What is Saturation in Minecraft? - Nerd Lodge
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What is Saturation in Minecraft?

If you have been away from Minecraft for a while you probably haven’t heard of saturation and are wondering what is saturation and what does it do? Well, that’s exactly what I’m going to be telling you.

Really, What is Saturation?

Saturation is an effect that regenerates hunger points over time, similar to HP regeneration, except for your hunger bar. Every food in Minecraft has different levels of saturation which can determine how much of that food you have to eat. Cooked porkchop, for example, restores eight hunger points but 12.8 hunger saturation.

When you start doing things that affect your hunger, like running, you will first subtract from your saturation. So, the higher the saturated foods you eat, the longer you can perform actions.

Here is the formula.

Instantly replenishes 1 (hunger) × level and 2 × level points of saturation. If the effect is forced to last longer than one tick, it will increase hunger and saturation of each tick. Negative levels decrease hunger and saturation.

What Food has the Highest Saturation in Minecraft?

Both Steak and Cooked Porkchop offer the highest amount of food/saturation outside of special foods. Here is a quick list for you:

  1. Suspicious Stew (21.2)
  2. Golden Carrot (14.4)
  3. Steak/Porkchop (12.8)

As you can see it is way better to use Cooked Porkchop and Steak as they are more readily available. The Golden Carrot only gives you 14.4 saturation which is extremely close to the Steak/Porkchop.

If you want to know precisely the best foods in Minecraft with their saturation stats, check out our guide here.

How to See Saturation?

Saturation is an effect just like any other. To see it, go into your inventory, and you’ll see the effect on the left.

Saturation Minecraft
Courtesy of DigMinecraft

Sadly, you can’t see the exact value of your saturation, just the effect.


And that is our short guide on Saturation in Minecraft. There really isn’t a whole lot to it, if I’m being honest.