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What Is Sturgeon in Stardew Valley?
Being a real-life farming simulation game, Stardew Valley has a lot of activities in-game that you can really relate to in a real-life farming experience. Be it growing crops, taking care of your barn animals, crafting and building farm tools, and going out to fish – name it, Stardew Valley has it.
Fishing is one of the most fun activities you can do to buy and maximize your time. Aside from the fact that it is easier to manage than other activities, there are various fish types to choose from. Different bodies of water and different seasons can offer you different types of fish.
One of the hardest-to-catch types of fish is the sturgeon. Even though it’s difficult, it can actually provide a great deal of value to your entire game. Sturgeon in Stardew Valley is an example of a fish that requires a specific time and season to have a good catch. It also lives in the deeper part of the water so you have to be mindful in catching one.
In this brief guide, we will tell you everything you need to know on how to catch sturgeon in Stardew Valley, together with all the conditions needed to be met.
How to Catch Sturgeon in Stardew Valley?
Due to its high value and several uses, most players are grinding to fish just to catch a good number of sturgeon. However, it still remains a difficult task. Little did they know that there are important points that they must know before going out to fish and catch sturgeon.
The first thing they must know is where to catch sturgeon. It is vital that they know where this type of fish inhabits. To have a high chance of encountering sturgeon, go to Mountain Lake.
From your farmhouse, travel to the northern region of the map, and you will see the Carpenter’s Shop, Linus’ tent, the Treehouse, the Mines, Adventurer’s guild, and the Quarry. Aside from all these, you will also notice the big body of water in the middle. Once you arrive there you can start throwing your line and wait for a good catch.
To make sure that you catch a sturgeon, cast your line farther than usual since sturgeons live in the deeper parts of the lake. However, it is also important that catching a rare type of fish such as sturgeon is not just as simple as throwing your line and waiting for your luck. The quality of your fishing rod also matters.
Fishing Rod to Catch Sturgeon
Since sturgeon in Stardew Valley is a rare type of fish, the fishing rod used in catching it must also be a high-quality one. Using just a training rod is not a good choice if you are eyeing such a rare type of fish since it is only suggested for newbies.
A bamboo pole won’t also guarantee you such types of fish. The two best fishing rod options for you are the fiberglass and the iridium rod. However, you must first work on your fishing skill levels before you can buy either of them from Willy’s Fish Shop.
The fiberglass rod requires you to reach your fishing skills level two, while the iridium rod is at fishing skills level six. Although obtaining either of the two costs a hefty amount of money, it is still better to spend your money on quality equipment.
Best Season for Catching Sturgeon

As mentioned previously, sturgeon is not common to appear randomly on lakes. The reason behind this is the changing of seasons. If you are an avid fan of fishing activity in Stardew Valley, you might have noticed that some fish are active and common in particular seasons or days. Sturgeons are like that.
To maximize your fishing experience, make sure that you will head to Mountain Lake. Where you can catch the sturgeon only if it is either summer or winter. You can be lucky and catch a few at any time between 6:00 AM and 7:00 PM during these seasons. However, the best day to go out fishing sturgeon in these seasons is on a rainy summer day, and the worst is on a rainy winter.
Reproducing Sturgeon

Several players have the same reason why they want to catch sturgeon. Aside from the fact that it is difficult to obtain, it also has a lot of uses. One of the most popular uses of sturgeon is by making caviar.
To be able to reproduce a sturgeon, make sure to build a fish pond first. It only requires 200 stones, 5 seaweeds, 5 green algae, and 5,000 gold. Go to Robin’s Carpenter Shop and buy a fish pond. Select the spot where you would want to place it, and Robin will finish building it in three Stardew Valley days.
Once you already have a sturgeon fish, you can now place it in your built fish pond. At first, you can only place one sturgeon per pond. Over time, they will ask for specific items upon providing them. Also, the capacity of the fish pond will increase. Once the sturgeon is placed in the pond, it will take four Stardew Valley days before it will reproduce.
Uses of Sturgeon
Now that we have already known the important information to successfully have a good catch of sturgeon. Now, it is just right to talk about its uses.
Regeneration Effects
Just like any other edible product in Stardew Valley, the sturgeon also has regeneration effects. These also vary in effect depending on its quality. A normal sturgeon will give you a 25 energy and 11 health boost. A silver sturgeon replenishes 35 energy and 5 health. A gold sturgeon adds 45 energy and 20 health. Lastly, an iridium sturgeon gives 65 energy and 29 health.
If you think you already have enough sturgeon in Stardew Valley on your farm, you can also opt to make a profit out of it. Selling a sturgeon is a good stunt in increasing your budget.
A normal sturgeon will already cost 200 gold. The silver sturgeon is sold for 250 gold. A gold sturgeon costs 300 gold, and an iridium-quality one is 400 gold.
If you think that this is already a good sum of money, you might also want to consider choosing Fisher. And, angler professions as you progress with your fishing skills. Choosing both will give you a total of 50% boost to any fish products sold.
Who wouldn’t want a rare item? Willy loves sturgeon so if you are considering gifting him, sturgeon is one of the best choices. Demetrius, Elliott, Leo, Linus, Pam, and Sebastian also like receiving sturgeon as a gift.
However, there are comparably even more villagers who dislike getting sturgeon as a present for them. These are Abigail, Alex, Caroline, Clint, the Dwarf, Emily, George, Gus, Harvey, Jas, Jodi, Kent, Krobus, Leah, Lewis, Marnie, Maru, Penny, Robin, Sam, Sandy, Shane, Vincent, and the Wizard.
Sturgeon, indeed, has a fishy smell making some of the villagers hate it despite its rare quality. Evelyn, Haley, and Pierre hate sturgeon.
Along with all these, there are still some more things that you can do with a sturgeon. You can make a maki roll, sashimi, and a quality fertilizer with it.