How to Get the Can Opener Sons of the Forest - Nerd Lodge
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How to Get the Can Opener Sons of the Forest

Unlike other survival games where you craft everything by hand, Sons of the Forest is a survival game that forces you to scavenge and locate many of the more useful tools in the world.

One of the essential items that players need to see in the game is the can opener. This blog post will explore how to get the can opener in Sons of the Forest.

Why is the Can Opener Important?

The can opener is an essential item in Sons of the Forest. The game is about survival; players must find food to keep their hunger levels up. However, you’ll come across canned goods, and players need a can opener to open them.

In the early game, players will struggle to find food without a can opener, and their health will suffer. Therefore, it is crucial to find the can opener as soon as possible in the game.

How to Get the Can Opener in Sons of the Forest?

How to Get the Can Opener in Sons of the Forest?

The can opener is not an item that players can find easily. It is hidden in the game, and players must thoroughly explore the forest to find it. Here are the two locations where players can find the can opener:

Location One: The Beach

The first location where you can find the can opener in Sons of the Forest is on the beach. This location is close to the spawn point, making it easy to access. When you arrive at the beach, head to the right-hand side by the rocks.

There, you will find the can opener washed ashore. However, you may have already missed it. Don’t worry; there’s another location where you can find the can opener.

Location Two: The Snowy Mountains

The second location where you can find the can opener in Sons of the Forest is in the snowy mountains. To get to this location, you must navigate the wilderness, which can be challenging. However, it’s worth it, as the snowy mountains hold a wealth of resources.

Once you reach the snowy mountains, look for a red tent in the snowy region of the Sons of the Forest map. If you need help spotting the red tent, look for a frozen pond near the cave entrance. Besides the can opener, you’ll also find some green bags and other items you can loot for other valuable materials and resources, including canned food.

How to Use the Can Opener in Sons of the Forest?

How to Use the Can Opener in Sons of the Forest?

Once you have the Can Opener, you’ll need to know how to use it. You must have a can of food in your inventory to use the Can Opener. If you don’t have one, you can find cans of food scattered around the game world. Once you have a can of food, here’s what you need to do:

Step 1: Open your inventory

Completely open your inventory with the ‘I’ button (until you have adjusted the keybind). This will give you access to all the items you’ve collected.

Step 2: Right-click the Can Opener and Canned Food

Once your inventory is open, right-click on a tin of Canned food and the Can Opener. This will place both items in the crafting area in the center of your mat.

Step 3: Combine the items

Press the cog icon to ‘combine’ the items, and a short animation will play. Congratulations, you’ve successfully opened the can with your Can Opener!

Eating Canned Food

Now that you’ve opened the can, you can access its contents through your inventory. Just be warned, it might not be the most appetizing thing in the world.


In short, Sons of the Forest is an immersive survival horror game that requires players to gather resources, build shelters, and fend off enemies to survive.

  • The can opener is an essential tool that allows players to open canned food, which is a valuable resource in the game.
  • The can opener is hidden in the game, and players must explore the forest thoroughly to find it.

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