Where to Find Deathroot Elden Ring - Nerd Lodge
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Where to Find Deathroot Elden Ring

Gurranq is one of the NPCs you can find in Elden Ring. However, this is one of the most loved NPCs in the game, as he provides players with amazing items in exchange for Deathroot. As this item can be somewhat difficult to get, we are going to talk about where to find Deathroot in Elden Ring to make things easier for you. 

Where to Find Deathroot Elden Ring

Where to Find Deathroot Elden Ring

Deathroot in Elden Ring can be acquired by defeating the Tibia Mariners at Summonwater Village, Wyndham Ruins, East Liurnia of the Lakes, and at the ledge between Snow Valley Ruins Overlook and Castle Sol Main Gate. You can also find it in chests behind Black Knife Assassin and Cemetery Shade.

Elden Ring Deathroot Locations 

Unlike some of the other items in Elden Ring, there are only a few Deathroots that can be found in the Lands Between. At the time of writing, there are a total of nine Deathroots scattered across the lands, and all of them are hidden away at different locations. Some of them can be found in chests, while others can be acquired by defeating different bosses.

You can find all of the Deathroot locations in Elden Ring below.

First Four Detathroots 

The first Deathroot can be found in Summonwater Village, where you need to defeat a boss named Tibia Mariner. This village can be found on the northeast side of Limgrave. Upon defeating the Tibia Mariner, you will get rewarded with a Deathroot. To get the second one, you will need to go east of Liurnia of the Lakes where you will find another Tibia Mariner near the Artist’s Shack Site of Grace.

Where to Find Deathroot - 4 Deathroots

The third Tibia Mariner boss can be found in the Atlas Plateau, below the Wyndham Ruins. Here, you will find the boss on a boat. An important thing to remember is that compared to the Tibia Mariners mentioned above. So, this one is a little difficult to defeat as he can summon a Spirit during the fight. Therefore, make sure you are well-equipped before going near him.

The fourth and final Tibia Mariner can be found between the ledge of Castle Sol Main Gate and Snow Valley Ruins Overlook. Finally, eliminate it to get the fourth Deathroot.

Fifth Deathroot

The fifth Deathroot can be acquired by entering the Deathtouched Catacombs and fighting Black Knife Assassin. This boss isn’t easy to defeat, so it will be wise to wear one of the best armors against him. But, don’t worry, he isn’t as strong as Starscourage Radahn. After defeating the boss, you can find the Deathroot inside a chest behind him.

Fifth Deathroot in Elden Ring

Sixth Deathroot 

For the sixth Deathroot, you will need to go to Black Knife Catacombs and open a heavy door by interacting with the liver. Go through the door to face the Cemetery Shade boss. He won’t be the only threat in the room, as there are three skeletons who assist him in combat. But once you’ve eliminated all of them, including the boss, you can go to the end of the room to find the chest containing the Deathroot.

Cemetery Shade

Seventh and Eight Deathroot 

You will now need to head to Gelmir Hero’s Grave, where you can find the seventh Deathroot inside a chest after defeating the Red Wolf of the Champion. For the eight one, you will need to go inside Giant’s Mountaintop Catacombs, where the Ulcerated Tree Spirit will challenge you to a fight. Defeat him and then grab the Deathroot from a chest inside the boss arena. 

Ninth Deathroot 

To get the ninth and final Deathroot in Elden Ring, you will need to defeat the Stray Mimic Tear boss, who can be found inside a catacomb under the Hidden Path of Haligree. So, after defeating the boss, you can get the Deathroot from a chest.

Where to Find Deathroot Elden Ring - Hidden Path of Haligree

Final Words

This was everything you needed to know about where to find Deathroot in Elden Ring. We hope that our guide will help you find all of them quickly.