How to Dual Wield in Elden Ring - Nerd Lodge
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How to Dual Wield in Elden Ring

Elden Ring can be quite intimidating for all sorts of players who love fighting with swords. The game truly defines what freedom of choice should look like in modern RPGs. For instance, you can choose which weapons you want to use, how you want to hold them, and even which combos you wish to use in battles.

The beauty of Elden Ring is that the game mechanics change drastically with any change in your stance. For example, holding one weapon in 2 hands increases the damage, having a shield adds defensive traits, and dual-wielding can introduce new combos and boost your speed.

You can try out countless combinations by using these mechanics, but the basics remain the same. So, did you get confused by the in-game tutorials? Well, you are not alone! This article explains everything you need to know about how to dual-wield in Elden Ring.

How to Dual Wield in Elden Ring

dual wielding weapon elden ring

Elden Ring takes the dual-wielding formula from the Souls-Borne series and improves it greatly. For instance, dual-wielding weapons in Elden Ring increases the damage output and the speed of attacks.

Moreover, it also changes the way your character charges combo attacks. The fighting style depends on the combination of weapons, so you can experiment until you find the perfect set. However, the general mechanics remain the same for all your weapons.

Here’s how to dual-wield in Elden Ring:

  • Start with the first weapon in your right hand (main hand).
  • Next, open the inventory menu and choose the second weapon you wish to hold in your left hand.
  • Finally, allocate the weapons to their corresponding hands, and press the right and left attack buttons to unsheathe the weapons:
    • L1 & R1 for PlayStation controller.
    • Right-click and Left-click for PC.
    • LB & RB for Xbox controller.

How to use the Power Stance?

How to use the Power Stance?

The Power Stance in Elden Ring is directly dependent on the dual-wielding mechanics. Power Stance means the character will simultaneously charge at the enemy with both swords.

However, one little requirement is to use the Power Stance in Elden Ring. The player must dual-wield two weapons of the same class, i.e., two daggers, two Katanas, two Greatswords, etc.

You can check the class of each sword in your inventory by looking at the weapon’s description, as shown in the picture:

type of weapon elden ring

Once you have both weapons in hand, repeatedly press the off-hand attack button (L1, Right-Click, RB) to initiate the Power Stance.

The Power Stance is slower than your normal attacks, but the damage output is increased drastically. So, use this attack move when you have enough time before the enemy can launch an attack.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Dual-wielding:

Have you ever wondered about the chaos you could cause if you had a second sword? The power can be yours if you get a grip on these in-game mechanics. Dual-wielding weapons in Elden Ring not only look cool but seems pretty practical.

However, like everything else related to your choices, dual-wielding also comes with a set of pros and cons; here’s all you need to know about it:


  • Dual-wielding your weapons increase the damage output by 1.5 points.
  • It increases your speed of attacks.
  • It has better and more efficient combo attacks.
  • You will have better chances of knocking down your enemies.
  • You can only use the Power Stance by dual-wielding two same weapons.


  • You can’t use a shield while dual-wielding weapons.
  • No shield means that you can’t block or parry the attacks.
  • Your only line of defense will be dodging, rolling, and running around the arena.
  • You can’t use Staves for casting incantations and sorceries.
  • You can’t use the basic attack moves and combos.

So, if you are comfortable with losing your power of defense, dual-wielding your weapons can easily change the game. Firstly, not only will you attack faster, but the damage output of every attack will also be higher.

Secondly, dual-wielding weapons combos and move sets are way cooler and more efficient. Lastly, dodging is the best answer to every attack in Elden Ring. So, you won’t miss your shield once you get a grip on these mechanics.


What are the best weapon combinations to dual-wield in Elden Ring?

The weapons of your choice greatly depend on your playing style and expectations from the game. For instance, if you love fast-paced battles with lots of blood, Katanas are your best bet. Similarly, if you want to crush your enemies, you should opt for Greatswords and Greataxes.

Lastly, if you want to feel like an assassin, a curved sword, and dagger combination will do the job.

What is the Power Stance in Elden Ring?

The Power Stance means that the player will attack with both swords simultaneously. This type of attack is a bit on the slow side, but the damage output will always be devastating for the enemies.

You can easily use the Power Stance by dual-wielding two weapons of the same class, i.e., 2 Katanas, two daggers, two spears, etc.

How to block while dual-wielding in Elden Ring?

Unfortunately, blocking or parrying the attacks while dual-wielding in Elden Ring is impossible. In other words, you can only use these mechanics when you either wield one sword in the right hand or a shield in the left hand. Generally, you can parry or block enemy attacks by holding your mouse’s Right-click button.


Dual-wielding is the answer to every fighting-related question in Elden Ring. When you hold two weapons, you will enjoy several benefits. Firstly, dual-wielding weapons have faster and more efficient combos. Secondly, the damage output is increased by 1.5 times. Lastly, you can use the Power Stance by wielding two weapons of the same class. However, the in-game tutorials can be pretty confusing for new players. Therefore, this article explains everything about how to dual-wield in Elden Ring.