How Do You Get Cobblestone in 7 Days to Die? - Nerd Lodge
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How Do You Get Cobblestone in 7 Days to Die?

For most beginners, it’s a bit hard to get Cobblestone in 7 Days to Die. This is mainly because it is their first time crafting this block. This is mainly used to upgrade the structure of your base for more protection against zombies.

Cobblestone Blocks are made from Cobblestone Rocks which are obtained from the pallets. Once you have the Cobblestone Rocks, you can use them to craft various items. One of the best uses of it is Cobblestone Block.

This guide covers everything regarding the Cobblestone. Whether it’s the Cobblestone Rock or Cobblestone Block. Keep on reading to find out everything about them. So, let’s start our guide.

Getting Cobblestone in 7 Days to Die

Most of the natural resources such as stones, rocks, wood, and oil are found by mining and harvesting. But that does not apply to Cobblestone. This can only obtained by looting it from the pallets.

What you need to do is look for the pallets around the cities that are wrapped in blue. These pallets contain the Cobblestone Rocks that can be obtained by harvesting the pallets with a Shovel.

Now, you should have a Shovel already crafted or else you cannot harvest it from the pallets. If you don’t have a shovel then you can craft an Iron Shovel with the following items.

  • 16x Forged Iron
  • 10x Wood
  • 2x Leather
  • 2x Duct Tape

These items are needed for the lowest quality of Iron Shovel. This shovel has 4 more levels that are much more efficient.

Once you have spotted the blue-wrapped pallets, start hitting them with your shovel and you will obtain Cobblestone Rocks in your inventory. These pallets are found in most of the building areas. You can also look for them in the construction sites such as the buildings that are under construction.

Finding these pallets shouldn’t be hard. However, there are a few different types of pallets. One of them also contains Cement. But that’s a different type of pallet. The one you are looking for is wrapped up in blue packaging.

Using Cobblestone Rocks

How Do You Get Cobblestone in 7 Days to Die - forge station

Cobblestone Rocks have only two uses in 7 Days to Die. Both of these uses are important. One of the uses will get you Cobblestone Block and the other will get you a Forge Station. Both of these items are great for your journey.

The Forge Station is most useful here because this station is required to craft many important items. And you may be unable to make progress without having Forge Station at your base.

Here are the recipes.

  • Cobblestone Blocks can be crafted using 10x Cobblestone Rocks.
  • Forge Station can be crafted using 50x Cobblestone Rocks, 1x Wood Log, 10x Leather, 3x Duct Tape, and 3x Short Iron Pipe.

And there you have both of the items that are crafted with Cobblestone Rocks.

Forge Station should be your first priority as soon as it gets unlocked and you have all the needed items. This will allow you to craft items such as Bulletproof Glass, Cement, Cooking Grill, Forged Iron, Forged Steel, Glass Block, Iron Bars, Lead, Small Stone, Steel Arrowhead, and other items.

The next item which is the Cobblestone Block, is mainly used for the construction of your base. You may already have built your base with wooden blocks or stone blocks and now you are planning to upgrade it then this Cobblestone Block should be your priority.

How do I Get Cobblestone Rocks in 7 Days to Die?

Getting these rocks is quite easy and there is only one way to do that. You only have to look for the pallets around the city that are covered in blue wrap. These pallets contain Cobblestone Rocks which can be harvested.

In order to harvest them you will need to make use of Shovel. It could be any shovel a Stone Shovel, Iron Shovel, or any other. Once you start harvesting it from the pallets you will get the Cobblestone Rocks in your inventory.

Is Cobblestone Good 7 Days to Die?

Cobblestone is a good resource. You can use it to make the Forge Station which is quite a nice station to have at your base as it gives access to many new and useful recipes. Also, you can make Cobblestone Blocks with Cobblestone Rocks.

This is good for your base. If you are currently on wooden blocks then you should consider upgrading these blocks to Cobblestone for extra protection.

That’s everything for the How Do You Get Cobblestone 7 Days to Die guide. So, you can actually get this Cobblestone by harvesting it from the blue-wrapped pallets. They contain Cobblestone which is obtained by harvesting it with a shovel.

Hopefully, this guide has helped you in getting Cobblestone. Stay connected with us for exciting and fun guides.