Elden Ring: Nepheli Loux Questline - Nerd Lodge
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Elden Ring: Nepheli Loux Questline

Elden Ring is a well-known name to any member of the gaming community. The game has received hordes of new players since its launch. If you enjoyed Dark Souls, then we can guarantee that you will find this game quite entertaining. Providing players with uncountable possibilities and pathways to pursue, the game is an open-world lover’s dream. At the same time, it can also be quite overwhelming for new players due to its numerous questlines. Today, we will focus on the Nepheli Loux Questline and provide our recommended method for completing it.

Head to Stormveil Castle

Elden Ring Nepheli Loux Questline - Stormveil Castle

Marked as the beginning of the Nepheli Loux questline, you will first find Nepheli at Stormveil. Although, you don’t need to speak to her here. This just helps when fighting the main boss.

East of the Liftside Chamber Site of Grace, you will find a flight of stairs. Go along that path and defeat the bird enemies until eventually reaching a small room on the right side. Nepheli will be there in front of a few barrels. Converse with her.

This will allow you to summon her during the fight against Godrick. A very helpful ally in the fight.

Nepheli Questline: Defeat Godrick

Elden Ring Nepheli Loux Questline - Godrick

In order to advance, you will have to win what could possibly be your first major Boss Battle in the game. You will have to attain victory against Godrick the Grafted, and you could check out our articles on that fight if you need help. Once you defeat Godrick, you will need to find Nepheli and talk to her again.

Where is Nepheli After Godrick?

In order to find Nepheli, warp to the Roundtable Hold and talk to Gideon — the hunched guy who wears a mask. Rest at the Roundtable Site of Grace and take the left path, where you will find Nepheli again. Collect the Arsenal Charm from her after conversing with her.

Can’t Find Nepheli?

Elden Ring Nepheli Loux Location

If you can’t find Nepheli you are likely at the Omenkiller portion of the Nepheli questline. You will find Nepheli at the Village of the Albinaurics. Nepheli goes here after the roundtable hold.

The Omenkiller Boss 

Omenkiller Boss

After completing the previously mentioned steps, venture out to the Village of Albinaurics. Beware of the several cliffs in the area. We advise you to rest at the Village of Albinaurics Site of Grace till nighttime and only afterward head east to find Nepheli again. She will be resting on a stone wall. Now you will have to defeat the Omenkiller Boss.

Tips on Defeating the Omenkiller Boss

It will seem like the Boss is inside the Cathedral of Manus Celes, but in reality, he is below the given location. Using your surroundings and your horse is the best way to easily deal damage. You will receive the Crucible Knot Talisman once you emerge victorious.

Return to Nepheli

You will find her at Roundtable Hold this time. Go through the flight of stairs found on the path right of the Blacksmith to see her standing against a wall. Speak to her, but do not give her the Potion from the Seluvis Questline. Doing so will end the quest at this stage.

Retrieving the Stormhawk King

Go talk to Gideon and gain information regarding Nepheli before returning to her and talking to her again. At this point, you’ll need to go to the Four Belfries Area. Climb the tower beside the Site of Grace and retrieve the Swordstone Key from the chest there. Use the key to open the portal to a distant island near Limgrove and defeat the Boss. Retrieve the item and present it to Nepheli.

Last but not Least

Morgott The Omen King

This is probably the hardest part of the entire questline. Prepare yourself accordingly and do not rush into the boss fight with Morgott, The Omen King. This Boss has been known to be extremely challenging even for seasoned players. We recommend that you focus on upgrading yourself. Only continue once you are completely ready.

The Final Visit

Once you have defeated Morgott, head to Nepheli for one last time. You will find her at Stormville Castle, in a circular room near the Site of Grace. Do keep in mind that Kenneth’s questline needs to be completed for this. Furthermore, Maliketh also needs to be alive. Talk to her to receive the Elden Ring Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones, and you will have completed the Nepheli Loux Questline in its entirety.