How to Find Your Dead Body in Ark - Nerd Lodge
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How to Find Your Dead Body in Ark

It’s a pretty normal thing that we die in the game and then respawn at a certain point. The same happens in the Ark, we often lose combats either with the dinos or other players, and as a result, we die. But the painful part is when we lose our stuff if somehow, we can’t find our corpse. 

So, what’s the right way to find your dead body in Ark? It might seem a difficult task but fortunately it’s not. We can a try a few things to find the corpse and get back our stuff such as placing beds at a few different points on the map. 

We are dying in Ark results in losing lots of valuable stuff. Such as we lose our armor set, weapons, and other important gear. Especially when we have reached higher levels and are equipped with some next-level things. 

Locating Your Deadbody in Ark

Generally, the game doesn’t tells us much about retrieving our lost stuff when we die. But, we can try a few things on our own to get that important stuff back. 

Here are a few ways of locating your dead body. 

1. Using a Mod

The easiest way to locate a corpse is using a mod such as Death Helper. This mod has two features and that includes Corpse Finder and Suicide Potion. With the Corpse Finder, you can locate the corpse upon dying. The other feature can be used when you want to die, it’s mainly of no use. 

If you are familiar with the mods then this will help you a lot. This is the easiest and most reliable way of finding your deadbody in the game. 

2. Placing More Beds

Another thing you can do is placing lots of beds on different spots of map. This will help you in respawning to the closest spot where you died. Spawning close to your corpse will help you in locating it easily. 

Another thing you can do is having more than one base. At each base you can store an extra set of gear. This can be equipped when you are finding the corpse. Because sometimes there is a danger when you are out looking for the stuff. So, equipping yourself with protective gear is always a good choice. 

3. Screenshot Your Death Message

This might seem to you a bad idea but trust me this one can be a life saver. When you die you always get a message which gives details about your death. It also gives a pointer location where you died. You can take a screenshot of that screen. 

Later on, after a respawn, you can use the screenshot to reach that exact point. This helps you in easily locate your corpse. 

4. Using a Flashlight

Lastly, we can use a flashlight to easily find our character’s corpse at night time. Finding the corpse can be quite difficult when its dark. We can try and equip the flashlight just before we die so that it will get dropped at the exact death spot. 

So, after a respawn when you are out looking for the corpse, it will be easy to locate the location. Because you can see the flashlight in the dark, you can give this method a try. Hopefully, this will work. 

How Do You Teleport to Where You Died in Ark?

Teleporting can be done with the help of command panel. You just need to remember the longitude and latitude value of your dying spot. Then you can use the command “tpcoords” with latitude and longitude value. 

With this command you will be teleported to the coordinates that you just typed in. 

How Long do You Have to Find Your Body in Ark?

Your body lasts for approximately 5 minutes after you die whereas your bag lasts for approximately 20 minutes. You have to locate its position in the meantime otherwise you may lose your stuff. The decay time may have been updated in the new updates. So, keep an eye on the updated decay timer. 

Here our guide for find your deadbody in Ark comes to end. We tried to cover every possible way of finding the character’s corpse. This can help us in getting the stuff back. So, its worth trying the ways that we have discussed in this guide.