How Does Fortify Work in Diablo 4? - Nerd Lodge
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How Does Fortify Work in Diablo 4?

Fortify is one of the more complex mechanics in Diablo 4. Some classes, like Necromancers, Barbarians, and Druids, have some form of Fortify HP from abilities. But what is Fortify, and how does Fortify work in Diablo 4?

Thankfully, I’ve done some testing and figured out most of what you need to know about how Fortify and Fortified work.

How Does Fortify Work in Diablo 4?

How Does Fortify Work in Diablo 4?

Basically, the way Fortify works is that you have certain skills or abilities that will grant you Fortify HP. Once your total Fortify HP is above your normal HP, you gain the Fortified buff, reducing damage by 10%. After you’ve been hit, you will lose a portion of your Fortify HP along with your normal HP.

You can get even more damage reduction from being Fortified by getting certain passives or by having certain gems or gear. Nobody knows what the max damage reduction is right now, but it is likely to be over 20%+ in the end game.

Fortify does nothing unless it is above your current HP. Some people have been saying it acts as a second HP bar, but it does not.

You’ll be able to tell you’re Fortified by the shield that appears around your health bar. Also, the text “Fortified” will pop up on your character for a split second.

Fortify is incredibly important for Druids, as this not only provides damage reduction but also increases damage from Overpower, a mechanic specific to Druids. You’ll have to check out the Druid build for a more in-depth explanation, but it is one of the strongest builds in the game.

If any new information about Fortify is found, I will add it to this post later. Please comment if you have any info or questions!

  1. ‘A mechanic specific to druids’ is misleading. The mechanic applies to all classes and is a DPS mechanic which is equal to your fortify + your hp at that time. I read that on one of the teleporting loading screens.

    CombatThong on March 25 |
    • that’s true I should probably remove that. you have a chance on every class to proc Overpower, but I think that Druid is the only class that has a specific ability for it

      KatoC on March 25 |