Borderlands 3 Gibbed Save Editor - Nerd Lodge
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Borderlands 3 Gibbed Save Editor

Ever since the Gib editor first came out for BL2 people have been using it to create the characters they have always wanted. However, with the release of Borderlands 3 people have been asking when the new Gibbed save editor is coming out. The answer to that might be a bit depressing.

Rick, or Gibbed, is the creator of the save editor and has made several versions for each of the Borderlands games. But sadly, because it isn’t really his job, he only devotes spare time to developing the BL3 save editor.

Obviously this isn’t the answer many are looking for. But he has said as early as last week, that he is still working on it, so there is hope.

Please keep in mind that because Borderlands 3 is being constantly updated it might take longer to create a working version.

I will be updating this page whenever new information comes out. Trust me, I will be using the save editor as soon as I can.