XP or Experience Points is an important in-game resource in the Bloons franchise. You need to gain a lot of XP for each type of tower and hero to upgrade them and unlock higher Tiers. Until BTD 5, you gained +1 XP for each Bloon popped by your monkeys. However, this system has changed in the latest BTD 6.
So, the question is, how does XP work in BTD6? Well, each round offers a fixed amount of XP, which is distributed among the different types of towers used in that round. Furthermore, the distribution system also depends on how much money you spend on your towers. Still confused? Read this article to get a grip on the whole concept.
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How Does XP Work in BTD6?

If you are an experienced Bloons player, you might have some idea about these mechanics. In previous games, you gained +1 XP per Bloon popped in each round. However, in the case of BTD6, you gain a fixed amount of XP for each round. These XPs are then distributed among the different types of towers in BTD6 deployed in each round. The amount of XP that each tower receives depends on how much money you spend on each tower.
For example, if you spend $300 on 2 towers, by spending $100 on tower A and $200 on tower B, the XP distribution will change. In this case, tower A will receive 10 points, whereas Tower B will get 20 points. Similarly, if you spend $100 on tower A and $100 on tower B, the XP will be equally distributed among the 2 towers. You can learn more about this concept in the BTD6 XP guide on the official wiki.
How to gain maximum XP for towers?
Now that you understand a little bit about the XP system, the next task is to use it to control your XP gain. Firstly, the XP gain mainly depends on your battle strategies. For instance, if you focus on a single tower while playing a hard round, you can easily grind up to Tier 4 or 5 in just a few rounds.
So, it means that if you buy several copies of the same type of tower, the tower will receive all of the XP points. Similarly, if you deploy more than one type of tower, the XP gain will depend on how much money you spend on each type of tower.
How to gain XP for heroes?
Surprisingly, the XP system is different for towers and heroes. In other words, the number of heroes and towers that you deploy in each round doesn’t really affect the XP gain for each of these. So, feel free to use as many heroes as you wish when you only want to focus on the tower XP gain. Similarly, if you want to focus on the XP gain for heroes in BTD6, you can deploy as many types of towers as you like.
Lastly, if you wish to gain maximum XP for both towers and heroes, you should deploy only one type of each of them. Let’s say you buy 2 towers and 2 heroes of the same category; in this case, both will receive maximum XP for the round. However, the same can’t be said about Freeplay rounds, as they yield the least amount of XP in BTD6.
How to grind XP in BTD6?
The XP gained from each round in BTD6 mainly depends on the type of towers and heroes deployed in the field. So, if you wish to grind maximum XP for a specific type of tower, you should place as many copies as possible of that tower near the track to gain maximum XP. Similarly, if you want to grind the XP for your heroes, you should follow the same strategy but replace heroes with towers.
What if you don’t need as many towers?
As mentioned earlier, your XP gain mainly depends on how much money you spend on each type of tower. So, if you are looking for the fastest way to gain XP, you should deploy as many towers as possible, even if your strategy doesn’t need them. This way, your towers will gain extra XP just by sitting idle out in the field.
Does popping Bloons gain XP in BTD6?
Previously, you gained +1 XP per Bloon popped until BTD5. However, this system has changed drastically in the new BTD6. Now, each round offers a fixed amount of XP, regardless of how many Bloons you pop. In other words, popping Bloons doesn’t really give your extra XP in BTD6.
The XP system in BTD6 is very different from what you have experienced in the previous games. Instead of getting XP for popping Bloons, you get a fixed amount of XP for each round. These XP points are then distributed among the towers deployed in that round. Hopefully, this article has explained everything about how does XP work in BTD6.