The Max Level in Elden Ring - Nerd Lodge
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The Max Level in Elden Ring

Elden Ring is definitely one of the most punishing games ever made by However, the greater difficulty level doesn’t stop millions of players from trying to conquer the Lands Between several times.

Moreover, the leveling system in Elden Ring is very different from other RPGs. For instance, you need to gain experience to get Runes, then invest these Runes in upgrading your attributes and increasing your character level.

The upgrade system is a repetitive process that continues till you beat the game. However, Elden Ring allows you to start a New Game Plus mode while retaining most of your gear and levels.

So, such a complex system will make you wonder, what is the max level in Elden Ring? Well, this article explains the whole process of reaching the maximum level with minimum effort.

Leveling up in Elden Ring:

Leveling up in Elden Ring:

The leveling system in Elden Ring is very different from most RPGs. Firstly, you need to gather Runes by gaining experience. In other words, you must fight and defeat the cruel enemies as your first step.

Once you have enough Runes, rest at any Site of Grace and enter the upgrades menu. Here, you must spend your Runes in upgrading different traits like Vigor, Dexterity, Strength, Intelligence, etc.

The Rune value for upgrading each trait increases periodically. So, you must farm more and more Runes till you reach the maximum level on each trait. The character level increases by +1 point every time you upgrade a trait.

So, you must repeat the process several times to reach the maximum 99 points mark on every trait. However, it also means you must play the game in NG+ mode several times to reach this goal.

What is the max level in Elden Ring?

What is the max level in Elden Ring?

Now that you fully understand the leveling mechanism, the next step is a little easier to understand. Reaching the maximum character level in Elden Ring means reaching 99 points in every trait. There are eight major character traits in the game, and most classes start with an average of 10 points. So, you must upgrade every trait 89 times to reach the final product.

By doing simple multiplication, the max character level in Elden Ring is 713.

Furthermore, the Rune value for upgrading each trait increase periodically. So, you must farm more and more Runes to meet up with the demand. According to the Reddit community, you must gather a total of 1,692,558,415 Runes to upgrade every trait to 99 points and reach the character level cap.

This may sound easy, but trust me; it will take countless hours of grinding to collect such a huge number of Runes in Elden Ring.

What is the Soft Level Cap?

Although you can max out at 99 for every stat in Elden Ring, several soft caps are in place. You’ll have significant diminishing returns if you put all your stats in strength, for example.

Is the max level in Elden Ring Worth It?

Is the max level in Elden Ring Worth It?

There are several benefits of leveling up in Elden Ring. For instance, it will increase your fighting efficiency, your max HP, your resistance, and even improve your fighting style. All this is definitely worth your time and effort, as now you can defeat the hardest enemies with a few attacks.

However, grinding the character level also makes the game far easier than it is supposed to be. So, you will stop enjoying the harshness of the Lands Between after NG+7 or NG+9. Beyond this point, the enemies won’t have greater difficulty, and you will become unstoppable in the game. So, maxing out the character level in Elden Ring only takes out the game’s essence.

Still, if you wish to show off your skills and dedication, you can try to reach the level cap till Elden Ring gets a new DLC.

Overall, spending countless hours in completing the same game over and over again isn’t really worth your time. This is only true if you play games to explore and enjoy. Otherwise, you are very much welcome to take the challenge head-on and show your dedication to the game by reaching the max character level.


How to level up in Elden Ring?

Leveling up in Elden Ring is based on a complex mechanism. First, you must defeat various enemies to gain Runes. Next, you must use these Runes to upgrade the 8 traits by resting at any Site of Grace. Finally, investing Runes in these traits will increase your character level by +1. You must repeat this process until you reach the desired character level by the end of the game. Moreover, you can continue leveling after the endgame by starting in New Game Plus mode.

What is the fastest way to farm Runes?

For most players, the Ball Farm is the easiest way to farm thousands of Runes effortlessly in the early game. Activate the Site of Grace at Lenne’s Rise for this location and head under the Farum Greatbridge. Next, quickly move to the left to avoid the large metal ball; this ball will roll over the edge and kill the mob below, giving you over 2,000 Runes. You can repeat the process several times by refreshing the area to farm unlimited Runes.

Also, the bird at the Palace-Approach Ledge Road Site of Grace in Mohgwyn’s Palace is another great and easy way to farm runes.

How to reach the max level in Elden Ring?

To reach the maximum character level, you must upgrade all traits like Vigor, Dexterity, and Strength to 99 points. So, you can reach the maximum level of 713 by playing the game in New Game Plus mode several times. For this purpose, the Rune farming locations like the Ball Farm and the Palace-Approach Ledge Road Site of Grace in Mohgwyn’s Palace Rune Farm will greatly help you.


Elden Ring is a massive game that you can beat several times and still feel unsatisfied. Fortunately, the New Game Plus mode is there to quench your thirst for more action. These game mechanics often make the players wonder about the max level in Elden Ring.

Therefore, this article explains the max level and guides you in achieving the character level cap.

  1. So actually it’s much better to go to the palace approach ledge road near Mohg and kill the bird to the right as you’re at the site of grace facing the wall(bottom of a cliff) away from the big headed blue-grey and red guys with clubs. You get 13,000 runes every time you kill it which only takes one arrow if you hit it(and you can use Target lock to do so) when you have the golden scarab talisman equipped. After killing him you can turn and take out some big headed guys for 3,000 each. Use a gold pickled fowl foot and the goes up to 17,000 for the bird, etc.

    LesleyGumGrass on April 6 |
    • this is also a great one

      KatoC on April 6 |
      • This post sucks, kill the elden beast get the sacred sword use the golden wave attack on just the enemy’s on the hill in mhogs area /ledge approach JUST once turn around and instantly hit the sight of grace rinse and repeat I’m on NG+7 averaging 160,000 runes per swipe (less than 10 seconds). Also to note if you overkill any enemy in Fromsoftware games you get 30% more soul/runes.
        So the sacred sword is holy damage make sure your stat is high to do at least 2500 damage to make this more simple here’s your load out.
        sacred sword
        golden scarab
        Alexander jar shard for 30% more damage
        gold pickle fowl foot/ need fowl feet can farm them easily from the penguins in the southern peninsula
        also in same area you need golden fireflies also find in the peninsula to the east side near a group of land octopuses.
        This post like I said is horrible screw this guy/AI chatGPT post he has no idea what he’s talking about.🙄

        none of your business on April 7 |
        • if you’re talking about the article it wasn’t supposed to focus on rune farming. appreciate the tip nonetheless

          KatoC on April 7 |