follow every step as prescribed, you will reach the castle gates without starting the festival.


Which build is suitable for the Flamberge?

The Flamberge in Elden Ring belongs to the family of Greatswords that inflict bleeding effects. Moreover, the sword scales primarily with Strength and a little less with Dexterity. So, naturally, it is suitable for creating a bleeding build with a Strength character class.

Moreover, it is an early-game weapon that you can get with or without defeating the Starscourge Radahn boss. So, if you are looking for a suitable weapon for your bleeding build, I suggest that you get it before the festival starts.

What makes the Flamberge a good Elden Ring weapon?

The Flamberge is the same Greatsword from Dark Souls. So, players often question its reliability as it may or may not be optimized for the new enemies. Fortunately, the Flamberge is a powerful early-game weapon for all Strength-based characters. Moreover, you can use it as your standard weapon for inflicting your enemies with bleeding and piercing. So, it is no doubt one of the best early game Greatswords in Elden Ring for Strength class players.

Where to find the Flamberge in Elden Ring?

The Flamberge Greatsword is the signature weapon of Jerren, the witch hunter of the Redmane Castle. So, you can easily find the sword in this castle without fighting Jerren. However, the sword is only accessible near the time of the General Radahn-slaying festival. So, you can either get it before the festival starts or after defeating Starscourge Radahn. Moreover, the sword is guarded by a pumpkin head enemy that you can defeat or sneak past to get this powerful Greatsword.

How to use the Flamberge in Elden Ring?

The Flamberge Greatsword is a weapon specially prescribed for Strength-based characters. So, you must start with a Strength class and focus on upgrading the Strength or Dexterity. The sword scales primarily with Strength, and that’s how you will get that extra bleeding build up. Moreover, you can upgrade the sword using common Smithing Stones. Also, you can infuse it with any Ash of War from your inventory. 

How to get the Flamberge Greatsword without defeating Starscourge Radahn?

The Starscourge Radahn boss appears as soon as the festival starts. Once the festival has started, you can only get the Flamberge after defeating the boss. However, suppose you parkour inside the Redmane Castle before the festival starts.

In that case, you can easily get the Greatsword without fighting any challenging enemies. Moreover, you can avoid most of the weaker enemies by sneaking or running past them. Lastly, the Pumpkin head enemy that guards the sword can be easily deceived if you are quick enough with your rolling. 


The Flamberge in Elden Ring is a weapon from the days of Dark Souls. So, it is the favorite early-game weapon for most soul veterans. However, the sword is located inside the Redmane Castle, where Jerren hosts his annual General Radahn-slaying festival.

The only problem is that you can get the sword either before the festival starts or after defeating the Starscourge Radahn boss. This article explains how you can easily find the Elden Ring Flamberge location without facing any challenges on your way.