How to Get to Deeproot Depths? Elden Ring - Nerd Lodge
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How to Get to Deeproot Depths? Elden Ring

Elden Ring features a massive open world that seems to expand endlessly no matter where you explore. For instance, you can spend countless hours exploring the high grounds and still miss several secret areas. It is mainly because the game’s underground sections are built on the same large scale as the main ground.

In this regard, the Deeproot Depths region is one of the best-hidden areas in the game. For instance, you can explore everything in sight and still miss the entrance to this optional location.

So, how to get to Deeproot Depths in Elden Ring? Well, this article will answer all your questions and explain the 2 paths leading to this area.

How to get to Deeproot Depths?

As mentioned earlier, Deeproot Depths is a well-hidden area in Elden Ring. There are 2 ways that lead to its entrance, and both of them require some complex mechanisms. You can go through Nokron or through the Subterranean Shunning Grounds.

Here are the two roads that you can take to reach Deeproot Depths in Elden Ring:

Through Nokron, Eternal City:

get to deeproot depths through nokron

The best way to reach Deeproot Depths is through Nokron, Eternal City. It is an underground region that you can only access after defeating Starscourge Radahn in Redmane Castle.

However, before you can initiate this boss fight, you must unlock Caelid and start the Radahn Festival.

After defeating this boss, head back to East Limgrave and travel to Mistwood after releasing Blaidd. The next steps will determine the outcome of your journey:

  • Enter through the star-struck hole in the ground and proceed on your Torrent until you find a tunnel.
  • Next, use the Winged Scythe method to get to the rooftops and carefully platform to the other side to reach Nokron, Eternal City.
  • After resting at the first Site of Grace, proceed east until you reach a fig gate.
  • At this point, strip yourself of everything, including armor and weapons, and enter the Mimic Tear Boss’s fight arena.
  • After defeating the boss, head through the Night’s Sacred Grounds and loot the Hidden Treasure of Nokron (for Ranni).
  • Next, go around the cliff in the Hallowhorn Grounds after dealing with Regal Ancestor Spirit.
  • Make your way through the Hallowhorn Grounds and drop down from the cave’s edge past the Aqueduct-Facing Cliffs Site of Grace to reach the Ancestral Woods / Siofra Aqueduct.
  • The next step is to make your way through the Aqueduct and defeat the Valiant Gargoyle Duo bosses near the Great Waterfall.
  • Finally, rest at Grace’s Great Waterfall Basin Site and interact with the nearby coffin. Doing so will trigger a cutscene in which the coffin travels upstream, and you will end up in Deeproot Depths.

Through Subterranean Shunning Grounds:

get to deeproot depths through Through Subterranean Shunning Grounds

The first method works well if you are in the mid-game phase. But things get a bit rough once you enter the endgame sequence after beating Maliketh, the Black Blade, at the end of Crumbling Farum Azula. At this stage, Lyndell becomes the Ashen Capital, and the whole city transforms into a lifeless dungeon.

So, if you wish to reach Deeproot Depths without revisiting Nokron, Eternal City, your only option is to travel through Subterranean Shunning-Grounds.

Here’s all you need to know about this method:

  • Activate the Ashen Capital Site of Grace after defeating Maliketh and return to Roundtable Hold.
  • Speak with Roderika, Hewg, and Jar Bairn before heading back to the Ashen Capital.
  • Next, go southwest on the rickety path from the Site of Grace on your Torrent until you reach the Subterranean Shunning Grounds.
  • After resting at the Grace, follow the pipes and clear Leyndell Catacombs and the Sewer Tunnel. Beware, you will face Esgar, Priest of Blood, at the end of these Catacombs.
  • The next step is a bit tricky as you must navigate through the Sewer Tunnels and locate the Forsaken Depths Site of Grace.
  • Here, you will find Mohg, the Omen’s fight arena, behind a fog gate. (if you have Mohg’s Shackle, the fight will be a bit easy).
  • After defeating the boss, navigate the wall behind the chest to find a hole, and move through this hole to find a secret passage.
  • This passage will lead you to the Frenzied Flame Proscription Site of Grace. After resting, go southeast to find another hole in the wall and pass through it to find another secret passage.
  • Follow the second passage to reach the Root-Facing Cliffs Site of Grace; this area marks the starting point of Deeproot Depths.


How to find the entrance to Deeproot Depths?

Deeproot Depths is an underground section in Elden Ring. It is a secret area that you can access in two ways. Firstly, you can interact with the coffin near the Great Waterfall Basin Site of Grace after defeating the Valiant Gargoyle Duo. Alternatively, you can also take the secret passage after defeating Mohg, the Omen, to reach the Root-Facing Cliffs Site of Grace.

Is the Deeproot Depths area included in Elden Ring’s critical path?

No, unlocking and clearing the Deeproot Depths region is completely optional in Elden Ring. In other words, you can complete the game’s main storyline without stepping into this area. However, if you wish to fully explore the Lands Between or learn more about the complex lore of the game, you should definitely consider exploring this secret region.

How many bosses are there in Deeproot Depths?

There are four major bosses in the Deeproot Depths region of Elden Ring. However, all of these bosses are optional and don’t contribute toward the completion of the main storyline. So, you can skip this area altogether to avoid fighting the bosses if you only wish to explore it.

However, confronting these bosses can prove valuable as they will all drop unique items.


The Deeproot Depths is a secret region in Elden Ring that you can only access after completing the mid-game sequence. However, the game doesn’t lead you directly to its entrance. So, players are often confused about getting in and out of this hidden location. Therefore, this article provides all the ways to get to Deeproot Depths in Elden Ring.