Where to Find Lightning Spear Elden Ring - Nerd Lodge
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Where to Find Lightning Spear Elden Ring

One of the Ancient Dragon Cult’s most devastating Incantations is the Lightning Spear in Elden Ring. It throws a summoned lightning spear from the direction of the caster. Elden Ring’s Lightning Spear is said to be an incantation that produces and launches a lightning projectile, causing massive damage to enemies. To boost its damage, use the Gravel Stone Seal. The Incantation costs 17 Faith points, and you can throw the Spear at your enemies from any given range.

Where to Find the Lightning Spear?

Travel to the south of Artist’s Shack and from there, go up to the Artichoke Grace and you’ll find a lone Leyndell knight close by, patrolling East Liurnia. Kill him to get the Dragon Cult Prayer Book.

Take the book to the Church of Vows and meet Miriel there. He is the Pastor of Vows, and all you need to do is give the book to him. After that, go to the Study Incantations bar on the top left of your screen, and you can get the Lightning Spear in Elden Ring Incantation for 6000 Runes.

If you do not wish to go to the Pastor, then you can visit Brother Corhyn. He can be found in the Table of Lost Grace. He will also hand you some powerful incantations, including the Lightning Spear in Elden Ring Incantation.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Does the Lightning Spear Spell Use?

The Lightning Spear Spell uses up to 17 Faith, 18 FP, 28 Stamina, and exactly 1 Memory Slot.

How Much Damage Can I Inflict If I Use the Lightning Spear?

If you lock on to the target and throw the projectile, it inflicts 1.45 times the Spell Buff of the catalyst as Lightning damage. However, if you are in a closer range to your target, you can inflict damage upto 1.15 times the Spell Buff of the catalyst as Lightning damage. Therefore, if you’re going to use this weapon, maintain your distance.

How Does the Lightning Spear Scale?

Lightning Spear is said to be one of the three powerful incantations in the Golden Cult Prayerbook — and indeed the game. It is scaled by Faith, and thus favored when going for a mage build.

Why Can’t I Use the Lightning Spear?

In Dark Souls, the Lightning Spear is said to be a Miracle. You need Special Weapons or Talismans that can cast Miracles, so if you don’t have one, you won’t be able to produce the incantation. 

Which Is Better: Death Lightning or Lightning Spear?

Lightning Spear is by far the best incantation to use to inflict massive damage to a single target. Due to its enhanced scalability, it is capable of scaling throughout the game. Compared to Death Lightning, Lightning Spear has proven to have better speed, damage, and improved tracking.

Is a Lightning Spear Build Better Than a Warrior Build?

Both have their own pros and cons, and the success of either depends entirely on your play style.